Parents ~29~

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Glinda's POV

I looked over at Elphie and smiled. She looked back at me with a bit of worry in her eyes. "Did Fiyero hurt you much?" She asked squeezing my hand. "He knocked me out cold," I said. "Does your head still hurt?" I heard her ask as we flew in the direction of the Emerald City. "A bit," I replied while we landed on the castle balcony. She held my hand and I hopped out of the bubble. We both got ready for bed and cuddled a little right before we both fell fast asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to seeing Elphie reading a book on the sofa. "Good morning Elphie!" I said while stretching. "Good morning Boo," She replied. I blushed a light shade of pink and I slipped out from under the covers. I was getting my clothes out of the closet when I remembered something that I had planned before all of this. "Hey Elphie," I said staring at the wardrobe. "Yes, my sweet?" She replied. "I was thinking... of coming out to my parents," I continued. She said nothing for a moment but suddenly I felt to arms wrap around my stomach. "Whatever makes you happy, my sweet," She said leaning her head on my shoulder. "I'll support you in anything you do," She continued. I smiled and turned around to kiss her. "When were you planning to tell them?" She asked. "I made arrangements for today," I said. "Alright," She replied. "We'll meet in a café in the Upper Uplands at twelve-thirty," I said while picking out the dress I was going to wear. Elphie got into one of her more formal dresses and I got into mine. I blushed at what Elphie was wearing. It was a deep purple dress, with sleeves that ended mid-forearm. It was simple and elegant and very form-fitting which made me blush even more. "Let's take my bubble," I said after doing my makeup. Elphie nodded and we hopped in. We flew into the air and soon were in sight of the Upper Uplands. I grabbed Elphie's hand out of nervousness. "Elphie, I'm scared," I said while shaking a little. "Glin it's going to be okay. I'm here with you, supporting you, okay?" She replied while looking at me. I nodded nervously and she squeezed my hands. We landed a couple of minutes later and we both got out of the bubble. We approached the café holding hands. My parents were already there so I let go of Elphie's hand reluctantly. I stood outside the door shaking. "Elphie, this is the first time I've seen my parents in a while," I said while looking at my twitching hand. "I don't know how they're going to react to me let alone me being how I am," I said with worry flowing over my face. "Elphie, I'm scared. They're both very nice people but they left me out as a child... and well Popsicle left for a solid few mont-" I started rambling before I felt Elphie's lips against mine. "Glinda it's going to be okay," She assured with a quick kiss on the forehead. We walked in and there they were. My Momsie and Popsicle.

Elphaba's POV

We got dressed for meeting Glinda's parents. I was a little nervous but I ignored it. I got in one of my more professional dresses and let my hair down. I blushed a deep emerald green when seeing Glinda though. She had gentle twists in her hair bouncing off her shoulders with each step she took. She was wearing a gradient blue dress with some matching blue accent barrettes. It flowed along with her body and hugged her curves. Her dress ended mid-thigh, with some sequins at the bottom. She was wearing blue heels that raised her up an inch or so. We left for the café in her bubble and she was clearly nervous. I tried to comfort her as much as I could. We landed at the café and I gave her a kiss. I gave her hand a squeeze as we walked in and sat down with her parents. I started shaking a little as well because I didn't know how they'd react to me. "Glinda dear!" They said giving her hugs and kisses on the cheek. "And you must be Miss Elphaba," Her mom said while giving me a hug to my surprise. "Yes ma'am," I replied. "We've heard a lot about you," Glinda's dad said as I sat down and looked at Glinda. She blushed at me and I held her hand under the table. It was just small catch up talk until we ordered. The menu was partly vegan, which made me happy. I ordered some pasta with a salad while Glin ordered some soup. "Glinda, we have something to tell you," Her mother said. She looked promptly at them with wide eyes. "The reason why your father left for so long," She said while I squeezed her hand. "Well, it wasn't because of a fight like we told you. It's because he was almost fatally ill," She continued. "He could've infected us both, so he needed treatment. That's why I was so busy and couldn't spend a lot of time with you," She explained. "I'm sorry," She finished. Glinda was almost brought to tears and I rubbed her hand. "It's okay, I understand," She said with a forgiving tone. She hugged both of them and I could already tell that they were a lot closer. "And what about your family?" They asked to my surprise. "Unimportant," I said fidgeting with my dress. Luckily, they didn't ask about my parents anymore. We talked about Shiz and our classes we had together. They were just as cheerful as Glinda. I smiled and turned to Glinda. Our food arrived and we started eating. When it came to an awkward silence, Glin looked up from her food. "Momsie, Popsicle, I need to tell you something," She said. I felt her hand shaking and I squeezed it. "I don't want you to think of me differently. Because I'm still me, I'm still Glinda," She said slowly. She was shaky now and started getting teary-eyed. "Because I'm... gay," She said squeezing my hand tightly. "And Elphaba here is well.... my girlfriend," She said.

A/N: Thanks for reading! A new chapter will be out soon.

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