Reuniting ~54~

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Glinda's POV

I came over the edge of the trial arena in my bubble. Chistery and his friends were flying behind me. I started shouting before I turned it into a high pitched singing note. Everyone there turned their heads and stared at me. Even the Gale Force stopped dragging Elphie for a moment. "Glinda dear," Madame Morrible said with a wicked smile growing on her face. "Let the green bean go," I said while pointing my wand promptly at them. "Glinda dear, remember you don't want to intimidate me," She said while pointing to the sky. I shifted a bit but kept pointing my wand at her. The Gale Force continued to bring Elphie closer to the large tank of water and I slowly started panicking. She stared at me while trying to get as far away to the tank as possible. Chistery and the other monkeys were swarming above us like a group of vultures. The Gale Force held Elphie next to the water and tied her next to the tank while I stared daggers at Madame Morrible. The Gale Force backed up Madame Morrible and pointed their guns at me. I pointed my wand away and Madame Morrible put down her hand. "May I ask you why you're sentencing Elphaba to death?" I asked while walking up to Madame Morrible. "Because she is responsible for the mutilation and murder of Boq," Madame Morrible snapped.

Elphaba's POV

I stared at the giant tank of water and then back at the argument. "Of course you wouldn't know that since you never had what it took. You were too occupied by yourself," She spat as Glinda stood back. I felt the rope around my wrists heating up. "No I-" "And now Boq's dead because of you harboring that wicked witch," Madame Morrible interrupted while walking closer and closer to Glin. The ropes started burning and I stared at them. "Boq is gone and now everyone knows why!" She announced.

Glinda's POV

I was backed up into a corner as I started tearing up. Madame Morrible was shouting at me but then I heard a voice. "He's right here!" Elphie said while gesturing her hand while an invisible force opened the doors to the dungeon. A moment of silence sounded before a person was pushed out by the invisible force. It was Biq and I stared at him. Many gasps echoed through the crowd. "I believe that's all the proof you need," I said slyly. The Gale Force turned around and started running towards Elphie. She slowly started pushing each of them away with a simple wave of her hand. "That's my girl," I whispered proudly. Madame Morrible stared at her as she approached us. I looked at the dungeons and saw the Wizard. Elphie followed my movements and saw him too. She waved her hand and he was pushed out in the same fashion as Boq. Elphie kept walking past Madame Morrible and we linked hands. "Now, as the Witch Wives of Oz, we would like you to leave," I said firmly. Elphie squeezed my hand and Chistery and his friends dove down and grabbed all three people. They lifted them up in the air and sat them on an invisible object or creature. Soon, they zoomed off, about as fast as Elphie's broom. "Care to explain?" I asked while smiling at Elphie. "They're riding Thestrals. Bat-like winged horses that are invisible to anyone who hasn't seen death," She explained. "My sister and I would go out to the forest and see them when we were little. The thestrals are taking them to a highly-protected prison called Azkaban. It's around Diagon Alley," She explained. "How did they know you were here?" I asked. "I had a little help from an old friend," She replied while gesturing someone to come out. I watched the door for a moment and noticed someone was coming out into the light. It was Nessarose. "Nessa?" I asked as Elphie nodded. We all embraced and Neesa squinted. "This has been the first time I've seen the sun since that twister," She said. I gasped in surprise. "Oh my Oz I forgot to tell you something," Elphie said in one quick breath. "What?" She said back. "You're Glinda's Sister in Law now," Elphie said while pulling me close to her. "Wait really?!" Nessa said exited. "Yeah!" I said while she hugged Elphie. "I'm proud of you, Elphaba," She said giving me a hug after. "You can stay with us until you can find a new house... I think yours is kind of destroyed," I offered. "Well thank you But I'll be fine with the house my Father had before we moved into the destroyed one," She said. "I'm sorry about him," She said while looking at the three black specks in the sky that were quickly disappearing. "For trusting that dimwitted Boq of a person," She said while rolling her eyes. I laughed and looked at Elphie. "Well we should be going home soon, we need to get your oils," I said while looking at her tear-burned face. "Let's have lunch sometime, maybe next week?" Nessa offered. "Sure," We agreed after nodding promptly. We sent Nessa home in my bubble while Elphie grabbed her broom that sat near the door. The Gale Force left the arena after being un-bound and I got on Elphie's broom. I held onto her waist and we took off towards the castle. We landed shortly after on the balcony and opened the door. I handed the Grimmerie back to Elphie and she looked at me. "Why did you have this on you?" She asked as I opened the door to the balcony. "I used one of the spells to unlock the deadbolt on the door," I said while pointing to the metal pieces laying on the ground. Elphie celebrated and hugged me. "I knew you could do it," She said as I smiled and got ready for bed. We hugged for a long time before getting under the covers. "I love you Dearest," I said while hiding my face in the crook of her neck. "I love you too, my sweet," She replied while kissing my forehead.

A/N: I fixed it yaaaaaay. Hope you enjoyed! A new chapter will be out tomorrow. Love you all!!

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