Acceptance ~37~

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Elphaba's POV

I sat there shaking for a moment while they both looked at each other smirking. Then they both had huge smiles grow on their faces. "Of course, Miss Elphaba, you may have our blessing," They said as they got up from the table  to come and hug me. "Thank you," I breathed out of shock. "We couldn't think of a better person who could be our little girl's wife," They assured. By this time, I couldn't hide my smile anymore. I shoved my face in my book as Glin came back to hide my excitement. She sat down and I put my hand in hers. My insides were bubbling with happiness and my heart was beating really fast. When and where would I ask her? Would she say yes? How would she react? All these thoughts circled around my head until they were interrupted when we had to leave. I felt Glin get up out of her seat and I followed. We hugged her parents goodbye one last time before they had to leave. We walked out of the restaurant and went up to the room. I saw Glin throw off her heels and collapse on the bed. "Those heels are killers," She said while sitting up. "I bet," I said while chuckling. We put some music on while we settled down for the night. I was reading a book but Glinda pulled it down to get my attention. "What is it?" I asked while trying to go back to reading. "Come on! Let's dance!" She exclaimed bubbly.  "What?" I said after chuckling. "Let's dance!" She said again while grabbing my hands and pulling me up. I giggled as we twirled around the room, still in our fancy clothes. The next song came on and we slowed down. Glin rested her head under my chin and we just took little steps around the room. The song ended and Glin looked up at me. We stared at each other for a moment before I felt her mouth on mine. I smiled and we both got ready for bed. I let my hair I got out of the fancy dress and into my usual sweatpants and baggy shirt. I hung up the long dress in the closet and sat down to start reading again. Glin changed into her nightgown and took off her make up. She got under the covers and we linked hands under the blankets. I put down my book and we stared at each other. "Can you show me another spell in the Grimmerie?" Glin asked while squeezing my hand. "Sure," I said while getting up and grabbing it off of the desk. I hopped onto the bed which made Glin giggle. She leaned on my shoulder while I showed her a short spell. We both read it aloud, except for the last word so that it wouldn't actually happen. We decided to finally go to bed after that and got under the sheets. "I love you Elphie," She said while hiding under the covers. "I love you too my sweet," I said while closing my eyes.

Glinda's POV

We woke up the next morning and gathered our things. We left them near the door and went to eat some breakfast. We walked downstairs hand in hand. We sat down at a table and ordered our food. When we finished, we went back up to the room and packed all of our stuff in my bubble. Elphie grabbed her broom and we were ready to take off. We flew above the Emerald City with my bubble full of our luggage inside following close behind us. We landed on the balcony and hugged. "Thank you for everything," Elphie said. "Of course Elphie," I replied happily. We stepped inside my room and the bubble came in soon after that. Elphie sat down on the sofa to read while I started putting our stuff away with my wand. A few minutes later, everything was back in its usual place. I sat down next to Elphie and rested my head on her shoulder. She kissed me on the forehead and I giggled. She sighed and looked away from her book. "Let's go to the forest, yes?" I asked while she looked around the room. "Sure," She said smiling. We got up and walked to the forest. We sat down in the meadow and Elphie looked around. "Glinda come!" She said while waving me over. I came over to her and saw that she was pointing to something. "The forest berries are ripe!" She exclaimed. She walked over and sat down near the bush picking them and popping them in her mouth. I giggled at her sudden burst of excitement and sat next to her. We picked berries and stored some in Elphie's bag for later. "These were my favorite snack as a child," She said happily as she laid down in the grass. "I could tell," I said giggling. She turned towards me and kissed me on the forehead. I smiled and blushed. I kissed her and it soon turned into a short but sweet make out session. I giggled as she left a small love bite on my neck. It tickled so I started squirming. I looked up at her and she was dark green. "You blushy mess," I teased. "You should see yourself," She joked back. I giggled and felt my face which heated up quite a bit. We both sat up and went back to the castle. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked. "Fruit salad," She said while pulling the forest berries out of her bag. We made the salad with the berries and a couple of other fruits and sat down to eat. Once we were done, we went upstairs to get to sleep early. I changed into my nightgown and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the restroom and got under the covers. Elphie was reading of course, but soon she put down her book and turned off the lamp. We held hands and instantly fell asleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading! A new chapter will be out soon.

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