Asking ~39~

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Elphaba's POV

A few months later, I had arranged a dance at the OzDust ballroom. I invited some of our friends, humans and animals both. We would meet there for a so called cultish social gathering called a party. Then, after that, Glin and I would get some time alone so I could propose to her.

I woke up the morning of the party and was a mixture of nervous, giddy, exited, and scared all at the same time. I looked over at Glinda and she was still asleep. I was laying on my side, with my right arm wrapped around her waist. We were close together, sharing body warmth. I was grinning a lot, at least comparing to how much I grin on a normal day. I couldn't wait for tonight. I didn't want to get out of bed since it was cold so I just kept snuggling with Glin. I closed my eyes until I felt Glin start to roll over. "Good morning Elphie!" She said happily. "Good morning, my sweet," I said while trying to keep my excitement level down. I kissed her and we got out of bed.

Glinda's POV

I rolled out of bed and fell on the floor. Elphie giggled and picked me up. She kissed me on the forehead and put me on my feet. I hugged her and started looking in my vast closet for something to wear. "Hey Glin," I heard from behind me. "Yeah?" I asked while moving hangers of dresses and outfits around. "There's a party tonight at the OzDust ball that I'm hosting, will you be my date?" I heard her ask. "Of course Elphie!" I said while jumping into her arms. We hugged before I threw on an outfit and dragged Elphie out the door to the clothing stores. "We need to find some cute dresses!" I exclaimed. "Okay okay," I heard Elphie say behind me running along to catch up with me. I got to the store and started looking around frantically for something I could wear to the dance. "How in Oz can you run that fast in heels?" Elphie said while coming behind me. She was trying to catch her breath while I started piling up dresses in the shopping cart. "It comes with experience," I explained. We walked around the store for quite a while until we decided to try on some dresses. We walked into a nearby changing room and I started changing into a couple of dresses. After a couple of ticks of the Time Dragon Clock, we settled with a dress for me and a dress for Elphie. Mine was quite similar to the pink one I wore at the first ball for Shiz students. The skirt was poofy, and the top had lace on it. There were no straps, but instead, sleeves that were similar to the ones on my bubble dress. The sleeves were more sleek and off the shoulder, ending a couple of inches above my elbows. I didn't try it on yet, but I knew it was the perfect one to wear to the dance. Elphie chose one that was the same shape as her usual black dress, but it had mesh and lace sleeves. There were sequins dotting the end of the skirt and slowly dispersing while going up. It was a gradient from dark purple to black and had a strap to define the hips. She too, had not put it on yet but we knew it was going to be flawless. I was surprised when Elphie had everything already paid for. "Thank you Elphie," I said while almost attacking her in hugs. "Of course boo," She replied as we walked out of the store. We grabbed a bite to eat at a nearby café and then started walking back to the castle to get ready. We walked hand in hand to the castle and started to get ready. I went in the restroom to do my make up before I put on my dress. I took longer than usual to do my makeup since I wanted it to look like the makeup I did at Shiz. I slipped on the dress and it fit perfectly. I curled the ends of my hair and clipped my parted hair with the same flower hairpin.  I grabbed my mandatory purse and then I was ready. Except I couldn't zip up the dress.

Elphaba's POV

I put on the dress I bought and started to put my hair in a bun. I put on Glin's hat she gave me as it fit with the dress. I put on my black heel boots and waited for Glin to come out of the restroom. I pocketed the ring in my bag that I slung over my shoulder. She came out a few minutes later and I was stopped in my non-existent tracks. She looked exquisite and alluring, so I walked over to her slowly. I felt my face greenify, but I didn't care. I looked down at her stunning face and kissed her. "You look fascinating, my sweet," I whispered. "You too," She replied dreamily. "Can you zip me up," She asked and I shook my head out of the trance. "Sure," I said while she turned around and I zipped up her dress. We stood there until we heard the next tick of the Time Dragon Clock reminding us to get there soon. We took Glin's bubble, and I stepped in. I helped Glinda up and we wove our fingers together. We soon arrived to the OzDust ballroom. There were two people who opened the doors for us. I smiled and looked down at Glinda. She was skipping around into the ballroom with excitement. I giggled and everyone looked at us. We both walked up to the stage as many people moved to give us a path. I squeezed Glin's hand while we walked up hand in hand. "I would like to thank everyone for coming," I said while looking around at all of the animals and people in the crowd. "Now, let the party begin!" I said excitedly. People cheered and the music started playing. We danced the night away, along with eating food and singing. "I want to show you something," I whispered while leaning next to Glinda's ear during the slow dance. "Okay," She whispered back. I lead her up to the roof of the ballroom, where there was a small blanket and clear views up to the stars. "Look," She said while there was glowing specks of light flying through the sky. Glinda stared in awe at the meteor shower for a while and we went back down when everyone left. I put on 'Dancing Through Life' music and we started dancing the very same as we did at my very first party. My adrenaline was going crazy as I felt the small box in my pocket. "Hey Glin," I said nervously. "We've known each other for many years, you're the only friend I've ever had, and I just want to thank you," I said quietly and holding out my hands for Glinda to hold them. "Of course Elphie," She replied, almost whispering. "And um- I would just like to say, well," I said nervously with my heart pounding inside my chest. I got the box in hand and got on one knee. "If I could have the honor of being your wife," I said shaking. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. There isn't a second I don't want to be with you," I said slowly as she covered her mouth with her hands. "You're the most sweet, compassionate, lively person I've ever known," I said while opening the ring box and holding her hand. "So, Glinda Arduenna Upland," I said while shaking. "Will you be my wife?"

A/N: HAAAA GOTCHA. You'll have to wait till tomorrow! Or maybe the next day after that because I'm going back home from vacation. Sorry! (Not sorry) Love you guys!

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