Permission ~36~

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Elphaba's POV

We walked out of the spa and decided to get some lunch. "Hey Glin?" I asked turning to her. "Yes?" She responded while leading me to a café. "How long are we going to be here?" I asked. "Just one night," She said while we sat down in a cozy-looking corner of the café. I ordered a fruit salad while Glinda ordered a veggie wrap. We finished and I was upset to hear she already paid for everything. "Hmph," I said while crossing my arms playfully. She giggled then took my hand and we were soon out in the main room. "What now?" I asked. "We could either go up to the room or we could go out and walk around the Emerald City," She replied. "I'd like to see the Emerald City," I said knowing that both of us haven't been in the city for a while. "Okay!" She said happily. She skipped out the door and we walked around for a while. We went to a few stores and then we sat in the Emerald Square. "I have one more thing planned," Glinda said as we sat up from the bench. "What's that?" I asked as I wrapped my arm around her. "We're going to the best restaurant in the Emerald City," She said while bouncing off the non-existent walls. "Wait really?" I said in shock. "Yeah!" She said excitedly. "My parents are coming too," She added. "I haven't told you this, but my Uncle co-owns that restaurant," She said happily. I stood there in shock. No wonder why Glinda was so popular. I snapped out of it when she held my hand and pulled me back into the resort. When we went into the room, there were two stunning dresses waiting there for us. "My Momsie and Popsicle got these for us," She said while squealing at the beautiful articles of clothing. "Wow... they're gorgeous," I said in awe. "Well put it on then!" She said happily.

Glinda's POV

"It's alright I'll just wear what I have on," Elphie said. "Elphie, you'll look great I promise," I assure. "But I don't nee-" "Do it for my Momsie and Popsicle Elphie. Please?" I begged holding her hand. "Alright fine," She said while picking up the purple and black dress hesitantly. "Are you sure?" She said. "Yes now hurry we only have an hour!" I said while picking up my dress and putting it on. I went into the bathroom to do my makeup and when I came out I was shell shocked. Elphie was wearing the black and purple gradient dress. It had a small waistband that was tied up in the back, making the curves of her hips pop. It wrapped around her slim body in a beautiful cascade. The purple part was from her shoulders to mid-waist, with the black starting from there. It looked a lot like her usual dress but a lot more classy. She was playing with her hair trying to curl it. I snapped out of it and noticed how red I was. "You look stellar," I said as she snapped her head up after looking at her hair. "Oh um- thank you," She said shaking her head a little. "You look amazing," She said which made me blush even more. She was also turning greener which made me giggle a little. "Glin?" She said while walking over to me. "Will you do my hair?" She asked holding my hand. "Yes of course!" I said exploding. I sat her down and started brushing out her raven hair. "I tried working on it but I couldn't," She said while I grabbed some hair ties. I ended up doing a Beauty and the Beast Belle-like style with a messy bun and curling the rest of her hair that was hanging down. I curled the ends of my hair a little and put on some matching blue heels. We were ready for the outing.

Elphaba's POV

I put on the beautiful dress and it fit perfectly. I thought I should try styling my hair and I started playing with it to try to do something with it. Glin told me I looked good and I looked up at her. She was wearing a baby blue dress that had a small waist and a poofy skirt. She had matching heels and earrings, with some blue hair clips too. She looked gorgeous and I asked her to help me with my hair. I put on some black heels with some black tights and we were ready. We walked out of our room and we strolled towards the restaurant. We got a couple of compliments which surprised me. I squeezed Glinda's hand and we walked into the restaurant. Glinda's mother and father were already there waiting for us. We hugged and sat down. We had usual small talk until we had to order our food. I ordered a sandwich and Glinda ordered some soup. We talked about our jobs and how the animals have been doing in Oz. We got our food soon after and it exceeded my expectations for just a sandwich. I finished up before everyone else and I phased out. I started daydreaming about Glin and I. How we've known each other for so many years and that she loved me. I smiled to myself but snapped out of it when Glin tapped my shoulder. I shook my head and smiled. Her parents asked me a couple of questions about the Grimmerie and how they're glad I'm teaching Glinda how to read it. Everyone finished and we were about to wrap up the meal. "Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom," Glinda said while standing up from the table. Once I knew she wouldn't be able to hear me, I looked back at Glin's mom and dad. "Um- Mr. and Miss Upland-" I started to say. "Please, Miss Elphaba, you can call us Laurena and Highmuster," She said kindly. My eyes softened and I nodded. "Right, um- I've known Glinda for quite a long time, I love her with all of my heart, and I was wondering," I said as I pulled out the small box and opened it to show the dark blue and silver ring. "If I may have the honor of your blessing," I said nervously.

A/N: Haha left you on a cliffhanger again sorry. A new chapter will be out soon.

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