Found ~7~

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Elphaba's POV

I heard footsteps outside of my little shelter and a creak of the door. I quickly hid under the trapdoor where I hid the first time. I heard someone come in and I stayed as quiet as I could. I heard someone sit down and cry. Then I heard a familiar voice. "Oh, Elphie," the voice said. I immediately knew who it was. Glinda. I wanted to reveal myself but I couldn't. It would be far too dangerous. "I'm sorry Elphie. I could've done something and I didn't. Now everyone's celebrating your death and no one cares. I wish you were here Elphie. Then I could tell everyone the truth. That's what I should've done in the first place. Elphie, forgive me," Glinda said while laying on the floor. I felt some water falling on me. Rain? I thought. No, it couldn't be. Wait, was she crying? I didn't mean to make her cry. I was being burned slightly with every tear that fell on me but I didn't care. I really wanted to tell her I was alive but I couldn't. People would be hunting her and me this time. We'd both die. So I stayed quiet as she told me about how she was doing. I heard her leave and as soon as I heard the door close, I climbed out of the trapdoor. I heard a soft rustling sound and looked around to see a bouquet of violets on the floor in front of me. I took them and stowed them away. I looked at them and wondered. Did she like me? No. She wouldn't! Would she? I held them for the rest of the day until they wilted. Then, she came back the next day, then the next day, and the next. I would continue to take the flowers and finally, after a few months, I decided I couldn't stay in hiding anymore. I wouldn't hide from Glinda anymore. I'd come out of hiding and finally, tell her how I really felt. I made a flower crown out of the violets she left the night before and left them on the trapdoor. I went and hid in a shadowy part of the room and waited.

Glinda's POV

I kept coming every night. I would come at the same time and do the same thing. It helped me calm my nerves even if Elphie wasn't able to hear me. I was slowly able to go out into Oz again. I spoke of goodness and how the animals were slowly able to start talking again. I decided that the first night I came to Elphie's resting place that I'd change Oz for good. I started fulfilling Elphie's dreams in honor of her. Even though nobody knew about the Elphie part. I spoke about how Dr. Dillamond was slowly being able to talk again. Many more animals were too. They'd start hiring more animals at Shiz too. Madame Morrible was the one responsible for taking all the animals out so I decided to bring them back. I also made cages illegal in both Oz and Munchkin land. One particular night, I went to the shelter and I found a violet flower crown on the ground. It was left exactly where I'd always put the bunches of flowers. I approached it slowly and picked it up while putting the fresh bunch in its place. I looked at it in wonder and questioned who made it. I got up and looked at it in the moonlight. These were the exact violets I had delivered yesterday. Then, I heard footsteps.

Elphaba's POV

Just as predicted, Glinda came at the same time and looked around. I was hidden but I was able to see her. She looked beautiful. She was wearing her beautiful baby blue dress and was gleaming in the moonlight. She looked at the violet crown I made and put her new dozen flowers on the ground. She turned it over and inspected it for a moment. I have to do this. Glinda should know. So I slowly walked out of the shadows toward her.

Glinda's POV

I looked behind me in the direction of the footsteps. It surprised me so I backed away a little bit. Then, I saw a familiar figure, standing tall and proud. "Elphie?!" I exclaimed while running into her arms. She gave me the biggest hug and shushed me so that we wouldn't wake anyone up. I finally got a really good look at her and we made eye contact. I blushed and looked away. "Have you been here all this time?" I said while tears were rolling down my face. She nodded slowly and held my hands. Some of my tears fell on her and left red burn marks. She acted quickly and grabbed a bottle of silvery liquid. She applied it to her burns and they went away in almost an instant. I looked at her in amazement and smiled. But I also was conflicted. "Why have you been here all the time?" I asked with tears still rolling down on my face. "I had to. Fiyero had a plan where we would escape, but he left me here," She explained. "I didn't know his escape plan either, so I had to stay here. But when I heard you the first night, I knew I couldn't leave. I've been here ever since," She continued. This made me both mad and sad for her. Fiyero was my friend but just leaving Elphie like that? I don't know. I hugged her again and kissed her on the cheek. "Oh, Elphie. I missed you so much," I said almost coming to tears again. This time, I looked up and she was crying too. Her tears were leaving tear-shaped burn marks on her cheeks. I grabbed the bottle out of her hand and rubbed it on her face. She blushed and looked away. "I'm sorry. I've never cried in front of anyone before," She explained. "Oh Elphie," I said as I hugged her tighter. "You don't have to be sorry," I told her. I backed off from squeezing her after ten minutes and I looked at her. "Come with me," I said. She looked at me a little shocked. "Come with me to the castle," I said. "We'll keep you safe. Besides, we have actual beds there," I assured. After a bit of pondering, she said she would. I summoned my bubble and she rode her broom. She went ahead in order to not be seen. We landed on the balcony of my room and I opened the door for her. She came in and hugged me one more time. "Thank you," she said.

A/N: Thanks for reading! New chapter will be out soon!

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