Storms ~32~

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Elphaba's POV

We soon got to the Yellow Brick road again. Glinda was practically running in her three inch heels which really impressed me. I was still being dragged around though. We walked into town where many people were out shopping, working, or walking. We sat in a bench at a park and I relaxed. "Now, we wait," Glinda said while moving her legs happily in anticipation. I rolled my eyes playfully and went back to another book I brought. Some people complimented my hair and I got flustered. "See Elphie! They like you!" She exclaimed. "Maybe they do," I said humbly. I smiled and I kissed Glin on the forehead. "Thank you," I said while looking at her sea blue eyes. They were reflecting the sunlight and the color of the Emerald City, making them appear like a beautiful landscape. I blushed while snapping out of the trance I was in. We soon left for home and to get some food. We stopped at a small but cozy restaurant and sat down. I got a veggie burger while Glinda got some pasta. We ate and I teased Glinda that I finally got to pay. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted. I giggled at her adorableness. We got ready to leave just as it started raining. "Dear Oz," I said looking outside. "Don't worry Elphie," Glinda said as she made a quick hand movement. We walked towards the door and just on cue, her bubble arrived. We got in as quick as we could and I luckily wasn't touched by any raindrops. We flew onto the balcony and through the door. I hopped out and helped Glinda out too. I got into some sweatpants and a baggy shirt while Glinda got into a pink nightgown. We huddled up to each other and sat on the bed. I read while Glinda looked at the Grimmerie. "Elphie, I'm going to go to sleep," Glin said while getting under the covers. "Okay," I said while turning off the lamp. She hid under the covers and I lit a lamp quietly. I kept reading and soon I heard thunder outside. I ignored it until the sounds of thunder kept getting closer and closer together. There was an especially loud crack of thunder and Glinda got up in a frenzy. She grabbed onto me and buried her face into my shoulder. "Elphie can you turn on the lamp?" She said in one quick breath. I tried but the power was out. "There's been a power outage," I said rubbing her back. "Can you light a lamp?" She asked almost desperately. "No, I only have oil lamps and they require a long time in contact with fire to light," I explained. "A match would burn up before it would work," I finished. She curled up into an even smaller ball than before. There was another loud crash of thunder and she screamed. I pulled her into a full on hug while I sat up.

Glinda's POV

I wasn't ever scared of storms, but I had always been scared of the dark. I could see Elphie in the distant times the lightning would illuminate the sky but that was it. She pulled me into a hug after a particularly loud crash of thunder and I squeezed her as tight as I could. She rubbed my back and kissed my cheek. I melted into her hug and felt instantly... better. We sat like that for a while. I just closed my eyes and hoped that the power would come back on soon. Elphie had continued to comfort me throughout the whole process. Staying close to me and rubbing circles on my back. Soon, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up hearing Elphie's heartbeat. It was slow but steady. I felt the rise and fall of her chest and realized. Dear Oz, I was laying on her chest wasn't I. I turned into a tomato in an instant and my face heated up at least a couple of degrees. I became aware of the rest of my body too. Her arm was in the crook of my neck and around my shoulder. Then I noticed I was completely sprawled over her. I was in almost a fetal position with her other arm wrapped around my knees. Then I remembered what happened last night. The power went out, I got scared, she cradled me, and I fell asleep. I finally decided to open my eyes and I saw sunlight coming through the window. I sighed in relief since I could finally see light. I knew I should get up but I honestly felt so comfortable on Elphie's arms. I decided to look at the time. It was almost at the ninth hour of the Time Dragon Clock. "Hey Elphie," I said while booping her nose. She immediately opened her rich brown eyes and looked at me. I looked up at her and smiled. "Thank you," I said while kissing her on the cheek. I moved my body off of her but kept my head still. "Of course, my sweet," She replied as she kissed me on the head. I closed my eyes again and took a few deep breaths. I laid there for a moment while Elphie rubbed my arm. I shifted my head a little when something broke the silence. "Ow," I heard Elphie say. I retracted my head and looked at her. There were tear burn marks sprinkling her chest. I must've been crying a little last night. "Oh Elphie! I'm so sorry," I said jumping out of bed and grabbing the bottle of silvery liquid off of the dresser. "You're fine," She said sighing happily. I rubbed it on her burns which soon went back to her usual light mint color. I smiled at her and she blushed. We both got up and shared a hug. I huddled up to her and we shared a kiss. "I love you Elphie," I said. "I love you too, my sweet," She said while pressing our lips together once again.

A/N: Hah! I did it! Layovers are good for writing. Anyway love you! A new chapter will be over tomorrow!

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