Castles ~51~

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Elphaba's POV

For the next few weeks, Glinda and I had some of the best experiences of our lives. I loved seeing all the sights, but got tired of the relentless traveling. I got up and started packing my things. I packed Glinda's stuff too so we could get out by the check out time. I smiled at my doings and went to sit down, reading a book. A few minutes later, Glinda woke up. "Good morning, my sweet," I said while looking up momentarily from my book. "Good morning Elphie," she replied while sitting up. She looked around the room and stared. "Did you pack everything up?" She asked while getting out of bed and kissing me on the cheek. "Yeah," I replied, smiling up at her. "How good of you," She said bubbly. I never thought that would come out of anyone's mouth. Me? The Good Witch? I shook my head and she summoned her bubble. We grabbed our bags and made sure everything was in place. I started to walk out when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Yes?" I asked turning around and feeling her lips on mine. I smiled and then we hopped in her bubble. We flew for quite a while but soon the castle came into view. A couple of Ozians spotted us and waved. Glinda and I waved back and we soon landed on the castle balcony. We hopped out and I gave Glinda a hug. We both walked inside and I flopped onto Glinda's bed. She flopped along side me and we both fell asleep again.

When we woke up, it was late afternoon. We walked towards the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. I got some avocado toast while Glinda made herself some popcorn. We sat down on the couch and ate our food. I turned on the TV and leaned my head back while slouching a bit. Glinda laid her head on my head and I giggled. She gave me a kiss on the forehead and I went to grab a blanket. I came behind Glin and threw the blanket over her head. "Elphie come on," She said while pulling it off of her head to reveal her messy hair. I giggled as she grabbed my arm and rubbed the blanket over my hair too. I giggled and smoothed it out while pulling the blanket over both of us. Glinda was laying against the arm of the couch so I laid down, using her stomach as my pillow. I shared warmth with her and smiled. "You're warm," I said while listening to her heartbeat. "I know," She said playfully and putting her hand on my back. I started outside the window and watched the city. There was a tint of Emerald hue everywhere, that was shining through the window. I scooted closer to Glinda and I could feel her slow and steady breath on the top of my head. She kissed my head and I giggled while we watched the rest of the episode.

Glinda's POV

We finished the episode and Elphie was laying on my stomach. We were wrapped in a blanket and sharing warmth. We started watching the next episode and Elphie pulled the blanket over her head. I stared down at her and giggled. She tossed the blanket back and looked at me. I stared into her fiery brown eyes as she pushed herself up in a sitting position. I retracted my legs that were laying flat and crossed and scooted towards her. She cupped my cheek in her hands and I smiled. We leaned in and kissed a compassionate, sweet kiss. I put our foreheads together and giggled. I blushed and she pushed me playfully. I laid down on the couch flatly, holding the remote. Elphie soon leaned over me and suggested we get dinner started. It was almost the ninth tick of the Time Dragon Clock so I got on my elbows and kissed her. I nodded and we both walked to the kitchen. I grabbed some ramen out of the cupboard in the pantry and started boiling the water. I mixed the sauce that would go with it and cooked the noodles. I got sone bowls and strained the water very well, before putting them in the bowls. I put the sauce on top of them, along with some veggies. I put them on the table as Elphie brought over some milk tea. She also brought over some chopsticks to use. She handed me a pair and I struggled trying to hold them. Elphie giggled and came over to my side of the table to show me how to use them. It took a moment, but I got used to it. I used the chopsticks for the rest of the meal and drank my milk tea. We set our dishes in the sink and headed upstairs. Elphie and I headed up to the observatory, which was the largest and tallest dome in the castle. I held her hand as we walked and we soon got to the top. We opened the old door as it creaked. The moon was shining in on a large moon dial on the floor. I laid down and looked up. Elphie soon joined me and we stared at the sky for a moment. This was the best view to see the moon and sky at night. I held Elphie's hand and used it to pull myself closer to her. She giggled and pulled me in closer to her. But suddenly she jolted her arm making me turn over and flop onto her. She smiled smugly as I blushed at the situation. I gave her a kiss and turned over to look up at the sky. We stayed there for another tick and decided to get ready for bed. We walked down a little to my room and brushed our teeth along with our hair. We slipped into bed as Elphie pulled out a book and started reading. I already put my head under the covers and side-hugged Elphie. I laid my head on her arm and she shifted. I scooted a bit closer and then heard the click of the light turning off. "Goodnight, boo," I heard as I closed my eyes. "Goodnight Elphie," I replied as I fell asleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading! A new chapter will be out soon. Love you all!

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