Movies ~21~

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Glinda's POV

I looked at Biq who let go of my hand in shock. "Just a little something from yours truly," Elphie said as she came around the corner again and put her arm around my waist. I looked at her in smiled while nodding to her statement. Both Elphie and Biq were staring at each other. Elphie had a satisfied look on her face while Biq had an enraged one. "I told you she was mine," Elphie said with a smug wink. Biq couldn't do anything but stare at Elphie with hate in his eyes. Utter loathing. I decided to end it off there because if I didn't it would get dangerous. Without another word, we left the dungeon. But while we were exiting, I noticed no sort of breeze could've gotten in let alone wind. But it still came in and brushed my hair aside. "Hey, Elphie?" I asked looking at her as we held hands. "Yeah?" She replied looking down at me. "Did you cause that little wind down there?" I questioned. "Yep," She said popping the 'p' as we walked out. "A little non-spell magic," She continued. "It was funny!" I giggled. "I just really wanted to prove to Boq that you were mine," She finished. "You did it beautifully," I complimented. "So much for an actual conversation though," I said. "Well, it was kind of my plan. I knew he'd listen to you so I took it as an advantage. So I took the opportunity I had," She said as we walked out of the castle. "You smart little green girl," I teased. "Well it is what I am," She said. I giggled and kissed her.

We flew back and landed on the balcony together. "You really need to make that bubble faster," Elphie said looking at me while helping me out of the bubble. "Or you need to make your broom slower," I said rolling my eyes playfully. "What do you want to do tonight?" I asked changing the subject. "How about a movie night?" Elphie suggested while walking inside. "That sounds awesome!" I squealed. I loved movies, but it was also an excuse to cuddle with Elphie. We ate a ramen dinner made by yours truly and then got into our PJ's. Elphie got into some black sweats and a loose-fitting top since it was hot in the castle. I changed into another one of my nightgowns, but this one was made of linen so it wouldn't be as hot as my cotton ones. We both went downstairs and situated ourselves on the couch. Elphie brought us a few blankets and pillows so we would be comfortable. I brought microwave popcorn and a soda for Glin too. "What movie do you want to watch?" I asked looking over to Elphie. "I don't know, whatever you want," She responded looking at me. "How about Disney?" I asked. "Sure, haven't seen it in any in a while though," She replied. "How about Lion King?" I asked. "That sounds good," Elphie replied while looking it up.

Elphaba's POV

I looked up the Lion King and started playing it. I settled myself under a blanket and ate some popcorn. I laughed at the song 'I just can't wait to be king' and so did Glinda. I noticed that it kept getting colder and colder inside so I huddled with Glin. We shared body warmth until the elephant graveyard scene where Glin sat in my lap and hid under her blanket. I giggled a little at the reaction and wrapped my arms around her. She uncovered her face after the hyenas were scared away by Mufasa. "Hey," I said while looking down at her. "It'll be alright," I said while squeezing her. We kept watching peacefully until the stampede scene. "Tell me when it's over," She said while putting her face in between the couch and my arm. "Okay," I said after I giggled a little. I patted her arm after she flinched while hearing Mufasa screamed. I huddled her from all angles possible and after the scene was done, I rubbed her back. "The scene's over," I said as I tapped her on the shoulder. She had clearly been crying a little so I tried to wipe her tears away. I touched her face that was wet with tears and wiped them away. I got burned a little but it didn't matter for the moment. Glinda paused the movie and got the bottle of silvery liquid and smeared it on my burns which quickly went away. I smiled at her and we kept watching. We sang along to Hakuna Matata and ended off Can You Feel the Love Tonight with a small kiss. Soon, the movie ended and we turned the TV off. "That was good," I said looking over at Glinda. "Yeah," She agreed as I put my arm around her. I started closing my eyes when Glinda suggested we get ready for bed. I nodded and we went upstairs holding hands. I started brushing my hair as Glinda came into the bathroom. "Hey boo," I said as I turned around to look at her. She looked at me and smiled. "I love you, you know that?" She said playfully. "Of course," I replied with a satisfied voice. 

We finished up with brushing our teeth and hair and crawled into bed. We first got under the blankets but I soon noticed it was getting hot. I guess Elphie noticed it too because she shifted around a lot. "Ugh," She said as pushing off the blankets. "It's too hot," She said rolling over. "I agree," I said while pushing off the blankets on my side of the bed. We roasted for a few minutes until Elphie rolled over in frustration. She pulled off her nightshirt and laid on her stomach. She had a black sports bra on and rolled towards me. I blushed while seeing her stomach but it didn't make much of a difference of what I looked like since it was so hot. It was normal to see her stomach since we would have to change in front of each other at Shiz. I decided that it was way too hot so I took off my nightgown too. I intertwined our fingers and we finally fell asleep. 

A/N: Thanks for reading! A new chapter will be out soon. 

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