Past ~10~

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Elphaba's POV

I collapsed into Glinda's arms crying and hugged her. I was finally free. At least for now. She put my lotion on my tear burn marks and held my hands. "Elphie, you don't have to be afraid anymore!" Glinda cheered. We hugged again and she lead her downstairs to eat dinner. We talked about where I lived after I left Oz. "Would you want to come and see?" I asked while looking at her. "Of course!" She said looking up from her food and staring at me. "We should go now!" I said pulling her up from the table. "Wait, what?" She said while following me. "It's getting late though!" She said while being dragged towards her room. "Exactly! It's the most beautiful at night," I explained as I walked in and grabbed my broom. "Glinda, please come on my broom with me. It's faster than your bubble by far," I said while grabbing it and holding it out. "Okay fine," She said while getting on the broom and wrapping her arms around my waist. We soon took off and were flying through the sky at record speeds. Some people saw us and looked at us in awe, while others were still skeptical and screamed. I didn't care though and we were able to get there in record time. About a half hour later, I landed the broom in a small meadow surrounded by trees. "This is where I would go to get the violets," Glinda said. "Really?" I asked walking towards a particular tree. "Yeah, and I would lean against this very tree," She explained while pointing towards a large oak tree. 

"Well, looks like we have similar tastes," I said while touching the tree to reveal a door. Glinda gasped and I walked her inside. There was a long tunnel made out of wood, the forest was so ingrown that many trees fused together. We walked through it and came out on the other side and I opened another disguised door. It opened to reveal a small two-story cottage in a clearing. I took her to it and sighed. "Welcome to my old home," I said while opening the creaky wooden door. "It's so cozy!" Glinda said while looking around. There was a fireplace, a couch, a table with a single seat, a small kitchen, and stairs. I lead her upstairs to show that all of the walls were made out of bookshelves filled with books. There was a bedroom, a bathroom, and a small loft. Then I lead her to a ladder and climbed up. She looked at me confused. "Come on! Don't worry and hurry or else you're gonna miss it!" I said waving my hand to tell her to come. She climbed up and I sat down. The roof of the cottage was flat, so you could easily sit on it. A couple of blankets were there since I left them that way. I laid them down next to each other and proceeded to sit on them. I gestured for her to come and sit down with me and she slowly did. I laid down on the blanket and looked up. Glinda copied me and we both looked up at the sky. There were shooting stars gliding across it and I looked at her. She was staring at it in awe and I slowly held her hand. She kept looking at the sky but I could tell she was smiling. She was happy, so I was happy too. 

Glinda's POV

Elphie brought me up to the roof of her little cabin and told me to lie down on a couple of blankets she set up. She laid down and I proceeded to do exactly what she did. I looked up at the sky to see a beautiful array of stars shooting through the night sky. It was absolutely beautiful. I watched for a moment until I felt a hand touch mine. I kept my eyes at the sky but still smiled and squeezed her hand. Then I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep. It was a warm night, but a breeze flew by so I was a little chilly. I wrapped my arm around Elphie in need of warmth and pulled her close. She too turned on her side and hugged me. She put her arm under my head to support it and her other arm around me. My face was in the crook of her neck and in an instant, I fell asleep. 

The next morning, I woke up and looked around. Elphie wasn't there so I assumed she was probably inside reading. I got up and noticed she put her blanket over me. I smiled and freaked out in joy for a second then got up. I climbed down the ladder and didn't find her on the second floor. I walked down the stairs and heard sizzling. Elphie was making breakfast. She looked at me and smiled. "Good morning boo. How did you sleep?" She asked. "Great, thank you for the blanket," I said while walking over towards the kitchen. I sat down on the little counter next to the sink and dazed off. Boo? Did she just call me a pet name? It was adorable and I loved it. I thought of how the first time she and I had a class together. She had scared me with booing me just as we walked in. Now it was my pet name. Honestly, I thought it was totally cute and kind of her. 

Elphaba's POV

Oh, shi- Shiz. I just called her boo. What if she doesn't like it? I blushed and stayed silent while I focused on making breakfast. "Boo?" I heard Glinda say while I brought out the plates. "Sorry," I said blushing while putting the food on the plates. "Why are you sorry? Elphie, it's adorable what are you talking about?" She replied. "You really think so?" I said nervously. "I know so!" She said smiling. I blushed and brought out two plates of pancakes with forest berries. I gave one plate to her and sat on the couch since there was only one chair at the table. She sat down next to me and ate it quickly. "Wow, you were hungry, weren't you?" I said looking at her in amazement. "Yes! That and the fact it was delicious," She said. I blushed and she blushed back. I smiled and ate my plate then it was time to go home. I grabbed my broom and we went through the tunnel again. Soon enough, the Emerald City came into full view with its beautiful green glow. 

A/N: Thanks for reading! Also, happy fourth of July! I'll be going to camp soon, where I am not allowed access to any electronic devices. So sadly, there won't be any chapters from the time of the 8th to the 14th or 15th. Sorry!

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