Dates ~19~

192 6 0

Elphaba's POV

I got out of the bubble and Glinda held my hand as we walked into the restaurant. It had a big chandelier and an archway to get to the dining tables. I looked around nervously and squeezed Glinda's hand. "What's wrong?" She said looking at me. "Nothing," I said. "It's just this place is so fancy," I continued. Of course, that was a lie because Glin looked so good. She didn't just look good, she looked absolutely beautiful. She walked around with a little pep in her step but still managed to look graceful. Her dress fluttered around her body in a light but elegant way. I blushed a very deep green and followed her to our table. I sat down across the table from Glinda and stared at her. Her gold hair was gently curled and caressed her shoulders every time she moved her head. I looked around the restaurant and the unique decor. Soon, the waiter came and Glin ordered her drink. "What are you getting?" I asked looking up from my menu and looking at her. "The chicken udon," She replied putting her menu down. "Oh cool!" I said looking back at my menu. "What're you getting?" She asked me while looking around. "Oh I'm getting the angel-hair pasta," I explained putting my menu down on the table. "By the way, I can pay," I said looking at her and holding her hand. "No, Elphie, I will," She protested. "No, I insist," I assured. We kept arguing about who would pay until the food came. "Fine," I breathed after the food came. "Yay!" Glinda exclaimed pumping her fist. I rolled my eyes playfully and pulled my food closer to me. "To being unafraid," I announced holding up my fork. We wouldn't clink glasses since I can't be around water... you know. We hit them together and started eating. Glinda ate her udon happily, careful not to splash any of the broth on me. I ate my pasta while Glinda finished her bowl of udon. Glinda paid to my small dismay and we talked a little afterward. We hopped back into the bubble and went back to the castle. I held Glinda's hand all the way there. We landed on the balcony and I helped Glinda out of the bubble. We went into Glinda's room and I sat down while she went into the bathroom. She opened the door to the bathroom and grabbed her brush. She started brushing out her hair and I got up. I walked into the bathroom and closed the toilet seat and sat down. I laid my head on the wall and closed my eyes. I opened them to feeling Glinda sitting in my lap. She wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back. I cuddled her and kissed her on the forehead. "Thank you for tonight," I explained. "Of course," Glin replied. I stared at her and laid my head on her shoulder. Soon the cuddling changed it to a small but passionate make out session. I ended it with giving her a small but distinct hickey on her neck. I looked at her and blushed.

Glinda's POV

I sat still as I felt a small nibble in the crook of my neck. I giggled a little because it tickled. Elphie looked up at me and blushed. I was already bright red but that was okay. "Sorry," Elphie said slowly. "Elphie you mustn't think that way anymore!" I replied. "You're fine," I replied laying my head on hers. "Okay if you're sure," She replied. I screamed a little when she picked me up bridal style and nuzzled my nose with hers. "I love you Elphie," I explained. "I love you too," She said looking at me. She set me down and we got ready for bed. We changed into our nightgowns, brushed our teeth and hair, all the normal things. "So we're official?" I asked wanting to make sure. "Yep!" Elphie said. I smiled at that. "Yay!" I said with happiness bubbling up inside of me. We sat down on the bed and hugged. We got under the covers. Neither of us could go to bed though. Soon, we heard the rain outside. Elphie got up and looked out the window. I looked at her and followed her. I came up to her and I rubbed her back as I approached the window. "Hey," I breathed. "Can't sleep either?" I asked. "Yeah," Elphie said quietly. "Besides, I like the look of rain," She said. "You do?" I asked. "Yeah, just when it's on me is a problem," She explained. I could understand that. The rain was pretty and it smelled good. She sat down criss cross and I followed. Only thing is that I laid my head on her leg and she put her hand on my arm. We stared at the rain for some time until I started falling asleep. Then, thunder struck. It was strange. Thunder almost never came in Oz. I wasn't complaining though. Lightning also turned the sky into day for a moment before going back to darkness. I got up and sat next to Elphie. She put her arm around me and put her hand on my waist. I laid my head on her shoulder and watched the sky. "Wow," Elphie muttered after seeing the biggest bolt of lightning. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I whispered back. "Yeah," She said softly. I wrapped both of my arms around her shoulders and she rubbed my arm. "Wanna go out there?" I asked. "What?" She responded. "In my bubble," I replied. "Sure," She said slowly. I summoned my bubble and she got in. I opened the door to the balcony and we hovered out. Elphie looked up in awe. "This beings rain to a whole other level," She said. "Yeah," I replied. "I did this a lot when you were gone," I said looking at her. She looked back sadly. "I'm sorry," She said. "It's okay," I replied. "Everything's alright," I assured. I hugged her and smiled. "I love you," She whispered to me. "I love you too," I said back.

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