Practice ~44~

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Elphaba's POV

I knew that I definitely wanted to wear this to my wedding. I got out of the dress and left it at the designers to send it to the OzDust ballroom since that's where we'd get ready. I met up with Glin at the lobby and she was grinning wildly. I hoped she liked the dress. Then, we went home and spent the remainder of the day relaxing. We just sat and watched some TV. Which I think both of us needed. We fell asleep early so we could be ready for what was coming in the next few weeks.

A few weeks later, everything was set up according to plan. I had written my vows after rewriting them over a couple of times. Everything looked beautiful and surreal. I giggled in excitement that the big day was tomorrow, at night. Glin and I couldn't wait and we were so ready for everything. Glinda's mother and father came into town for the wedding early, along with Dr. Dillamond and our bridesmaids. We went into a restaurant in the Emerald City to celebrate. All of us sat down at the table with Glin and I at the end, holding hands. We all ordered our food and Glinda made a toast. I cheered for her and drank my milk tea. We discussed the wedding for the whole time. Soon, the food arrived and we ate. We finished up and left soon after that. Glin and I went to the castle in her bubble. We got ready for bed and I grabbed a book. Glinda was brushing out her hair when I got up and brushed my teeth. We both got under the covers and cuddled for a moment. "Goodnight dearest," She whispered. "Goodnight, my sweet," I said while turning the lamp off. Then, we both fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to Glin practically jumping off the walls. She was singing, her voice full of excitement. I giggled and she looked over at me. "Good morning Elphie!" She said while plopping on the bed and putting her head in my lap. I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. "Good morning, boo," I said giggling. We got up and went to the forest. We walked around where the wedding would take place and we looked at the place around us. It was beautiful and it just made us even more giddy. We did a practice wedding and Glinda was already crying. "I love you," She said in between happy sobs. "Oh boo," I said while hugging her. "I love you too," I whispered in her ear. I hugged her for a while and then we went back to the castle. We ate some food before getting ready. I got into my dress and got my hair done. It was put into an elegant bun and had some multi-color pearl facets in it. I put on my hat and the cape-like train. I got some makeup on and looked at myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath and waited with my bridesmaids for the time to go. I saw them gesture for me to go so I went over to the alter and waited. I was ready.

Glinda's POV

We did a practice wedding and I already started bawling. I walked down the aisle and was practically dying. I looked at Elphie and we finished the practice. I cried happily into Elphie's arms when the wedding practice finished. My bridesmaids took me to the changing room. I got into the beautiful dress that Elphie designed for me and got my hair done. The hair on top of my head was pulled back into a loose pony tail. The rest of my hair that was hanging down was curled. Then, they put small crystal accents into my hair, covering the hairband and tucking it behind my head. Then I had a couple of strands hanging in front of my ears, framing my face. Then I put on the necklace that matched Elphie's. I put on some makeup and blush. The bridesmaids left after that so I could talk to my Momsie and Popsicle. Then, there was a knock on the door. "Glinda sweetie, it's your mom. May I come in?" I heard while I applied some eyeshadow. "Of course," I said while finishing my makeup and turning around the swivel chair. Momsie opened her arms wide and I stood up and gave her a hug. "Congratulations, sweetie," She whispered while giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Momsie," I replied in the same tone. I rubbed her back and she put her arms on my shoulder. "My little girl's growing up!" She said dramatically. I rolled my eyes playfully and gave her another hug. "I have to go to my seat," She said while walking away. "Goodbye!" I said cheerfully. Then my Popsicle came in and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "You look great," He said while holding my hands. "Thanks Popsie!" I said while smiling. He left soon after that and I took one last look in the mirror. Then, I got the pink bouquet off of the counter and started walking. My dad met me outside and we talked a little before getting ready to step onto the aisle. I was shaking with nervousness and my Popsie hugged me. We stood there for a while and we walked into the forest. I paused and stood there looking around. I stared at the beauty for a while. I remembered all that happened with Elphie and I. I thought about how I lucky I was to be able to call her my fiancé and soon to be wife. I couldn't wait to see her up near the alter, with our bridesmaids. I held the bouquet tightly in my hand as my father took my arm and I put it around his. Through the trees, I could see Chistery throwing rose petals on the ground as everyone looked at him. I stared in nervousness and waited. Then, Chistery finished and sat near the alter. Then it was my turn. I started walking through the trees and saw a stunning figure. "Elphie," I muttered under my breath.

A/N: HAAAA GOTCHA. Alright a new chapter will be out in the next two days. I love you all! 

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