Caught ~14~

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Elphaba's POV

I was in the bubble with Glinda until I saw Boq approach us. He asked Glinda out and I wouldn't let that happen. "She already likes someone," I snapped at him before he could say anything else. He asked Glinda who it was and she looked at me. She held my hand after looking at Boq again. She then explained to him that she liked me. I still kept a death glare on him but I also blushed a bit. I looked at her and smiled while Boq stood back a bit. "Get the hint Boq," I said while looking back at him. "She doesn't love you and she never did. She loves ME," I said sternly. At this point Boq looked at me with rage in his eyes. He pounced towards the bubble and managed to get in. He shoved me out and I fell on the ground. "Hey!" I screamed as he started to fly away with Glinda. I summoned my broom as soon as I got up to my feet and got on. I hovered over Oz in search for Glin but she was out of sight.

Glinda's POV

Before I knew what was happening, I saw Biq push Elphie out of the bubble. I screamed and tried to go after her but the bubble was already going up into the air. I saw Elphie reach out her hand for her broom and call for it. But I couldn't see her for long. We soon went above the skyline and were hidden in some clouds. "Biq what in Oz!" I screamed looking at him. "Miss Glinda," He said while looking at me as I backed up as far as I could in the bubble. He looked at me with a smile on his metal face and went for my hand. I retracted mine before he could get too close and I slapped him. He looked back at me with a smirk on his face. I stared at him and in an instant, he grabbed my arms and pulled me towards him causing me to kiss him.

Elphaba's POV

I looked for hours. I was crying and flying around Oz. Tear shaped burn marks covered my face until I knew I had to go back for help. I landed on the ground and got off my broom. Then, I felt a force pull my brook out of my hand. I turned around to see none other than Madame Morrible. She held my broom and I started running towards her to get it back. "Oh you won't want to do that dearie," She sneered as she pointed to the sky. She could make it rain. That's what she did last time. "Guards!" she called out as I looked around trying to find a place to hide. They came behind me in a group of four, one on each side with the two others holding their weapons at me. I struggled against them as Madame Morrible cackled at me. "We're going to take you to your father!" Madame Morrible exclaimed while looking at me. "My father's dead," I said remembering what Nessa said. "Oh no he isn't," She said while gesturing the guards to move. They took me to the Emerald City and inside the Wizard's old office. I looked around and tried escaping before the lights turned on. There was a familiar figure of a man. It was the Wizard. "Elphaba!" He smiled as I stared at him. "What're you doing here?" I snapped at him. "Simply saying hello, daughter," He said while my eyes widened. "What?" I said while he grinned. "I'm your biological father," He continued. "So all this time I was yours?" I questioned. "Yes," He said. I tried to run at him but I couldn't. "You were never my father," I sneered. "Have it your way then," The Wizard said signaling the Guards to move. "The dungeon should do," He continued. "What! No!" I screamed as they dragged me away and put me in the dungeon. I sat there not knowing what to do. I summoned my broom but that still wouldn't fly me out. We wouldn't be able to fit and I was also surrounded by guards. But I remembered one thing. I saw Chistery flying around looking for me and Glin so I called him over quietly. I told him to get me the Grimmerie and he took off. A few moments later, he slid the book through the bars of the dungeon. I cast a sleeping spell that lasted an hour and I got out. I put everyone who tried to hurt me inside the dungeon and cast a quick binding spell to the door. After all of that was done, I flew away with a couple flying monkeys to help me find Glinda.

Glinda's POV

I felt the cold metal against my lips and immediately felt like throwing up. I pushed him off of me and screamed. I couldn't believe he just did that. I kicked him and he fell out of the bubble. I looked down at him, luckily he survived. I flew away when I saw a few flying monkeys coming my way. "Glin?!" I heard a voice yell to me. "Elphie?!" I shouted back. We met in the middle and she hopped in my bubble. "Are you okay? What did Boq do to you?" She said in a frenzy. "Elphie, your burned," I said looking at her tear marks. We went back to the castle in Oz and landed on the balcony. I applied some of the silvery liquid to her face and she hugged me. "What did Boq do to you though?" She questioned. "Well, he kept trying to swoon me over. Then he kissed me and I kicked him out of the bubble," I said remembering it. "That's my girl," I heard her say under her breath. "What?" I said. "Good job, boo. You kicked him out," She replied. I blushed but soon snapped out. "Elphie, but you! Where did you go?" I questioned. "Madame Morrible took my broom and threatened to make it rain. Then she had guards and they took me to the Wizard. He told me that I was his daughter but I told him that even if I was his daughter he would never me my dad," She explained. "Then they took me to the dungeon and I was able to get out with help from Chistery," she continued. "I put everyone that was helping the wizard in a cell and I cast a binding spell on it too," She said smiling. "They won't be getting out any time soon. Because spells are in reversible," she finished as I held her hands. "Oh Elphie, I'm so sorry," I said hugging her. "We'll be more careful next time," I stated. "We'll also find a way to get rid of them all for good," I assured. She nodded and hugged me again.

A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter! This'll be the last chapter for a week because I'm going to camp. But once I come back I'll be posting again. Thanks!

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