Out ~30~

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Elphaba's POV

I squeezed Glinda's hand in anticipation of what they would say. I could see that she was holding her breath looking up at them. Suddenly, their shocked faces turned into smiles. "Congratulations Dear!" They said as they got up from the table to do a family hug. "We love you no matter what," They continued. I had an idiotic smile plastered on my face for Glinda. They then went to hug me too, which caught me by surprise. I smiled at Glin and immediately got ahold of her hand. We intertwined fingers and sat back down. The rest of the stay was sort of peaceful. Some small talk woven into talking about how long Glinda and I were dating. Soon, it was time to leave so we got up and said our goodbyes. They left and we got in the bubble. "You did it," I said smiling at her. "We both did," She said back. I kissed her and we soon came across the green hue of the Emerald City. We flew over to the castle and landed on the balcony. I hugged Glin and we both walked inside. We changed out of our fancy clothes. I read the Grimmerie for a while until I felt Glin tapping my shoulder. "Yes?" I asked as she tapped on my shoulder. "Come on! Let's do something," She begged looking down at me. "Okay fine," I said getting up from the chair. I walked with her down into town and we went to a couple of shops. "Glin look at this," I said pointing to a book store. "Elphie if we go in there we'll be there for hours. How about we go here instead?" She said pointing to a clothing store. "Speak for yourself," I said playfully. "How about we go to our favorite stores and come back in a couple of hours. We'll meet at this bench," She said while pointing to a bench. "Okay," I replied walking towards the book store. I picked out a couple books and settled myself in a corner to read. I started getting comfortable when someone came up to me. I didn't want to talk to them so I kept reading. They didn't move for a solid ten minutes so I decided I had enough of it. "May I help you?" I hissed as I clapped the book shut. They looked directly at me then walked away. I narrowed my eyes and continued reading. I read through two books when it was time to go meet Glin. I got up and left the books on the table. I walked out the door and sat down on the bench. I waited for a half an hour but she never showed up. I assumed that she was still looking at some dresses or other articles of clothing so I reluctantly went into the clothing store. I walked inside and looked around. A lot of dresses and glitter. It looked absolutely Glinda-fied. I walked around through the blinding white shelves looking for her.

Glinda's POV

I walked into the my favorite clothing store and picked out a couple of outfits I liked. I got some matching pride clothes too for Elphie and I. I decided to try something on in the changing room. It was a pink dress similar to my old one but was a light pink. I tried it on but decided not to get it after looking in the mirror for a few minutes. I came out and started getting my things together when I saw a man staring at me. "Hello?" I asked looking at him sitting on one of the seats outside as I put my heels on. He didn't say anything but I just ignored him. He walked closer to me but gladly I was gathering my stuff up to purchase. Then he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I backed up until I hit the wall and two other men came out. Luckily, none of them were Biq or Fiyero. But they were still surrounding me. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there while they kept staring at me. One of them reached out their hands to me but I just stood still. The middle one put his hand on my shoulder and I flinched. I knew if I even attempted to kick one of them they could easily over power me. He put his other hand on my waist and I shivered. I thought about calling Elphie so I opened my mouth but no sound escaped. I didn't know what to do as I felt his hand move down from my waist and onto my hip. I started hyperventilating and tearing up when I heard a loud sound. "LET HER GO!" I heard Elphie scream moving her hands. All three were thrown onto the ground by an invisible force and before I understood what was happening, I felt Elphie grab my hand and drag me out of the store. "Glin you okay?!" She asked while holding my hand in a tight grasp as we started walking back to the castle. "I couldn't do anything," I said almost crying. When we got back to the castle we ran in and locked the door behind us. "One of those men were looking at me too," She said. We walked up to my room and we sat down. Elphie looked at me with her deep brown eyes. "Did they hurt you?" She asked in a rather serious tone. "No, but I feel like they were going to," I replied hugging her. "It'll be okay," I she said while kissing me on the forehead. I crumpled up into a ball in her arms still shaking after what happened. Elphie rubbed my back and held my hand while I cried. I tried to keep my tears off of her but some still fell and left burns. After I felt a little better, I got the bottle of silvery liquid and applied it to the burns. She smiled and I put our lips together.

A/N: Sorry if the plot seemed a little weird. I'm running out of ideas but that's okay. Thanks for reading! New chapter will be out tomorrow.

Boo! ~ Gelphie Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें