Playbills ~48~

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Elphaba's POV

I got into a simple black dress that that came down to my feet. It dragged on the ground a little bit but not enough to trip me. I wore my hair down and made it wavy halfway down. I was putting on my shoes while Glinda came out of the restroom. She was wearing a light pink dress with that ended right above her knees. It was strapless, with a pink strap defining her hips. I blushed and walked up towards her. I kissed her and we held hands as we walked out of the door.  We took Glinda's bubble to the restaurant and gracefully landed. We walked into the the restaurant and sat down at a table. We looked at the menu and I decided to order some fried rice with vegetables. Glinda ordered some salad and soup. We waited for a while and sent cheesy pick-up lines at each other. I giggled as our food came and we started eating. I finished my food first and I ordered some gelato for both of us. I ate a bit and gave the rest to Glin. We finished eating about a half a tick before the play started, so we got on our way. We hopped inside Glinda's bubble again and rode to the theatre. We landed and got in line to enter while holding hands. We approached the doors and turned in our tickets. We looked around the theatre and got our playbills as we walked inside. We got to our seats and got settled. We were going to watch a play about two girls who fell in love. We thought it was appropriate for the occasion and started watching. I read through the playbill quickly, while the actors started to sing. I held her hand throughout the first act and when intermission came, we got up and got a snack. I ate a small bag of chips while Glin went to the restroom. We sat down after ten minutes and settled in. The second act started and I squeezed Glinda's hand. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I smiled. The second act finished and we left. "Hey Elphie?" Glinda asked as we started going up the stairs of the theatre. "Yes?" I replied maneuvering in between a couple of people. "Can we go to the stage door?" She asked while following closely behind me. "Sure!" I said excitedly. We both loved the show, so this would be a good wrap-up. We walked towards the stage door and waited. I got a little nervous about my green skin but I ignored it. A few moments later, the cast walked out and I froze up a bit. They instantly all looked at me and I turned around. Glinda rubbed me on the back and I stared away. "Excuse me, are you Elphaba?" One asked. It was the lead actor and I turned around slowly. "Oh- hi," I said nervously. "No need to be ashamed, we understand," She said as the other actors nodded. "Thanks," I said. Glinda happily hugged me. "See Elphie, we are all here for you," She said while squeezing me tight. I smiled and asked them to sign my playbill. They already knew us since... well I'm the green one and Glinda's good.

Glinda's POV

No one cared about Elphie's skin, which made me happy about that. I got my playbill signed by everyone and we left. I smiled while we walked towards my bubble. Elphie put her arm around my waist as we hopped into the bubble. I giggled and we rose into the air. We started to fly over the city and towards the little cabin. The city was beautiful from above, with all of its lights illuminated. We landed at the little cabin near the beach and hopped down. We put our playbills inside and then came back out. We walked along the beach for a while before we went inside. The moon was coming just over the horizon, little less than full, while Elphie walked close to the water. It made a beautiful silhouette of Elphie and I smiled. We walked back to the cabin after that and I decided to take a shower. I walked into the restroom and after I finished my shower, I brushed my hair. I heard a knock on the door and opened it. "Can I come in?" She asked as I started brushing my teeth. I nodded and she walked in. She started brushing her long ebony hair and brushed her teeth. I got into my night gown while Elphie got in her sweatpants. She taught me a little but of the Grimmerie and I enjoyed having that time with her. She taught me a spell and I giggled. I always liked it when she taught me spells. Maybe it was the spell, maybe it was Elphie. She sat against the wall so I shifted myself and laid my head in her lap. She blushed and I smirked. "Who's the blushy mess now?" I asked  smugly. She rolled her eyes sarcastically and I giggled. I laid on my side and faced away from her. She read for a while until I felt a hand on my chin. I turned towards her and she looked down at me. She craned over and kissed me on the head before putting down her book and I sat up. I hugged her for a while. "I'm glad I'm your wife," I said quietly while putting my head on her shoulder. She patted my back and looked straight at me. "The pleasures all mine," She whispered back before kissing me on the head. We got up and slipped under the covers. I faced away from Elphie as she turned off the lamp. I hid under the covers and I felt a hand on my waist. I felt a slight shift and then felt Elphie's body against my back. "You're warm," I said quietly. I heard Elphie giggle and wrap her arm around my stomach. I smiled to myself and felt Elphie's breath on my neck. "Goodnight my sweet," I heard Elphie say. "Goodnight, wifey," I said. Dear Oz, I've wanted to say that for a while.

A/N: Haaaaaa I added a little 'The Prom' musical easter egg in there. A new chapter will be out soon. Love you all!

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