Questions ~22~

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Elphaba's POV

I woke up early in the morning with my shirt on the floor. I looked around and turned over. Glin was sleeping peacefully, so I wrapped my arms around her. I spooned her a little and fell back asleep. About half an hour later, I woke back up to Glinda turning around and looking at me. "Good morning, my sweet," I said while smiling at her. "Good morning, Elphie," She responded with a happy tone. I kissed her on the forehead and rolled out from under the sheets. I stood up and walked over to the window looking out. Glinda took me by surprise and hugged me from behind. "Beautiful day, isn't it?" I asked staring outside. "Yeah," Glinda replied in a dreamy tone. I turned around and looked at her. I didn't know what to expect, but I immediately blushed. Glinda was in a matching pink underwear and bra, with her entire abdomen exposed. I had seen it before but I never noticed how perfect she looked. She had a nice waist, small thighs, and those hips... Oh my Oz Elphaba what are you saying? But her hair did cascade over her shoulders in a perfect wave... Ok fine. She was perfect. I couldn't deny it. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her towards me. She either read my mind, or I was hinting a lot, because she immediately went on her toes and kissed me. It was a soft, but compassionate kiss. I pulled away and looked down at her. I smiled which was returned by her smiling back. I still had my hands on her waist and we were both very close. She put her hands on my shoulders and we started slow dancing around the room. I paused a little to play some music and we continued. We were doing a spin when I fell on the bed. Glin tried to pull me back up but I pulled more. She fell on top of me and I giggled. She turned into a tomato in an alarmingly short time and I kissed her. We shared a short but sweet make out session that ended with Glinda giving me a small love bite on my collarbone. It turned a dark green and I giggled. She blushed and slid off of me as I got up. "How about some breakfast?" I offered. "Sure, here or eating out?" She asked. "How about out?" I wondered. "That sounds good," I said while I smiled. I changed from my sweats into a purple baseball shirt and ripped black jeans. Glinda changed into a pink crop top with white leggings. I blushed while seeing her outfit and saw her also blush at me. "That outfit is really good on you," She said looking up at me. "That outfit looks good on you," I echoed in awe. I brushed out my hair and Glin curled hers. We decided to finally walk to the breakfast place, so people could get more used to me on the ground. We held hands as we walked out of the castle and both of our love-bites were visible.

Glinda's POV

I was a little self-conscious about going out in something that wasn't my bubble dress but neither was Elphie so I decided to try it out. Besides, Elphie looked gorgeous in that outfit, and when she stretched it would show her midriff. Let's just say whenever that happened, I blushed a bright pink. To my surprise, a lot of people liked our outfits. We soon got to the restaurant and sat down. I ordered waffles while Elphie ordered bacon and avocado toast. I excused myself to go to the restroom. "Who's the lucky guy?" I heard a Munchkin ask while I washed my hands. She was pointing at my hickey. "Oh uh-" I said nervously. "Is he here? Can I meet him?" She asked as I started drying off my hands. "Um uh-" I didn't know what to say. I wanted to leave but she was blocking the door. "Is he charming? Cute? Good-looking?" She kept persisting. I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent. She kept asking me all sorts of questions and I tried to leave but she kept blocking my path. "Glin?" Elphie said as she looked in the door. I was backed in the corner of the bathroom tired of hearing the questions. "Elphie!" I said desperately as she grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead. We walked out of there and I gave a slight smug wink to the Muchkin as I exited the door. "Sorry," I said looking up at Elphie. "For what?" She said as we sat back down at the table. Our food had arrived. "For taking so long. The Munchkin in there was asking who gave me this," I said while pointing to the hickey. "She automatically assumed that it'd be a guy," I continued. "So I didn't know what to say but she kept blocking the door and asking questions," I finished. "I heard. I was listening from behind the door," She replied. I giggled and started eating my food. "Thank you for saving me. You're like my princess-charming," I said while smiling. "Why thank you," She said while giving a slight bow. We finished eating and Elphie paid when I could've which made me a little annoyed. We walked around town and went to a few shops. After that, we went to the forest and laid in the grass. We did some cloud-watching and took a nap under the shade of the trees. We woke up at dinner time and we went home. We arrived in the castle and we made some spicy chicken wraps. We ate them quickly and went up to my room. Elphie taught me some spells from the Grimmerie which took a lot of practice. I learned the binding spell that she used on the dungeon, as well as a couple of others. We then got ready for bed and put on our PJs. We slipped into bed and I hugged Elphie. We ended the day with a small kiss and soon fell asleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading! A new chapter will be out soon

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