Congratulations ~41~

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Elphaba's POV

I squeezed Glinda's hand as we made the big announcement. It seemed like time stopped in that moment. Everyone just stared at us at first but then the crowd split out into many cheers, gasps, and applauses. The loudest cheers we heard were from Laurena and Highmuster. I grinned as I looked at Glinda and we hugged. "Thank you, Ozians," Glinda said momentarily pulling away from the hug. "You may go now," She said while waving. We walked inside hand in hand and went behind the huge balcony doors. Glinda hugged me again squeezing me tight. I lifted her off her feet a little and bent my body back. I set her back down when I realized she was crying a bit. "You did it," I assured while wiping away a tear even though it left a burn. "No Elphie, we did it," She replied. I smiled and we put our lips together. Glinda got the bottle of silver liquid and put it on my hands where I smeared the tears away. I grinned at the easy fix to the burn and gave Glin a hug. We hugged for a little bit before we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Glinda said while walking in her poofy bubble dress. She opened the door to the wide smiles and open arms of Laurena and Highmuster. "Congratulations you two!" They exclaimed while hugging and kissing Glin. Then they came over to do the same to me. They kissed me on both cheeks and then the forehead, then continued to give me a hug. It shocked me but I continued along with it. I smiled at them and Glin showed her parents her ring. It went perfectly with her bubble dress and matched her eyes. I smiled as they held their hand out for me to join their group hug. "Welcome to the family," Laurena whispered. I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you, I love you guys," I said while looking at all three. "We love you too," Highmuster said while giving me another hug. "Now let's celebrate!" Laurena said bubbly. I chuckled since it ran in the family. "Ooh Elphie yes!" Glinda said while taking my hand. We followed her parents out of the castle towards a nearby restaurant. We sat down and waited for our server. They came over and recognized us from the meeting. They congratulated us and took our order. I got some salad while Glin got a sandwich. We had some simple catch up talk and started talking about wedding planning. Our food arrived and we all started eating. I finished my food first and held Glin's hand under the table. She squeezed my hand and I smiled. We talked about working and helping the animals around Oz. Some were regaining their power to speak but some others were still struggling. I explained that it was mostly encouraging them to do it rather than teaching them the words. I told them how there was a large increase of animals moving into the city, rather than living in the forest and hiding.

Glinda's POV

We were talking about the progression of animals in the city, when I finished my sandwich. I wrapped my arm around Elphie's shoulders while she wrapped hers around my waist. I smiled because it tickled. We finished up and my Momsie and Popsicle paid for the food. We said goodbye and my parents took their carriage home to the Upper Uplands. We walked back to the castle and I got out of that really heavy dress. Even though I loved it and it fit perfectly, it was still a lot to handle. I changed into a lighter, pink dress that had a simple skirt and a form-fitting top. I changed into some matching pink heels and let my curls down. Elphie didn't change out of her black dress since it was slick on the inside so she would be able to run in it. I loved that dress on her, it was iconic. It was very down-to-earth style, when she started to accept herself and her looks. It was made from cloth she found scattered in the forest. It was a million different textures and rather rigid. But that's what made Elphie so unique... and so attractive. She was different and I loved her for that. She was reading a book like usual. I came over to her and sat next to her. She looked at me and wrapped her free arm around my waist. I looked at the book she was reading. "A new book, I presume?" I asked sarcastically. "Not really, I've had this since I was thirteen," She explained. "It's just simple potion recipes," She finished looking at me. "Potions for what?" I asked picking up the book and looking at the cover. "Mostly just ones to help plants grow faster," She said while putting the book back in her huge library that was on the floor. I giggled and she hugged me. We did a little wedding planning before going outside again. When we got a little bit done, we decided to take a break and go to the forest. We walked there from the castle and laid in the meadow of night-blooming tulips. I laid my head in Elphie's lap while she pulled out another book to read. After a while, she put her book down and held my cheek in her hand. I leaned into her hand, kissing her palm. She smiled and leaned down to give me a kiss on the forehead. I blushed at her and she hovered her head over mine. Her shiny ebony colored hair surrounded both of our faces like a tent and I kept staring up at her. "Thank you for everything, dearest," I said while leaning on my elbows to get closer to her. "Of course, my sweet," She said while putting our foreheads together. We both closed our eyes and I felt a hand on my chin. Before I knew it, I was receiving a sweet, passionate kiss from Elphie.

A/N: Coming home from a vacation finally! I'll be posting a new chapter out soon. Love you all!

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