Arrangements ~42~

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Elphaba's POV

I felt Glin smile against my lips. I giggled and cupped her cheek in my hand. I looked down at her gorgeous face and smiled. Glinda smiled at me and laid back down on the grass. I moved my hair and used her arm as a pillow. We saw a couple of animals who were able to speak to us. It made me happy to talk to them and they told us they were moving into the city. I sat up while talking to them and still holding Glin's hand. We got up when it started to get dark and we got hungry. We walked into the back door of the castle and went into the kitchen. "Any preferred dinner?" I asked as Glin closed the door behind us. "Ramen," Glinda said while falling on the couch dramatically. "I'll make it Elphie, it's my turn," She said while hopping up and grabbing a pot and filling it with water. "Okay," I said while sitting down on the counter. She started boiling the water and I leaned my head back on the cabinet. I dazed off and looked at the beautiful ring Glin had got me. "Want something to drink?" I asked Glinda as she was putting the noodles in. "Of what sort?" She asked back. "Milk tea," I replied as it was one of the couple things I could actually drink. "Sure," She said as I hopped off of the counter and started grabbing some glasses. I made the tea and Glinda put the bowls on the table. We sat down and started to eat the food. We finished eating a couple of minutes later and I put our bowls in the sink. We watched a movie and snuggled up on the couch. I got a few blankets and I laid down on my side. Glinda laid in front of me and I put my hand on her arm. I put my hand on the back of her hand and we linked fingers. I started the movie and I noticed Glin slowly starting to scoot closer to me. She turned over on her other side to face me. I hugged her and we fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke up on the couch and opened my eyes. The sun was coming into the window and I decided not to move since that would wake Glinda up. Her face was in the crook of my neck and her golden curls were sprawled out over the blankets. I noticed that our hands were still locked together and my other arm was around her body. I kissed her forehead and looked down at her. She looked so peaceful and calm. I felt her slow and steady breath on the crook of my neck and smiled. I rubbed her back and leaned my cheek against her head. I kissed her on the head and I heard her giggle. "How long have you been awake?" I asked while looking down surprised. "About half a tick of the Time Dragon Clock," She said.

Glinda's POV

I woke up but Elphie was still asleep. I acted like I was asleep to see what would happen. She woke up around twenty minutes later and kissed me on the forehead. I tried not to grin but it wasn't too easy. She rubbed my back and kissed me on my head. I giggled at her cuteness and she asked how long I had been awake. I told her and she laughed. I shifted so I could look up at her and I kissed her. We stayed in each others arms for quite a while until we decided it was time to get up. We ate some avocado toast for breakfast and did some wedding planning. We hired a wedding planner to come and help us negotiate what we would do, who would be there, and where it would be. We decided it would be in the meadow of night violets, on the night of a full moon. After that, the reception would be at the OzDust ballroom since that's where we became friends. Then we would have our honeymoon in Gillikin, on the beach since that was where our first date was. It all seemed surreal and I was ecstatic. Elphie and I held hands throughout the whole process and we decided that our color scheme would be green and pink. It fit since pink went well with green. Elphie chose three Ozians who worked at Shiz to be her bridesmaids, while I chose some who worked with me at the Emerald city. We decided to bend the rules a bit too. Since Elphie's dad was gone, Dr. Dillamond would take his seat. Since everyone who was coming was so vastly different, Elphie and I agreed that we would have our bridesmaids stick to the color scheme. For mine, they would wear pink. For Elphie, they would wear green. We chose which food we would eat, which was my favorite part so far. It was all vegan, with no water in sight. We served some small salad wraps for lunch and continued. We used pink violets for the accents on the table and the bouquet. Elphie and I chose a cheesecake for the wedding, which was simple but elegant. We had everything planned out except what we would wear. We sent out wedding invitations for everyone who we wanted to come. It was going to be in the month of September, the day before school started since that was the day we met each other. We decided we had enough for that day and the wedding planner left. Elphie collapsed on the couch. "That was too much extroverting for me," She said while I giggled. I sat next to her and rubbed her back. She picked up a book and started reading while I started writing my vows. I read them over and over in my head to make sure they were perfect. I couldn't wait. I was practicing jumping up and down in my heels but tried to stay calm. I couldn't deny the grin that spread across my face though. Elphie looked at me and smiled. I blushed and giggled at her sudden movement. "You silly blushy mess," She said sarcastically before putting our lips together.

A/N: Love you! New chapter will be out soon.

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