Plans ~17~

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Elphaba's POV

I fell asleep and woke up late in the morning. Glinda was sitting at her dresser doing makeup. I wondered when we were going to put our plan into action so that Madame Morrible would leave us alone. Boq also wouldn't be able to hurt Glin anymore. I looked up at her and grinned. "Hey Boo," I said as she turned around. "Elphie! You're awake!" She said as I slipped out of bed. "Yeah," I said slowly because I was still drowsy. "We should set up the plan for Madame Morrible and Boq tomorrow," I said looking at her. "Sounds good!" She said as I hugged her. "We should eat first though. I'm starving," I explained. "Okay!" She said cheerfully. She grabbed my hand and I walked with her to the kitchen. We made waffles and ate them. I looked up at her a couple of times and blushed. She would giggle every time too. It was adorable. Dear Oz, that laugh came from angels that you only hear once in a lifetime. I smiled at her and then she blushed too. A light shade of pink came to her face as she stared back down at her food. We finished breakfast and I did the dishes. At one point, she came behind me and gave me a big hug. I smiled and leaned my head back on her shoulder and looked at her. I turned around and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. She blushed a bright red this time that made me giggle a little bit. After that, I got into the normal black dress that I fashioned and walked back downstairs. Glin was sitting on the couch and she looked at me. "Let's go see Dr. Dillamond. I'm sure that he'll be willing to help," Glinda said while standing up. "Good plan," I said while thinking. "We'll need all the help we can get," I continued. She stood up and got into her bubble dress as I got my broom ready. She came downstairs in her beautiful dress and I blushed looking at her. She smiled and we both walked outside. I got on my broom as she got in her bubble and we both took off. In no time we made it to Dear old Shiz. I landed and came up to the door and Glinda landed behind me. "Dr. Dillamond?" I called out as I knocked on the big old doors. I waited for a moment and then he opened the door. "Miss Elphaba! Miss Glinda!" He exclaimed opening his arms up for a hug. I hugged him and Glinda came up behind me. "You said my name right!" She exclaimed as she approached him. "It was about time," He said humbly. "Anyway, what do you need?" He asked looking back at both of us. "We need help setting up a plan," I explained. "We're trying to get rid of Madame Morrible and Boq for good," Glinda chimed in. "Okay well, what's the plan?" He asked as we both walked into the school.

Glinda's POV

We told Dr. Dillamond the plan and I smiled at Elphie. He had agreed and this was finally going to happen. Both of us wouldn't have to live in fear anymore. "Can we walk around the school and dorms again?" I asked. "Sure, Miss Glinda," He said while looking at me. I grabbed Elphie's hand and left. We both ran to the dorm and decided to go back to our old room. We went in and looked around again. We rummaged around our old dressers and talked about Shiz. Then Glinda pulled out her frizzy pink dress. "Elphie look!" I exclaimed looking at her. "I remember that dress," She said as I came over to her. I twirled around holding it up. "Where did your dress go?" I asked looking at Elphie. "I dunno I guess I could go looking for it," She replied looking under her bed and in her closet. "Found it!" She exclaimed standing up. "Your simple frock," I reminded. "I'll put on mine if you put on yours," I said. "Fine," Elphie replied rolling her eyes. I jumped up happily and changed right then. I twirled around some more and surprisingly it still fit. Elphie put on her old frock and looked at me. "Throwback," I said sarcastically. "Let's go to the OzDust!" I exclaimed. "What?" Elphie questioned while looking at me. "Let's go down to the OzDust ballroom. Come on follow me. You'll be happy to be there!" I sang playfully. "But why?" She asked. "Just come on!" I said cheerfully. I grabbed her hand and we went to the OzDust ballroom. I walked in with Elphie behind me and looked back at her. She stared in awe at the ballroom and smiled. "You did this for me?" She asked. "Of course!" I said smiling. I brought her inside where all of our old classmates who support Elphie were there. Some said sorry to her while others just smiled and waved. We played songs we heard the first time we went here and we all danced our shoes off. Especially me with my four-inch pink heels that were a little too small. We ate food and danced to the dance I taught Elphie the first time. We all danced together until it was time to go home. I smiled and I looked at Elphie who still seemed to be in shock. I hugged her and kissed her. But this time it was long and passionate, it felt that we were the only two people in the world. Elphie pulled away a few moments later and blushed the deepest green I had ever seen her. I giggled and blushed a bright red too. Then, we both left and called it a night. We went to the castle and changed into our sleeping clothes. Tomorrow our plan would finally be going on and we wouldn't have to worry about Madame Morrible and Boq anymore. But what I was most glad about is that I made Elphie happy.

A/N: There might or might bot be a chapter tomorrow but I'm still at camp. I'll hopefully be on a regular schedule after Friday though. Thanks!

Boo! ~ Gelphie FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora