Home ~16~

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Elphaba's POV

I woke up in the morning and hugged Glin. She shifted around a little and I looked outside the window. The sun was shining in and I packed up all of my belongings. I sat down and read one of my books and Glinda finally woke up. "Good morning dearest!" She said looking at me after staring around the room. "Good morning boo," I replied looking up from my book. "I already packed," I said while looking back down at my book. "Okay!" She replied bubbly. "I'll get to packing," She said hopping up from the bed. She packed her six pairs of shoes and clothes. We left the hotel and wanted to walk around the city. We looked around and Glin showed me all sorts of places. We went on top of one of the big buildings and took off on my broom. We flew over a bit of the ocean and saw many little animals. We hovered over the water carefully to not get wet and said hi. Some were able to speak and some weren't. We talked a bit then left. We flew over the upper uplands one more time. "Wait!" Glinda said while I came to a pause. "What is it?!" I replied worriedly. "I want to show you one more thing," She replied and I ascended down to the ground. Glinda took one step on the ground and ran while taking my arm. She dragged me to this large house and turned around. "This is my old house," She exclaimed. I looked up and stared at it in awe. "It's beautiful," I said with a sort of dreamy voice. "Come on!" She said cheerfully while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the entrance. We walked in and she showed me all around the house. "And now," She said holding a doorknob. "This was my room," She explained opening it. Inside was an almost entirely pink room and a bathroom. It was huge but also cozy. "Do you want to stay for one more night?" She asked looking at me. "Sure," I said as I put down my case. She fell on her gigantic pink bean bag and looked at me. "This place is awesome," I said looking around slightly. The pink hurt my eyes a little but everything was decorated beautifully. I sat down on the pink bed and brought out my book. "Elphie, want to eat?" Glinda asked me as I looked up from my book. "Yeah!" I said excitedly. We made ramen and ate while holding hands under the table. It worked because I was a lefty and she was a righty. I smiled at her and she showed me her backyard. It had a lot of grass and a trampoline. She held my hand and pulled me towards the trampoline. We jumped on it a little but soon got tired and laid down on it instead. We fell asleep on it for the rest of the afternoon. I woke up with Glin poking my nose.

Glinda's POV

"Boop," I kept saying as I poked Elphie's nose. She woke up and opened her eyes. "Elphie wanna go on the roof?" I offered as I got up and jumped around a bit on the trampoline. "Sure but I'm hungry," She said while getting and jumping a small bit. "Okay, we'll get food," I said while jumping off and walking towards the house. She followed me inside and we made a meal. After we ate, we went up a few flights of stairs and arrived on the roof. We laid down and held hands. I started falling asleep until I felt someone pick me up and start walking. Elphie was taking me inside. I grinned a little but still pretended to stay asleep. She put me in my bed and laid next to me. Elphie put her hand around me and squeezed a little and fell asleep. I put a few blankets on her before I really fell asleep. I fell asleep a few moments later. We both woke up at about the same time to the sound of a large bell. It was the bell in the town square that only went off on Saturdays. We got out of bed and ate pancakes for breakfast. Then, we got on Elphie's broom and left. We flew over the city one more time and then flew out of the Upper Uplands. We soon came across the sight of Munchkinland over the horizon. I squeezed Elphie and she patted my hand before moving it back to hold on to the broom. "Thank you for taking me," I said while I hugged her. "Of course!" Elphie replied while looking back at me. "Thank you," Elphie echoed. "For what?" I asked looking at her. "For showing me the Upper Uplands," she replied smiling. "Why wouldn't I?" I said playfully. We landed in Oz soon after that. We walked into the castle and Elphie collapsed in the bed and immediately fell asleep. I came next to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead and laid next to her. I grabbed the Grimmerie and studied it for a while until Elphie woke up. She looked at me and I was looking confusedly at the Grimmerie trying to read it. She shifted herself next to me and I tried sounding out a spell. She corrected me and I started to get the hang of it a little bit better. "How can you read this?" I questioned. "I don't know I just can," She replied while shrugging. "Because I knew you," She sang a little remembering when she gave it to me. "Because I knew you," I replied remembering the song. "I have been changed for good," We sang together smiling. She gave me a kiss and I smiled. She grinned at me and we cuddled a bit. We fell asleep in the comfort of our own castle that night. It was nice because there's no place like home.

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