Chapter 4

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I sat at the table patiently waiting for Lei to comeback. I seen her out the corner of my eye coming near me, so I turned my head all the way giving her my full attention. She sat next to me and went back to eating like I wasn't right there. I  stared at her daydreaming I was fucking the shit out of her at this table.

"Daddy" lei said softly

" Huh" "Yes" Her dad and I said at the same time. Everyone  looked between Us and I started to laugh to ease the tension My mind was somewhere else.

"My bad G" I said clearing my throat

" Yeah aight nigga let me find out bet I shoot you" G said making a gun with his hand.

" I'll kill you" her uncle said mugging me

"Stop talking like that and my baby is at the table" Her mom said motioning to her little sister Lay. I looked over at Lei and she was definitely killing me with her eyes.  

"Can I go out with a friend tonight?" she asked

" Who?" 

" I met this bo-" her dad and uncle spit out their drinks shaking their heads

" Hell mother fucking NO" he yelled

"But dad he really cool y'all can even come with and see" She whined

" Naw we got shit to do go ahead but you gotta  take laiah, I'm trynna  make baby number 4" G smirked.

" On that note I'm out" Leland said giving me a nod to come with him

" Hughhh ! ALWAYS FUCKING! I don't want another sibling i like being the baby!" Laiah Pouted. Everyone turned around staring at her in shock or at least I was.

 I ain't never known her to be anything other than sweet.  I don't know how but they mom popped her so fast in her mouth! I'm talking about gave her ass a combo type of pop. I don't even remember her moving towards her. Laiah started crying reaching for her G, but  He looked at his wife and she gave him that 'I wish you would look'.

" I promise you this... if you pick her up and spoil her you will not be here tomorrow and that's on your kids' life" she gritted putting fear in him.  Now I see where lei get it from. He laughed it off but walked the other way, My boy knew better. 

I followed Leland up to his room shutting the door behind me. This nigga room was damn near bigger than my whole house.  I took my normal spot in his desk chair. 

" You fucking my sister?" Leland asked 

" Nah but that's my baby" I smirked

" I don't mind you messing with her just don't play her like you do these hoes and we good" He said dabbing me up

" Word , but she  playing earlier she saw me getting top from Miah ass and called her a roach and said I need to see an exterminator before I touch her" I sighed while he busted out laughing

Not Easily Broken  (EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora