Shiz ~12~

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Elphaba's POV

I woke up later in the day and I looked around. Glinda wasn't in the room so I walked around the castle looking for her. She was making dinner and I smiled. "I didn't know you could cook," I said walking up to her. "Yeah, I learned from making gourmet food in Shiz," She replied. I looked at her and watched what she was doing. I saw a pot full of boiling water and ramen. Gourmet for sure. I rolled my eyes playfully and hugged her from behind. "How are you feeling?" She asked turning around. "I'm okay, I'm feeling a lot better now," I said smiling at her. "That's good," She said mixing in a few of the flavor packets. Soon, we ate and we got up from the table. We went into her room and sat down. "Elphie, how long have you known?" She said looking at me. I looked at her confused. "Known what?" I said. "Known that water would melt you," Glinda said as she held my hand. "Ever since I remember. When I was just a baby, the doctors tried to give me a cloth bath and I started screaming. I got burns all over where they patted me with the cloth and green liquid came off of my body," I said looking down. "O-oh," She said squeezing my hand. "I'm sorry," She said sitting closer to me. "It's alright. I've gotten used to it," I said looking up at her. She smiled and gave me a hug. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and yawned. We got into our pajamas and hopped into her bed. "Are you still okay with me sleeping in your bed?" I asked looking over at her. "Elphie, you're fine. I promise," She insisted. She hugged me and we both fell asleep. 

The next morning, I woke up to Glinda smiling at me. "Good morning," She said cheerfully. "Good morning," I said closing my eyes again because I was drowsy. She wrapped her arms around me and we cuddled for a few moments. "Remember when we first became friends?" She asked breaking the silence. "Yeah," I giggled. "You tried to make me popular," I said reflecting on that night. "Yeah, and it worked!" She said laughing. "Kinda," I said opening my eyes. The blinds were closed so it was a little dark in the room. "I'm hungry!" Glinda said sitting up hurriedly. "Ugh it's so warm in here though," I said hiding under the blankets. "Oh come on Elphie, please?" She said pulling my arm. "Okay fineeee," I said slowly sitting up and rolling out of the blankets. I fell and laid face down on the floor. Glinda nudged me with her foot and I rolled over. "Do I seriously have to drag you?" She asked playfully. "No," I said getting up and walking over to the door. She held my hand and I blushed a deep green. It caught me by surprise so I looked over at her. She looked at me back and blushed while I opened the door. We walked downstairs and were surprised while seeing many guards waiting for us. "Madame Morrible has fleed to Munchkin land," They reported. "At least that's what we heard. The last spotting of her was near the Time-Dragon clock in the middle of the night," They continued. I looked at Glinda slightly scared and she nodded at them. They left and I hugged her. "Elphie, at least she's running away," Glinda said hugging me. 

Glinda's POV

I hugged Elphie for a moment and got breakfast started. Well, Elphie did. We had eggs and bacon, then we went back upstairs. She went to reading her book and went to do my makeup. After about half an hour, we changed into our normal outfits and decided to go to Nessa's grave. She flew on her broom while I went in my bubble. We descended down next to where the old house was. It was a little pile of rubble due to that farm girl, but she ignored it and went over to the little stone next to it. I grabbed a bunch of flowers and talked a bit. Elphie did the same but talked for at least half an hour. We talked about what happened in the last few months then left. We walked inside of Oz and we visited Shiz. I knocked on the door of the University as someone opened the door. "Dr. Dillamond?" Elphie asked looking at him. "Miss Elphaba! Miss Gahhhhlinda!" He exclaimed opening the door wider and gesturing for us to come in. "It's Glinda. The 'ga' is silent," I said looking at him. We stepped inside and it didn't look too different. Except, instead of all of the old pictures of people that hung on the walls, there were pictures of animals. Elphie looked around in joy until she finally turned back towards Dr. Dillamond. "You can speak again!" She said looking at the old goat. "All because of you two!" He said smiling. We walked around the halls as Elphie looked happily around to see each room with an animal teacher. She skipped around the halls and smiled. "It's good to see you again, Dr. Dillamond," She said coming back and looking at him. "You too, Miss Elphaba," He said while walking around a little. "Do you still teach?" I asked wanting to be in the conversation. "No, I don't," He said. "What?!" Elphie said having a look of shock on her face. "Because I've become headmaster of Shiz University," He finished. "Congratulations!" Elphie said realizing what he said. "You may go to the dorm rooms, too, if you wish," Dr. Dillamond said. "We should go to our old dorm!" I exclaimed cheerfully. "Okay!" Elphie replied as I grabbed her arm. I ran to our old dorm and opened the door. It looked almost the same. I guess we hadn't moved out actually. Since Elphie left the Emerald City, neither of us were able to come back to move out. We walked in and looked around. Everything was as we left it. 

A/N: Thanks for reading. I'll either write two chapters tomorrow or one each day for the next two days. Then, I have to leave for a week. But I'll keep writing this because it's becoming really therapeutic. Anyway, thanks! 

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