Hidden ~8~

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Elphaba's POV

"Thank you," I said pulling Glinda into a hug. I collapsed on the couch in her room and immediately fell asleep. I was shivering a little due to the coldness of the room, I guess that's why Glinda's bed was covered in comforters and pillows. I reluctantly got up and walked around in the dark. I was freezing so I went over to the Glinda's bed to maybe grab a blanket. Glinda was asleep so I tried to stay as quiet as I could. I took hold of a blanket on the top of her bed and pulled a little. Glinda stirred and looked at me. I tried to move but she grabbed my hand. "Are you cold?" She asked sitting up under the mountain of blankets. "A little," I replied while sitting down at the end of her bed. "Come!" She said pulling me toward her. "Are you sure?" I said a little surprised. "Of course!" She said pulling the blankets away to make room for me. "Positive?" I questioned again. "Yes now just come in you're letting the warmth out!" She said again. I climbed in under the blankets and was immediately surprised with the warmth. I started closing my eyes when Glinda wrapped her arms around me. This startled me at first but I soon settled in after a few minutes. I fell asleep right after that knowing that I was finally safe. 

Glinda's POV

Elphie went inside and thanked me. She hugged me then fell asleep on the couch in my room. I went to my bed and got under the covers. I closed my eyes but I couldn't sleep. A few moments later, Elphie walked over. I assumed she was cold and just on cue, she tried to pull a sheet off. I opened my eyes and offered her to come and lay under the warm blankets. She hesitated but gave in eventually. She got under the sheets and started falling asleep. I put one arm around her and laid on my side looking at her. Even without opening her eyes, I could tell she had a slightly surprised expression but I stayed put. She relaxed a few moments later and fell asleep. I got a good look at her and stared at her for a moment. She looked so peaceful. The moonlight shone in perfectly so that she emitted a subtle emerald glow. I fell asleep soon after that happy that Elphie was finally safe. 

Elphaba's POV

I woke up early in the morning, only when the sun was first coming up. Glinda was still sleeping and her arm was still around me. I slowly slipped out from under her arm and the blankets and walked around the room. I looked at the sun for the first time in months. It shone along with the green city, reflecting off the buildings and making the floor gleam with green light. I looked around and saw how big the room actually was. I didn't want to be seen so I sat on the couch and started reading a book. I looked over at her dresser and I saw my spellbook. I went over and picked it up. I put it on my lap and flipped through the pages that I knew so well. I studied it while I was waiting for Glinda to get up. I read it for a couple of hours until she sat up, yawned, and stretched. Then she looked at me and smiled. "How long have you been up?" She asked me while getting out of her bed. "About a couple of hours," I said without taking my eyes off of the book. "Elphie let's get breakfast, okay?" She said while grabbing my hand. "Sure, but will anyone see me?" I questioned before we walked out. "No, but I do think I should introduce you again sometime." I looked at her and paused for a second. "Elphie, people are going to have to understand the truth. They should know and you shouldn't be afraid anymore," She continued. She held my hand and walked towards me. "You never did anything wrong, you were just trying to do good. Elphie, listen, we have to do something," She said while opening the door. "Fine," I replied following her.

Glinda's POV

I told Elphie that we needed to tell everyone the truth. She couldn't hide forever. I was about to go out the door when I paused in my tracks. I closed the door and turned around to look at Elphie. "Elphie, before you flew away from Oz I wanted to tell you something," I said while blushing and remembering Oz and Shiz. "I knew ever since you asked me to go to the Emerald City," I said while looking at her in her eyes. "Glinda, just tell me. You've got me curious now," I replied. "Elphie, I like you," I said looking down at my feet. I was ready to hear her anger or confusion, but instead, she looked at me and held both my hands. "I do too," She said while blushing a dark green. "I've liked you ever since you helped me at my first party," She replied. I looked at her and couldn't handle myself anymore. I got up on my toes and kissed her. A few moments later, I pulled away and blushed. "Sorry," I said giddily with adrenaline. I turned around but she took my hand and looked at me. "Don't be," She said while blushing an even deeper green. We hugged then I held her hand and led her down to breakfast. There were pancakes and berries waiting. We shared everything and she smiled. This had been the first meal she had with another person in quite some time. "Thank you," She said while smiling again. I showed her around the castle then we went back to my room. I changed into my bubble dress and Elphie went back to reading her book. We decided to walk around the forest and see all the animals. Some were able to say a few words, some weren't. We started walking back but we were interrupted. "The Wicked Witch!" I heard someone said with a scream. I turned around to see the metal form of Boq running away towards the city.

A/N: Thanks for reading another chapter! A new chapter will be out soon. 

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