Boats ~50~

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Elphaba's POV

I woke up and turned over. "Good morning Elphie," Glinda said while looking over at me from the restroom door. "Good morning," I replied pulling the sheets back and getting up. "How long have you been awake?" I asked. "Not long," She said simply. "Okay," I replied. We got up and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. "Elphie I got us something at the stores we went to two days ago," Glinda said while walking towards the pantry. "What is it?" I asked while leaning on the counter. "Danishes," She said. "I thought we could try them out," She said while turning around holding a small white box with pastries stacked inside of it. I looked at them and followed Glin to the table. She opened the box and started eating them straight out of the box. I giggled and pulled one out for myself too. "Thanks for getting these," I said between bites. "Of course Elphie!" She said. Today we were going to go on a boat tour in the ocean, so I had to pack a bag. I packed my silver liquid, in case I ever got splashed by the water. Then I packed a few books, a salad, and a change of clothes. Glin made herself a bag too. She had everything she needed, including her swimsuit if she wanted to go swimming. I smiled in anticipation since this would be my first time actually on water. I changed into a tank top and leggings, while Glin changed into a crop top and jeans. We grabbed our bags and walked out. We boarded the boat on the dock. I tried to keep myself steady from the swaying of the ocean. I set my bag down and Glin soon came in after me. She sat next to me and I wrapped my arm around her. More people got on for the next few minutes and we were ready to leave. The plan was to go on the boat for a while, stop and eat at an island, then come back. I sat back as Glinda laid her head on my shoulder. I smiled and kissed her head. The captain of the boat shifted it into gear and we started going. Luckily, the boat was propelled by jets of water, rather than a motor so no animals would get hurt. The boat was very fast and kind of surreal in a way. It flew across the water and I smiled. Glinda was looking around at the scenery. "Look," Glinda whispered. "Dolphins," She continued. I looked barely over the edge and saw a small pod of dolphins jumping beside the boat. Only a few of them could talk and I could only hear them when they'd jump out of the water. They said hi and jumped back in. I giggled at their playfulness, but before we knew it, we were almost at the island. It was covered in lush trees and vegetation, along with being quite big. We rode up to the dock and I grabbed my bag. One by one, everyone got off of the boat, and safely onto the island.

Glinda's POV

We had just arrived on the island when Elphie stepped off the boat before me. I jumped off and into the warm sand. Elphie and I took each other hand in hand to find a spot to eat our lunch. We decided to eat near a small creek and still in sight of the ocean. We sat on a log as we pulled out our food. I had some penne pasta with alfredo sauce while Elphie pulled out her salad. We ate for a while, enjoying the scenery. I knew the other people on the boat had to be Ozians, due to the way they dressed. They didn't seem to mind Elphie, which made me happy. We finished up our food and walked around the island. There were a few trails we could walk on for a few minutes to get to another beach on the other side. We walked around a bit until Elphie stopped. "Glin do you want to swim?" She asked me. "No, I enjoy walking around here with you," I replied. "Okay, if you're sure," She asked while continuing to walk. "I'm sure," I said while following her. There were a lot of birds on the island and most of them could talk. Elphie said hello to a few while I picked out a good spot on the beach. I showed her the spot and we sat down. Elphie pulled out a book and started reading. I laid face down on the towel and enjoyed the feeling of the breeze. Soon, they called us in to get back in the boat. So Elphie and I packed up and left. We got on the boat and it left the dock. The dolphins greeted us again before we pulled back into the other dock. We stopped as Elphie and I stood up. We both gave each other a hug before having to get off the boat. We stepped off and I summoned my bubble. We both stepped inside and flew back to the cabin. When we got there, we stepped out and went inside. I put my stuff down and took a shower, since there was still a lot of sand on me. When I got out, Elphie went inside with her arm full of oil bottles. She closed the door and soon I heard the shower running. I got changed and took the towel that was wrapping my hair off. I shook my head and all of my hair fell down. I decided to take another look at the Grimmerie before bed. I recited a few spells before I heard the door creak. "Very good," She said while coming over to me with a smile on her face. "Thanks," I said while looking back at the book full of gibberish. Elphie pointed out a little bit of my pronouncement before we both got under the covers. Elphie gave me a quick kiss and turned out the light. I linked hands with her and we both fell asleep.

A/N: New chapter will be out soon. I love you all! Thanks for reading!

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