Again ~38~

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Elphaba's POV

I woke up next to Glin with our hands woven together. The blonde's loose curls were sprawled over the pillows, reflecting the sunlight. I got up and slipped out of the covers. I walked over to the window for a moment but decided it was too cold. I went back into bed and wrapped my arm around Glin's waist. She moved a bit so I tried to stay as quiet and as still as possible. I closed my eyes and waited for the sun to shine through the window. About half an hour later, Glin rolled over to face me and her bright-yellow locks hit me in the face. I giggled and she moved them away quickly. "Good morning, my sweet," I said as she leaned over me to make sure her hair was out of my face. "Good morning dearest," She replied while nuzzling our noses together. We started casually cuddling since the castle was so cold in the morning. I hid my head in the crook of her neck and pulled the sheets over my face. Glinda giggled at this and I wrapped my arm around her pulling her closer. I could feel her warm breath on the top of my head and I shifted my body a little so that I would be laying on my side. We stayed like that until the sun finally came up around the hour of seven on the Time Dragon Clock. It started to warm up the castle and I finally rolled out of bed again. Glinda sat up in the bed and got out from under the covers. She shivered a bit from coming out of the warm covers so I came over and wrapped my arms around her. We hugged for quite a long time before we decided to grab some breakfast. "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked. "Food," She replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and pulled out some pancake mix. I started making some pancakes with some mixed fruit on the side. I served the food on two plates and set them on the table. We both sat down to eat and pulled our chairs in anticipation. "Dear Oz will you please bless this mess," Glin said. It had become a common thing for us to say that so we decided to make it an everyday activity. We started eating and I looked outside the window. There were a few Ozians walking around along with a couple of animals. I smiled and finished my plate. "Thank you," Glin said as I got up from my seat to put my plate in the sink. "For what?" I said while turning around. "For making breakfast," She said giggling. I smiled and came over to her giving a small peck on the forehead. "Of course, boo," I said while taking her empty plate to the sink. She got up and hugged me from behind while I tossed everything into the dishwasher. I leaned my head back and onto her shoulder while she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Glinda's POV

I kissed Elphie on the cheeck after wrapping my arms around her waist. I saw her smile and I giggled. Elphie grabbed my hand and we walked back upstairs to my room. Elphie put on a black tank top with black ripped jeans and put some red flannel on over that too. She braided her hair and wore a beanie too. I put on some jean shorts with a white crop top and a jacket around my waist. "Don't you have a cute little midriff," Elphie said while blushing. I turned red and looked down at my feet. "Thank you," I said after looking back up at her. "Toss toss," I said while standing tall and moving my hair with my hands. Elphie giggled and she grabbed her broom. I decided to join her on her broom and we took off. I held onto her waist and rested my head on her back. We landed in the bald patch of the forest and Elphie walked over to her secret door. She tapped on the wood and it opened. We walked through the thick cove of trees, hand in hand. We stopped at another wall-like door and Elphie opened it. We walked through the forest for a bit until we saw the cozy cabin. "I just need to grab a couple of things," She said. I waited outside while Elphie walked in and grabbed a few books and bottles off the shelves. She came back out and closed the door behind her. I wove my fingers into hers and we walked back into the tunnel. She grabbed her broom that was leaning against the wall of the tunnel and opened the other door. We got on the broom and started flying over the forest again. Some Ozians waved at us and we waved back. I smiled and laid my head back on Elphie's back. "Mind if we stop by Nessa?" Elphie asked while turning her head around to look at me. "Not at all," I said while smiling. She gave me a kiss on the forehead before turning around in the direction of Munchkinland. We flew for a while before landing where Nessa's house used to be. There was still a pile of rubble strewn over the area, but Elphie walked over to the stone poking out of the ground. She got on her knees and started talking. I came over to her and rubbed her on the back. She looked at me and put her arm around me. After a few minutes of talking to her, we got back up and boarded her broom again. She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. We soon were back at the castle balcony, with all of the new items. We walked inside and Elphie added her books to her never ending library. She put the bottles down on the desk and sat down. I walked over to her and hugged her from behind again. She turned around to look at me and we pressed our lips together.

A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter! A new one will be out soon. Love you all!

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