Confusified ~27~

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Elphaba's POV

I felt his rough lips on mine. Surprisingly, it felt good? Normal almost? Elphaba no! You love Glinda, you always will. But this just felt so weirdly comfortable... I melted into the kiss. After a few moments, he pulled away and stared down at me. I looked up at him and he kissed me again. My mind was running around in circles about everything. I loved Glinda. But what was happening? I just felt so comfortable with Fiyero. My mind was saying yes but my heart was saying no. I was conflicted and I didn't know what to do. I pulled away and looked at the ground awkwardly. He held my chin and pointed my face towards his. I stared in his hazel eyes and I suddenly got happy-nervous. He smiled at me and showed me the room I would be staying in. I calmed down after what all happened. I was trying to process what all was going on. Why did his kisses feel so comfortable? So natural? No! Elphaba you love Glinda Arduenna Upland!  What in Oz is going on? I went to the room Fiyero showed me and fell on it in frustration. Then, I felt a hand on my back. I looked up and saw Fiyero rubbing my back. I shivered in disgust but tried to not make it very noticeable. I still wasn't comfortable with Fiyero around me. "Look Fiyero. I don't know what's going on or why you decided to do this, but I need to get back to Glinda," I explained. "Elphaba, we both know I'm not going to allow you to do that," He whispered. "For Oz sake Fiyero, you took my broom out of the castle without permission and swept me away on it," I said sitting up. "There wouldn't be any other way to get here as efficiently," He continued. "I don't care!" I said as I started to raise my voice. "You hurt Glinda and now she's probably worried sick!" I shouted. Then, he pressed his lips against mine. I had the same weird sensation as before. I knew that letting him kiss me was wrong to Glinda, but it still made me feel safe and comforted. I pulled away and smiled at him. He pulled me close to him and I wrapped my arms around him. We sat like that for a moment until he offered for us to have some dinner. I was unsure but he kissed me again and slowly I agreed. We sat down across from each other at a large dining table and he handed me a plate with some chicken and pasta. I didn't know what to say so I just sat and didn't eat. "What's wrong?" He asked me in between bites of his meal. "I don't eat meat," I explained retorting at the sight of the chicken. Glinda knew I didn't eat meat. She knew everything about me. I missed her. I needed to get out of this wretched place to get back to her. I had to.

Glinda's POV

I explained the whole situation to Dr. Dillamond. Everything. Fiyero, Elphie, being knocked out, Chistery, in a rush. I just wanted her back. I needed her back. Dr. Dillamond stroked his beard and lead us in. He brought us into a large room with stacks upon stacks of books. "These are all of the student records," He explained. "They go in alphabetical order, so look for the T's," He said while scanning the shelves. Chistery flew around and found the shelf with all of the people who had T's in their name. He pulled it out and handed it to me. I set it on the ground and frantically started flipping through pages. "Tigelaar... Tigelaar... found it!" I exclaimed pointing at his name. Chistery and Dr. Dillamond came next to me to examine the page. "Expelled from 12 schools..." I giggled. What a knucklehead. "Heritage: Vinkus, also known as the Winkies," I read aloud. "Home: Castle, in the Vinkus, on the border of The Emerald City," I continued. "Look for a backup," Dr. Dillamond said. "It's required that you have a backup place to go if something happens," He explained. I scanned the paper until I came to the end. "Backup!" I said happily. "Castle," I spoke aloud. "Kiamo Ko, Located at the west end of the Gillikin River, border of the Vinkus," I said closing the book. "We have to check there!" I said aloud. Chistery nodded and I summoned my bubble. I hopped in and thanked Dr. Dillamond. Chistery gathered about a dozen other flying monkeys to help and we took off in the direction of the Vinkus. We followed the river for a while and we went above the cloud line. We went through some clouds in case anyone saw us. "Elphie I'm coming," I said quietly to myself. We went over the Great Kells mountains and saw a Red Windmill in the distance. As we got closer to it, we spotted a castle about half a mile away. "That's it!" I exclaimed to the monkeys. We ascended into the tree line so we wouldn't be spotted flying around. I sent my bubble away and I started walking in the direction of the castle. It was a small castle, barely above the tree line. It would've been hard to spot without flying and half of it was covered with greenery. We walked and it soon came in sight with it's giant oak doors and towering turrets. I walked up to the door slowly with the monkeys still in the trees watching for any signs of Fiyero. I decided it wouldn't be a good idea to knock if this was an escape plan, so I walked around to look in some windows. It was dark inside, so I made the tip of my wand glow so I could see. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her. Green and all. She held hands with Fiyero and after watching them for a moment she kissed him. I was immediately brought to tears and wanted to go back.

A/N: Oof this chapter was harder to write than the last one! Please don't be mad at me. A new chapter will be out soon.

Boo! ~ Gelphie FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora