Diagon Alley ~24~

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Elphaba's POV

We both woke up at about the same time and I smiled. "Good morning," I said happily. "Good morning Elphie!" She said cheerfully. I giggled at her voice. She was just so bubbly all the time. That's hard to come by when people still live in wickedness. It may not be me, but there's still wickedness out there. "Elphie?" I heard Glinda call out. "Huh?" I replied shaking my head. "You spaced out," She continued. "Oh," I said after a small giggle. "Hey Glin," I said after a moment of not talking. "Yeah?" She asked looking over at me. "How would you feel if I showed you where I'd go if I was lonely. Like, after Oz," I continued. "Where would that be?" She questioned as I walked over to the closet. "It's called Diagon Alley," I said looking back at her. "It's far away, but it's beautiful," I said holding her hands. "Okay, so how far away is it?" She asked. "Out of Oz and by then it's a couple of hours away," I said. "They have wizards and witches there," I continued. "I think some Ozians might be there too, but they inherit their magic," I finished. "That sounds awesome!" She screamed jumping around the room. "We'd be there for a few days, so pack your bags," I said while I grabbed my small wardrobe and put it in a case. "Okay!" Glinda said while frantically throwing at least ten pairs of shoes in her oversized pink suitcase. About one tick of the Time Dragon Clock later, we were ready. "We'll have to go on my broom," I said while picking it up and walking to the balcony. "Your bubble's too slow," I said while hopping on and Glin getting on after me. We strapped our luggage to the bottom of it and we took off. Glinda held onto my waist and I blushed a deep green. We flew over Oz and eventually left the border. We flew over a few smaller towns and finally arrived above Diagon Alley. We ascended into it and I heard people calling my name. "Elphie, how do these people know you?" She asked getting off of the broom. "They know me since I went to school with them," I said while walking around and saying hi to many people. "What do you mean?" She asked while following me. "Before I went to Shiz, I went to a place called Hogwarts," I said while holding her hand. "Nessa and I went together from the ages of eleven to eighteen," I continued. "Then, I went to Shiz although I could already do magic of my own," I finished. "But ignore all that," I said while leading her to a place labeled 'The Leaky Cauldron'. "This is where we'll stay for the next few days," I told her as I opened the door. It wasn't anything fancy, rather run down. But it looked a lot larger than what was expected and there were many floors. We walked up to our room and got settled. "I know it looks old but it's a really nice place once you get used to it," I said looking over at Glinda who was organizing all of her shoes.

Glinda's POV

We came to a rather rusty looking place and came into a room. There was a single king bed, a closet, a bathroom, and a table with two chairs. "I love it!" I exclaimed dancing around the room. The brown tint gave it a cozy feeling and the oldness just made me more excited. Most importantly, Elphie was the only green thing in the room, which made her almost glow among all the brown. Oz, she looked beautiful. She had on her normal black dress that flowed over her body. Her black hat I gave her made her fiery brown eyes pop and her black hair was shining in the sunlight. "Come on let's go!" She suggested as we walked out onto the streets. She showed me all sorts of interesting shops with things I had never seen before. The only thing I recognized was the quill and paper store. I knew what those were at least. She lead me to a particularly vibrant shop, Plum's Sweets Shop. "What is this?" I asked pointing to a box that was hexagonal in shape. "Oh, those are chocolate frogs," She replied picking a few up and putting them in her basket. I picked up a few that were interesting to me and looked at them. "What do fizzing whizbees do?" I asked looking at the colorful packaging. "Oh they fizz in your mouth and then taste fruity," She replied. We ended up getting practically everything in the store, then decided to try them in our room. She brought out everything we purchased and dumped them on the bed. We tried the fizzing whizbees first and I was immediately surprised about what they tasted like. Then we tried caramel webs, Bertie Bott's every flavor beans, and a couple of others. "And these," Elphie said while pulling out two chocolate frog containers. "Are my favorites," She said while handing me one. She opened up her own container and promptly put the frog in her mouth. I opened mine like she did but suddenly, the frog hopped out onto the bed. "They're enchanted that way," Elphie explained while she grabbed it for me. I bit into it quickly closing my eyes. I was surprised about how good the chocolate was. Then I looked back in the container and saw a small card. "What's that?" I said while Elphie pulled her card out. "It's a collecting card," She explained. "Each one has a famous witch or wizard on it," She continued. "See, I got Albus Dumbledore!" She said happily. "I've been wanting one of his cards for a while," She continued. I looked back at the card and the image of him was gone. "Hey, where'd he go?" I asked flipping the card over in wonder. "Well he wanders off and comes back," She explained. "Who did you get?" She asked. I picked up my card and flipped it over. Slowly I read, "Elphaba Thropp,"

A/N: I love Harry Potter, so I added some in. Also, I thought it would be interesting if Elphaba went to Hogwarts and then to Shiz to continue her education. What do you think? I know that maybe some of my readers don't know Harry Potter, so I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible. Okay thank you! A new chapter will be out soon.

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