Blurry ~26~

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Elphaba's POV

I felt a hand brush against mine. I thought it was Glinda's so I called out her name. But when I turned around, the hand was holding mine but it wasn't Glin's. I was confused until I turned around and saw a familiar face. "Fiyero?!" I said in shock. "Elphaba," He said while pulling me closer to him. "Fiyero I thought you-" "Died," He interrupted. "We both did," Glinda said while trying to get closer to me so we could leave. "I got off the poles before they could do anything to me," He continued. "They're lousy at tying knots," He continued while rolling his eyes. I saw Glinda trying to walk closer to me but Fiyero was blocking the way. "Fiyero what are you doing?" Glin asked while I tried to push past him. He kept me behind him and refused to let me even stand next him. I noticed that he had his hand locked on my wrist now. I tried to get his hand off but the grip was too tight. "Uh, Fiyero could you let-" "Shh," He said putting his free hand pointer finger on my lips. "I'm taking her away," He said. "What?!" I snapped. "What?!" Glinda echoed. "Elphaba, you'll be safe there," He explained. "People are still going after you. Let's go!" He said as he dragged me off. Glinda backed up and tried to block the exit. He pushed past Glinda forcefully making her hit the stone wall and fall to the ground. "GLINDA!" I screamed as he pulled me out of my hiding place and covered my mouth with his free hand. He grabbed my broom which was laying outside leaning on a tree. We flew over Oz but in a different direction than I would have guessed. We were headed towards the Vinkus, or the Winkie country. We flew over the Gillikin River towards a castle. I could only assume it was Fiyero's other castle in Kiamo Ko. He had the first hand on the broom so I couldn't do anything to change the direction. Besides freaking out about Fiyero practically kidnapping me, I couldn't stop thinking about Glinda. I hoped for all Oz that she wasn't hurt much. I looked around for anything that could help me escape but Fiyero still had a strong clutch on my wrist with his other hand on the broom. We landed in the front yard of his castle and I tried to struggle away. "Fiyero what in Oz name!" I screamed at him. "Shh!" He hissed as he pulled me inside. He closed the large oak doors and finally let go of my wrist. I rubbed it because it was sore and shook it to try and get the blood flowing again. "Fiyero you can't shush me forever," I protested. "Take me back to Glinda," I snapped. "Lay one finger on her again or I'll... I'll-" "You'll what?" He lowered his voice down almost to a whisper. He stared at me right in the eye and I tried to smack him. He was quick though and grabbed my wrist and held it back. "Fiyero you-" I started to shout when I felt his lips on mine.

Glinda's POV

I saw Fiyero. He put himself between Elphie and I. He ran. I hit the wall. Black. But then she was there. Green and all. She was smiling, holding out her hand to help me up off the floor. I grabbed her hand happily and she brought me up onto my feet. "Hey Glinda," She said. "Hi," I replied happily. I gave her a hug but all she kept saying was my name over and over. It got fainter and fainter too... then, I opened my eyes. It was a dream. Chistery was shaking me and calling my name. "Miss Glinda!" He exclaimed. "What happened?" I asked. Everything was fuzzy and I put my hand on my head. "I don't know. You were i-inside here w-while I was coming over to g-grab some su-supplies for a gift. Y-you were on the f-floor and I came to see if you were o-okay," He explained. He was still having a hard time with pernouncing certain words. Then all the thoughts came flowing into my head. I started to cry uncontrollably, but tried to contain myself in front of Chistery. "Where's E-Elphaba?" He asked looking around. This only made me cry more but I knew he could help. "Fiyero," I said weakly between sobs. "Took her," I finished after gasping for a breath. He came over to my side and hugged me. "Then let's f-find her," He said slowly. I nodded and he helped me up to my feet. I had to steady myself since the room spun a bit and we both walked out slowly. I had to summon my bubble since Elphie's broom wasn't there which concerned me even more. I couldn't stop thinking about Elphie. I just hoped she was somewhere safe. I hoped even more that Fiyero wouldn't hurt her. I hopped in my bubble and Chistery flew next to me. I decided the thing to do was to ask the people at Shiz. Dr. Dillamond would have some sort of records right? I hoped so. We flew right over the Emerald City to get to Shiz.


Elphie, come on! We'll be late for Wizimania! I said while holding up the green flyer. "I want to remember this moment forever. Nobody's staring. Nobody's pointing. For the first time I feel like I'm some place where I belong," She said while looking at the scenery. "You look positively Emerald!" I exclaimed.

*End of Flashback*

It just made me sadder to see that she wasn't here right next to me. But it also made me more determined to get her back. "Stupid Fiyero," I muttered in my bubble. "Takes my princess must've been raised in a castle," I whispered angrily. We arrived at the gates of Shiz pretty late, but I hoped that Dr. Dillamond would be there. Chistery landed next to me and I knocked on the door. A few moments passed and it opened. "Miss Glinda!" Dr. Dillamond exclaimed.

A/N: OOF this was a tough chapter to write. Anyway, don't be too mad at me please. Also, new chapter will be out soon.

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