Wilderness ~49~

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Elphaba's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of the ocean. I rolled off the bed as quietly as possible so I wouldn't wake Glinda up. I stood over near the window and continued with my book. I read for a while until I heard Glin wake up. "You're awake," I said not looking away from my book. "Good morning," Glin said while sitting up and wiping her eyes. I smiled and went over to her while giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, darling," I said looking into her sky blue eyes. She scooted closer and we put our foreheads together. We pressed out lips together for a moment before getting up to make breakfast. We made waffles and sat down to eat. We got some jeans and breathable shirts on because we were going on a hike in the upper Gillikin. We walked out and started on the trail to the hike. The end of the hike would lead to a bay, along with a small beach and cave. We packed a lunch and started walking hand in hand. A few animals saw us on the trail and walked with us. Some were able to talk and some weren't, but the ones that couldn't talk were young, so they still had time to learn. They told us about the surrounding forest, as well with its history. It was quite interesting. It also got my mind off of how close we were to our destination. Glinda invited them to lunch and one family of deer happily accepted. We walked down a steep slope right before getting to the cave. Glinda held onto me before stepping down onto a large rock. The animals were already at the cave since they were built for scaling such rocks. We soon got to the cave, it was behind the small waterfall. Glinda walked on the side where the water was flowing so she could cool off and so I wouldn't get wet. I got closer to the cave and I saw a small rainbow inside since the water and the sun was creating it inside the cave. Glinda looked at the wall of water and with the rainbow behind her, it would be a beautiful picture. I took Glinda's small camera out of her purse and captured the scene. I slipped it back into her purse as I sat down next to the baby deers who would join us for lunch. They simply looked up at me and I giggled. "Hey little guy," I said patting him on the head. "You're a cutie," I said to his sister, scratching in between her large ears. I grabbed the basket of picnic food as Glinda came over and sat down with us. The mother of the two deer was able to speak and explained that she worked in the city, but lived in the forest. She said that her partner worked in the city and came back only for the weekends since it was pretty far away. I grabbed the picnic basket and started to open it. I offered each of the deer a couple of leaves from my salad, but they kindly obliged.

Glinda's POV

Elphie was having fun with the deer which made me smile. She offered some of her salad to them but they refused. They explained that they had a large helping of forest berried before they found us. Elphie started talking about me as I grabbed a salad wrap out of the picnic basket. I started eating as Elphie explained how we met. "I already know you guys," The deer explained happily. "You're the two witches of Oz!" She exclaimed. "A lot of animals around her know about you two," She said while laying down on the little patch of grass. "Oh- I guess that's reasonable," I said surprisingly. They giggled and Elphie wrapped an arm around my waist. I scooted closer to her and leaned my head on her shoulder. I kept eating my salad wrap as Elphie talked to the brother and sister deer. I looked at the adorable little things and laid on my stomach to get down to their level. Elphie kept talking to the mother as I played little games with them. I sat up and gathered my stuff since it was cooling down and I got a little cold. Elphie gave me her jacked and wrapped it around my shoulders. I huddled with her for warmth as she also started packing up. I guess we lost time because we could see the moon coming over the horizon. The deer had to get home to put her fawns to sleep. We said goodbye and I summoned my bubble since it was getting really cold. We hopped in and I hugged Elphie. We rode to the little cabin and once I got into a hoodie, I went back outside to walk along the beach. Elphie joined me and held my hand as we walked in the sand. We went inside and got the sand off of our feet. I took a shower and got into my pjs. I did a little bit of attempting to read the Grimmerie while Elphie took a shower. She opened the door while she started to brush her hair. I went inside and started to brush my teeth. When I had started to brush my hair, Elphie closed the toilet and sat on the lid. I finished brushing my hair and I sat on her lap. She giggled and put down the book she had been looking at. I smiled at her and gave her random kisses all over the face. She started laughing and I looked down at her. I gave her a kiss and then got up. She took her braid out that she braided this morning. It made her hair look really flowy. It framed her face and I started turning pink. She giggled and booped me on the nose. I got off and toss-tossed my hair before slipping under the covers. Elphie soon joined in after me and we said goodnight before instantly falling asleep.

A/N: New chapter will be okt tomorrow. Love you!

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