Scandalacious ~34~

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Elphaba's POV

Glinda giggled and I kissed her on the forehead. I sat up on the bed and she kissed me all over the face. I looked outside at the Time Dragon Clock which just stroke at the first hour. "Oh look it's tomorrow!" She exclaimed while skipping around the room. I was still trying to recover from what just happened. The room spun a few times but that was it. I laid down on the bed and covered my face with my hands. Then I noticed I was in my sweatpants and baggy shirt. "Glin... did you change my clothes?" I asked looking over at her while she took her makeup off. "Yes," She said while walking over to me. "The water soaked into your dress so I had to take it off so you wouldn't be burned more than you already were," She explained. "Thank you," I said softly. I gave her a hug and we both sat that night talking. It wasn't about anything specific, rather all over the place. But around the third hour of the Time Dragon Clock, we both fell asleep, hand in hand.

The next morning, I woke up while Glin was still asleep. The sun was shining, but I decided to keep the window shade closed. I turned on a lamp and started reading a book. I saw Glinda shifting around so I took my eyes off my book for a second. "Elphie?" She asked while moving her arm around the bed. "Yes?" I responded while keeping my eyes on my book. "What time is it?" She said while rubbing her eyes and sitting up. "Almost nine," I said while looking outside at the Time Dragon Clock. She stood up and we hugged. "I love you," She said while kissing me on the cheek. "I love you too," I said after giving a kiss on the forehead. I smiled at her and we went downstairs for some breakfast. We made some toaster waffles and sleepily ate them. I put on my black dress while Glinda put on a light pink dress. We both walked outside and we didn't know what we were doing. We wandered around a little until we found ourselves at a small jewelry shop. We walked inside and went separate ways for a while. Glinda went over to the necklace section while I went to the ring section. I knew I wanted to marry her. I loved her with my entire being and there wasn't a day I didn't want to be without her. We've known each other for many years and I couldn't wait any longer. I picked out a ring with a silver lining and a deep blue diamond. It was simple but beautiful. It was a steep price but it was worth it. I bought it from the Ozian at the desk who was surprisingly kind to me. I pocketed it in my bag and started looking for Glinda. I found her at the front door waiting for me. That was unusual but I walked towards her. "Hey Glin," I said while I squeezed my hand in hers. "Hey Elphie!" She said cheerfully as we walked out the door.

Glinda's POV

I held her hand as we walked out of the shop. "Hey Elphie," I said while we sat at a bench at the park. "Yes?" Elphie said while sitting down and feeling a small bag against my body. I got us something!" I said. I looked at her as I pulled out the small bag. There were two necklaces. One said 'brooms' while the other said 'bubbles'. I flipped them both over to show one embedded with an emerald and another with a pink ruby. She smiled as I showed her one that said 'my sweet' and another with 'Elphie' etched into it. "They interlock," I said while putting one that said 'bubbles' with the pink stone and it had my pet name for her on it around her neck. I handed her the one with the green stone, 'brooms', and 'Elphie' and I put it around my neck. "Glin how kind of you," She said as her eyes softened. "Of course!" I sad bubbly. "It's beautiful," She said while looking at it. "I've never gotten a gift since you gave me that hat," She said looking back at it and throwing her arms around me. "Well that and your heart," She said while smirking. "That I did," I said smugly. We both giggled and held hands. "Find anything interesting?" I asked after giving her a quick kiss. "Not really," She said while looking away. We both got up and went to a nearby café for some lunch. I got a sandwich while Elphie got a fruit salad. We both ate our food quickly and I finally got to pay for the food again. "Ha!" I said while snatching the checkbook first. "Okay fine," Elphie said while rolling her eyes sarcastically. I giggled and we left. We both walked around the park. There were more animals walking around and Elphie seemed very happy to see that. We talked to a couple of animals who thanked us for helping them to speak again. We relaxed next to a fountain but Elphie was careful to not get any water on her. We went over to a small place and got some drinks. Elphie got some milk tea while I got some iced green tea. "See I told you I like my tea like I like my women," I said happily. "I know..." She said. "Green," We said in unison as we laughed. We started going back to the castle on the Yellow Brick road. We walked into the huge doors of the castle and barbecued some veggie burgers for dinner. We ate outside in the garden while being visited by some animals. We talked to a few and went inside. We walked upstairs and did a little bit of spell practice. We got ready for bed and cuddled a little while she read. "I love you Elphie," I said while looking at her. "I love you too," She said while kissing me on the forehead.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I love you! A new chapter will be out soon.

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