Design ~43~

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Elphaba's POV

A few months later, we had gotten some more planning done. The only thing left was to choose what we would wear. We went to a dress store but didn't find much. We walked around for a long time looking for what we would wear but couldn't find anything that fit our style. "Hey Glin," I said while walking next to her. "Yes?" She asked while putting her hand on her head out of frustration. "I have a distant idea," I said hoping that it would work. "What is it?" She asked perking up for any suggestion. "Well, we know each other better than anyone else," I said as she nodded for more information. "And I was thinking," I said while stopping to look over at her. "Oh come on Elphie just tell me!" She urged. "If we could design each others dresses," I said quickly. "I mean if you don't want to, that's fi-" I started before I felt Glin kiss me. "I love that idea," She said softly while I looked into her sky blue eyes. "You do?" I asked. "Yes of course, Elphie," She assured. I smiled and we ran back home. We both started drawing dress ideas for each other. I settled down on the couch holding a sketchpad in my hand while thinking of what her dress should look like. I strained my brain for quite a while until an idea finally popped into my head. I started doodling the layout of the dress on the sketchbook. It would be a light blue to white gradient, with a large skirt going down to her mid-thighs. Then there would be a transparent mesh layer over that with a blue trim, that ended at her ankles. I made it so the mesh could be taken off so she could dance without tripping over it afterwards. The top would wrap around her neck with no sleeves or straps. There would be a low cut part on the backside, exposing her upper back. It had sparkles all over the top too, matching the colors. She would have a white crown and a long train, no longer than three feet after it hit the ground. I stared at my drawing in satisfaction and decided to check on Glinda. We wanted to make our dresses a surprise for each other so I knocked on the door. "Hey Glin, I'm going to turn in my drawing to the designer," I said while pressing my ear to the door to hear a response. "Okay!" I heard with a cheerful tone. "I'm almost done," I listened. I walked out of the door and went to the dress designer to turn in the picture. It already had all the measurements on it to make sure it would fit perfectly and I explained all of the coloring. Just as I finished explaining, Glinda came in with her sketchbook. "I'll see you back at home, boo," I said while walking next to her. She smiled and nodded while I walked out the door. I sat down on the couch as I saw Glinda in her bubble coming this way. She approached the castle and landed while I opened the door.

Glinda's POV

I designed Elphie's dress in my room. I grabbed a sketchpad and pencil while sitting down at the desk. I decided to design Elphie's dress a lot like her usual black one, but with a little bit of sparkle. It was the same shape and size, but I decided to add a little bit of classic Glinda. The top would be completely covered in lace, and then it would stop at the waistline. Then I used the same feathered texture for the skirt as her own black one with some purple and blue highlights. It would have a train but instead of being attached to a head piece, it would be wrapped around her shoulders like a cloak. It would drag on the ground but not too much. The sleeves were translucent with lace and mesh, with sequins to liven it up. I heard a knock on the door. Elphie told me she was going to the designers by then and I told her I was almost done. I added a note that it would have silk on the inside, so it would be easy for Elphie to maneuver in. I added Elphie's hat to finish the drawing off. I made my way to the designers and met Elphie there. She was just finishing up at the shop and I went up to the counter. I described the colors and what I wanted them to look like. I got the measurements and turned it in. Then, I hopped into my bubble and went home. When I got there, Elphie opened the door for me and we hugged.

The next week, both of the dresses were ready for us. I walked into the separate room that I was assigned to and was exited to see the dress that Elphie had drawn out for me. The curtain was pulled back and I saw a beautiful dress sparkling in the light. I stood in amazement as I remembered Elphie drew this. I rushed in speechless and felt it for the first time. It had a smooth top but a beautifully textured skirt that was beaded into pretty designs and patterns. I tried it on and it fit perfectly. I had one of the dressers help me put on the crown and train, along with the heels. It looked absolutely gorgeous and it made me even more exited for the wedding.

Elphaba's POV

I walked into the room where the dress was that Glinda designed for me. We decided to not show each other what we'd look like in the dresses until the actual day of the wedding. The curtain was pulled back and I was shell shocked in astonishment of what she made me. I stood there for a while in amazement but finally decided to try it on. It felt new but regular, possibly because it was so similar to my other dress. But it was definitely Glinda-fied, which I didn't mind at all. It was silky and breathable, along with fitting perfectly. The train was clipped onto the small attachments on my shoulder and I put my black hat on. I loved the look and feel of it, which made me feel like everything was complete for the big day.

A/N: OOF SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW. UGH. I may or may not have a chapter out by tomorrow but I'll try. Thanks for reading! The chapter will be out soon if not tomorrow.

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