Remember? ~25~

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Elphaba's POV

I stared in wonder about what Glin just said. "What?" I said after a moment of silence. "The card has you on it," She assured. I took it from her and stared at it in interest. "They never told me about this," I said while handing the card back. "Well, I love it!" She said holding close to her chest. "Wait, what would I be famous for though?" I questioned as I flipped the card over to read the description. "It says," Glinda said while looking at the back. "Elphaba Thropp, a particularly unique wizard, is most known for her bravery in teaching a maledictus to speak," She read. "Although this is very impressive, she is also known for her emerald hue," She finished. "What's a maledictus?" Glin asked while tucking her card away in her purse. "It's a blood curse," I explain. "It causes a person to turn into an animal for a long period of time. But over many years, they will be cursed to become that animal forever. Basically, they will turn into their animal form and won't be able to become a human ever again," I say while I start picking up the sweets and putting them in my bag. "And you taught them how to speak?" Glin asked while helping clean up. "Yes. You see, when they turn into their animal form permanently, they are usually cursed to talk in their animal's language forever. But I was able to teach them to speak again while I was hiding," I continued. "In fact, Dr. Dillamond is a maledictus. Although he did something rare when he transformed. He was able to speak English even after he was full goat," I said while standing up. "But when he was unable to speak, he was put under a spell," I said while putting the treats in my case. "Which explains when you put Morrible in captivity, he slowly got to be able to speak again," I explained. "So Dr. Dillamond will love forever?" Glin asked. "Yes, as a goat. Forever. Unless he dies from something other than old age," I said while holding her hand and walking out of the room. We went downstairs in the Leaky Cauldron and ate a filling dinner. We headed back up to the room and got ready for bed. I slid under the covers and closed my eyes. Glin came in a couple of minutes later and we both linked hands. We fell asleep soon after huddling in each other's warmth.

The next two days were fun. We visited my old school, went into the school side town called Hogsmeade, and met new people. But soon, it was time to go. We packed up our bags and strapped them to my broom. We would get back to Oz pretty late but I didn't care. Glinda was marveling at a lot of the stuff that we had bought. "Come on Glin," I encouraged. "Okay fine," She said while rolling her eyes playfully. She hopped on and held onto my waist. As we flew over Diagon Alley, we waved and said goodbye. Soon, even in the night, we could see the green glint of the Emerald City.

Glinda's POV

It was a wonderful three days. But eventually, I wanted to go home. So I wrapped my arms around Elphie's waist and we took off into the night sky. I fell asleep on the broom, feeling comfortable. I woke up in the morning in my bed and in my PJs. I immediately blushed and turned over to look at Elphie. "Elphie?" I whispered looking at her. "Mhm?" She replied back with her eyes closed. "Did you... put me in my PJs?" I asked. "Mhm," She replied again. I sat up and looked around. I got up and went to the closet to pick out something to wear for the day. I was surprised when I opened the door to the closet to find all of my clothes and shoes I had brought on the trip were neatly cleaned and organized. My heart melted and the kind gesture and I went over to Elphie. "Thank you," I whispered in her ear. "For what?" She said as she finally opened her eyes and looked at me. "For organizing my clothes and shoes," I said while scooting next to her in the bed. "Of course!" She said happily. I pressed my lips against hers for a moment and she giggled. "My sweet," I heard her say. I blushed and giggled. I loved it when she called me that. After staring at her for a moment, we both got up and ate some waffles for breakfast. "Can we visit Nessa today?" She asked while putting her plate in the sink. "I don't see why not," I said putting my hand in hers and intertwining our fingers together. Elphie changed into her usual black dress while I changed into my bubble dress. I decided that we would go in my bubble since it was more comfortable and we wouldn't be going that far. I summoned my bubble and I hopped in. I held Elphie's hand as she stepped inside and we took off. Some people waved towards us while some didn't even notice us. We flew to the border of Munchkinland and landed at Elphie's old house. It was still a pile of wood and metal, but it was there. I approached the small stone that stood on the ground where Nessa was. I grabbed a bunch of flowers from the field near the house and laid them gently on the grave. I said sorry and Elphie and I talked about what was going on recently. We decided to leave after about a half an hour and we got in my bubble again. "Hey Glin," Elphie said. "Yes?" I asked turning around to face her. "I need to get something from my hide-out," She said while walking in the direction of her secret place. I followed her and we stepped inside. She got a couple of bottles off the shelves, along with a couple of books. "Glinda?" I heard Elphie say behind me. "Yeah?" I answered as I turned around. To my surprise, Elphie was looking behind at someone who was holding her hand. "Fiyero?!" Elphie said.

A/N: I decided to keep the Harry Potter segment short because I got more inspiration for the plot. Thanks for reading! A new chapter will be out soon as always.

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