Rings ~45~

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Elphaba's POV

I waited for a while at the alter as I saw more and more people sit down. I put my hands together in nervousness and took a deep breath. Soon, Chistery arrived with a basket of pink rose flowers and he scattered them across the walkway. He finished putting flower petals on the walkway and came to give me a hug. I smiled and hugged him, then he went back to his seat. I stood back up and put my hands together in anticipation of Glinda. Then, I heard rustling in the trees. I first saw Highmuster, but close behind him I saw Glinda. I gasped as she stepped into the clearing. She looked astonishing. I stared at her as she walked along the aisle. In the moonlight, her dress seemed to glow. She illuminated the small area around her and many people were looking at her. Her father gave her a kiss on the forehead and my adrenaline immediately jumped up. My heart started pounding in my chest. The priest started talking while I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I had known the priest though. He was an Owl who had recently gotten to speak again. The moon was rising, only making the light coming from it reflect more. Her dress was absolutely gorgeous on her. It hugged all of her curves and showed her slender legs. Her train was drooping over her face, like a curtain. Then it was time for us to say our vows and I pulled out a thick stack of paper. I knew it would take too long to say everything, so I picked out the best. Glinda had gotten hers out too, not coincidentally written with a pink pen on pink paper. I giggled to myself but soon stepped forward for us to face each other. I was supposed to read mine first, so I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself. I looked down at my cards and broke the silence. "Glinda Arduenna Upland," I said slowly. "When I first laid eyes on you, I knew that you were the most beautiful girl in the school," I said while holding her hand. "I was afraid that you would originally judge me for my green skin," I said. "But you didn't, you accepted me for who I was," I said while almost crying. I took a few deep breaths and continued. "I soon found myself swooning over you, even before the dance," I said looking into her eyes. She was crying a little but I continued. "I loved you since the day I met you, even though I denied it," I said while rubbing the back of her free hand. "And this is why I promise that I will always be by your side, through thick and thin. I promise I'll be there for you whenever you're sad, or happy, or even sometimes bouncing off the walls," I said while being accompanied with a small laugh from the audience. I smiled and looked back at her. I continued saying vows, some funny, sarcastic, serious, and just plain Glinda-fied. I spilled out my heart then and there, and smiled at her. "And this is why I promise to love you forever, because you'll always be apart of me. You're the handprint on my heart," I said putting the cards down.

Glinda's POV

Even though I was already crying, I started crying more when Elphie said her vows. She soon finished and I stood in astonishment of what she just said. It was my turn now, so I lifted up my short stack of pink cards and looked at them. "Elphaba Thropp," I started, trying to hold back tears. "I've had so many friends in my lifetime," I started as my heart started getting rapid. "But I knew since the day I met you that you were different," I said while taking the card and putting it in the back of the stack. I put my hand back in hers and continued. "Not just physically, of course. You were kind and compassionate. Especially for what you stood for," I said. "And that only ever hit me once I didn't see you," I said while a few tears rolled down my face. "For five years," I said in between a few sobs. I continued for a while saying all what I wanted to tell her. "And that's why I will always have you as my dearest darlingest," I finished looking up at Elphie. She was definitely trying to hold back tears. I smiled assuringly and we put both of our hands together. The rings were brought up and we each picked one up. The priest talked a bit more about us as I listened to all of the night sounds. It was relaxing and helped me calm down. Elphie squeezed my hand and I smiled up at her. She looked stellar. Elphie sparkled in the moonlight with the sequins on her dress. She stood out from everything around her, since her dress was jet black with the exception of highlights of blue and purple. It fit her perfectly and pointed out all of her body. The lace mesh sleeves were just slightly translucent and made a nice contrast with her light emerald color. She had a small amount of purple make up on, which made her fiery brown eyes pop. Her bun was simple but beautiful. The pearl facets in her hair shined in the moonlight, sparkling different colors from black to blue and purple. It matched the sequins on the dress and everything brought itself together. Elphie was staring at me and I looked at her deep brown eyes. Her cheeks were well defined, along with her black hair streaking down her face slightly. Then I snapped out of my trance. "Do you Elphaba Thropp, take Glinda Arduenna Upland, through sickness and in health, till death do us part, be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest said. "I do," Elphie said slowly and clearly. "And do you, Glinda Arduenna Upland, take Elphaba Thropp, through sickness and in health, till death do us part, be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest said while I fidgeted with Elphie's ring in my hand. "I do," I said rather dramatically, but it was normal for me to be over-zealous. "Then I now pronounce you woman and wife!" He exclaimed as we slipped each other's rings on our fingers. "You may now kiss the bride," He finished. Elphie looked down at me and we pressed our faces together. We kissed and Elphie cupped my head in her hands. "Hold out my sweet," She said quietly. "Hold out if you can,"

A/N: I do not own that last quote, it belongs to Gregory Maguire. Okay that's all I have to say a new chapter will be out soon. Love you all!

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