One ~52~

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Elphaba's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of people chanting out of the castle. They had no reason why, but I tapped Glinda on the shoulder. "Hey," I said quietly. "Do you hear that?" I asked. "Yeah," She said while rolling over to face me. We both got up and quickly changed to see why so many people were screaming outside of the castle. I changed into my black dress and prepared myself. I looked out the window and saw almost the whole population of Oz outside. I started shaking out of nervousness but Glin came behind me and gave me a hug. She was in her bubble dress and we both opened the doors to the balcony. She stepped out first and I just waited in the doorway. "Glinda! Why are you housing such a Wicked creature?" I heard them asking. She stood there frozen and waited. "I um-" She started to say. "Glinda, is she with you now?" They asked. "Um-" She said while looking back at me. "Uh- yes," Glinda said while all of the Ozians in the crowd gasped. Then I heard the Gale Force charging straight for the castle. I started panicking and Glinda ran inside and closed the balcony doors. "Why in Oz are they here?" I asked quietly. "I don't know!" Glinda whispered rapidly. We closed the door and hid inside Glinda's room. We went upstairs to the observatory and locked the door. Glinda had an obvious look of terror on her eyes as we huddled together. I had my broom with me, along with Glinda having her wand. We hid for a while until we started hearing uniform steps up the stairs. It was the Gale Force. I stood up and got my broom ready. They pounded on the door and I was ready. It wasn't going to be my first rodeo. They got the door open and I stood there. "Don't move," I said at a loud whisper. But I underestimated them. There were at lease forty people of the Gale Force streaming into the room.

Glinda's POV

I stood next to Elphie, wand in hand. I was pretty nervous  but I didn't know what was happening. "You," The head of the force said while looking at Elphie. "You're under arrest for the mutilation and murder of Boq," They stated. "What?" I asked. "What?" Elphie asked. "You heard us, witch," They said pointing their guns at Elphie. I walked in front of Elphie but she put her hand on my shoulder. "No," She whispered in my ear. I walked back to my original spot but still pointed my wand at the Gale Force. There was a couple of minutes of just staring there until a gun shot sounded in everyone's ear. Then, it was followed by the sound of Elphie's broom falling. I opened my eyes from the loud sound and looked at Elphie. She was bleeding. They shot her in the arm to make her drop her broom. They took hold of her and started to drag her away as I was picked up by another one of the Gale Force and taken away from her. The last thing I remembered was screaming her name. "ELPHIE!" But I got no response. The man who was from the Gale Force put me down and locked me inside of my room. I tried the balcony door but they locked it from the outside. I sat there and started crying. Mutilation? Murder? Elphie would never do that. I started wondering how those rumors even got around. I started pacing around the room until I saw the Grimmerie sitting on the desk. I picked it up and started flipping through the pages. I looked for anything that would help me until I read 'unlock' on one of the spell pages. I started inspecting the page and waving my hand. "Tenatum tay asha... kerna tatum... ranten... Tenatum tau asha kerna tatum ranten..." I said while focusing on the door of the balcony. I repeated it over a couple of times before I heard a click. I stopped saying it and just stood in silence. Then, the lock just fell off. I cheered and opened the balcony door.

Elphaba's POV

I heard Glinda scream my name before I tried running away. I kept struggling until one of the Gale Force knocked me out with the end of his gun. I felt a single tear burn my skin and fall to the ground. Then there was silence... and blankness.

When I woke up, I didn't know what was going on. "GLINDA!" I screamed while I realized what was going on. "She's not here," I heard a strange but rather familiar voice say. I jumped when I heard the voice but pressed myself against the bars next to the light. I couldn't see much, but could faintly make out the figure of a person sitting on the floor, in the opposite corner. "Who are you?" I said while still looking for a way to get out. "That does not matter, you're new, I hear?" I heard the voice say as I grabbed through the bars to see if I could grab anything. "I guess so," I said frustratedly while pulling my arm back inside the bars. "How long have you been in here?" I asked while looking at the figure that was unmoving. "And why?" I asked. "Well I like to think that this was a mistake. But I think for more than a year and a half," I heard the voice say. "I was brought here against my will," She said quietly. "I'm so sorry," I said quietly. "I'm being charged of mutilation and murder," I said as the figure gasped. "But hear me out," I said quickly after. "I don't know who spread the rumor, but it's not true. I did it to save him. But then he must've died- and someone blamed it on me. He shouldn't have, there's so much I don't understand," I said while sitting down. "I'm Elphaba, by the way," I said quietly. "What's your name?" I asked. "Nessarose," The figure said.

A/N: OOF this was hard to write. But anywayyy, there'll be a new chapter out soon. Love you all!

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