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Elphaba's POV

It has been many years since I've left the Emerald City. I was tired and I needed help. I had been living just west of Oz in a small abandoned village. I could see the very tip of the Emerald City from where I lived. I missed everyone. I had been living alone for so long with only a few speechless animals to accompany me. I tried to help them speak but it was pretty hopeless. So I decided that I needed to go back to Nessa and my father. They would help me get my good reputation back. So I flew for a few solid hours on my broom until a familiar house came in sight. My old house. I went inside the house uninvited so I could talk to Nessa when she was alone. I hid in her office closet and waited. I heard some bickering about something and some footsteps that I could only assume were Boq's. I decided to finally reveal myself. "It seems as if the beautiful get more beautiful," Nessa looked at me and screamed a little. "While the green just get greener." I finished as I opened the door. I stepped out and looked at my sister for the first time in years. "Sorry, did I scare you?" I closed the door and walked a few steps toward her. "I seem to have that effect on people."

Nessa had been wearing a black dress similar to the one I wore to the Emerald City with the shoes Father gave her. I stared at her as I saw a stern face with an uptight bun resting on her head. She looked at me for a moment examining my clothing too. I remembered that I had been wearing a dress I fashioned for myself that I made with some of the things I had found in the forest. Nessa and I had been talking for a while in her office and she seemed very cold. I was sad because this wasn't the Nessa I knew and loved. I begged for her forgiveness and told her I needed help from father. I started walking towards her when she stopped. "Father's dead," she said wheeling away from me. "After he heard of what you'd done in Oz he died of shame." I was shocked. Now I had been the cause for both of my parent's deaths. "I'm the governor now," Nessa said as she looked away. I tried to say sorry but then she stormed at me. "All my life I have depended on you, how do you think it feels? All my life I've been stuck in this hideous chair with wheels!" She thundered. Then a thought came and I brought out my spellbook from my bag. I cast a quick spell and when I looked up, Nessa was standing! But then she fell and I tried to rush to her side. "No!" She exclaimed. I backed away and gave her room to try and stand again. Slowly, she got up and steadied herself with arms stuck out to both sides. "Oh Nessa, at last!" I cheered in amazement. I finally did something good. Then I heard footsteps and Nessa quickly sat back down in her chair. I couldn't go anywhere and as I tried to climb back into the closet, Boq came in.

"What are you doing here?!" He said shivering. I explained to him that it was only me and I wouldn't hurt him but he persisted in chasing me around the room and threatening to call the Wizard. But Nessa stepped in. Literally. She stood up in front of Boq and he was overjoyed that he could leave. Wait, leave? He had been with Nessa all this time and now he wanted to leave? "Oh Nessa, I lost my heart to Glinda the first time I saw her." He stated as he went for the door. This made Nessa fume with rage as she grabbed my spellbook out of my grasp. "Nessa no!" I screamed as she started flipping pages frantically and began saying a spell. Then Boq fell to the floor. We stood there in horror as we looked at the lifeless body. I knew I would be able to save him with another spell. "Wait, can't you just undo it?" Nessa questioned while pacing around the room and crying. "No we can't, but I could try another one!" I said as I quickly said the spell. I took him and put him on Nessa's chair after I cast it. I instructed her to not bother him since he was sleeping. We both stayed there and watched in the hope that he would wake up. Although, he wasn't exactly like he was before. He was made completely out of tin, the lights reflecting off of his metallic shine. Then, he woke up. He looked around and at himself. Then he saw me and raged at me for making him heartless and out of metal. So I flew away with him chasing after me out of the house. Poor Nessa wasn't able to come. She was still stuck.

I made my way back to the Emerald City and into the Wizard's room with the huge face again. I looked around for any sign of anyone. I put my broom down as I inspected the area. "I knew you'd be back," A familiar voice said as I turned around in a frenzy. There I saw the Wizard of Oz, standing with my broom in his hand. I rush towards him but he threatened to call the guards. I stayed put and he told me that if I joined him, I could fulfill all of my dreams. It would be wonderful. But I told him that if I did he'd let all of the monkeys go. So he did. I looked in awe at the array of monkeys finally flying free from captivity. But as the tornado of monkeys were fleeing, everyone was scared because they were scampering around before taking off. I was running around until I saw a moving figure crawling across the floor. I pulled the blanket off of the moving figure and looked at it in horror. "Dr. Dillamond?!" I said. He looked at me and backed away. "Dr. Dillamond, don't you remember me? It's Elphaba." I assured. He looked me straight in the eye and bleated. "Can't you speak?!" I questioned. He simply just looked at me and bleated again.

I stared at him with blazing eyes. "You want to know my heart's desire? It's to fight you till the day I die!" I screamed. I started running towards him until he called the guards. I started to back away and saw three people come into the room with spiffy green uniforms. "Fiyero?" I asked. "Silence witch!"He boomed. I kept my broom at hand as he asked the other two to get as much water as they could carry.

Glinda's POV

I was at the ball with Fiyero. We had gotten back together again after I learned that his mistress had cheated on him. I still yearned for Elphie though. I pretended not to though since I was a public figure now. I had to be encouraging and act like everything was good. Thank goodness. Fiyero had gotten a call from the Wizard and rushed out of the ball to his aid. After what seemed like hours I went looking for him. I heard his voice yelling but couldn't decipher who. I came into the Wizard's room and opened the door. "What's going on in here?" I questioned. Then I saw a familiar figure. Although much taller and much more mature looking, I couldn't deny who I saw. "Elphie?!" I called out.

A/N: Thank you for reading! I'm trying to post another chapter every 1-2 days but if I don't, I'm sorry. Also, if you have any suggestions, please tell me because I'm trying to improve my writing. Thanks again!

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