Chapter 63

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Stunna ^^
Lani POV

I kept hearing a thumping noise while I slept all night I've been trying to ignore it but it just kept doing it which was pissing me off I opened my eyes trying to raise up but failed my side was killing me along with my arm I groaned in pain laying back down.

"You know you shouldn't be sitting up" I heard my mom say I rolled my eyes trying again

"Leilani Brielle lay yo ass down I'll go get the nurse so she can help you" she said running out the room which was dumb cause she a doctor she could've helped me herself.

"You okay?" Jigz asked

"Yeah I don't know why they have the bed flat shits dumb can you help me please?" I asked

"Yeah and I just wanted to talk to you honestly" he said raising the bed up so I was sitting up enough to see but laying down enough to where I was comfortable I looked around the room seeing my dad sprawled out in a chair i closed my eyes shaking my head this nigga will sleep anywhere

"Leilani I just wanted to tell you I apologize for being apart of your kidnapping I can admit I was wrong for saying some very hurtful things to you there's no excuse on my actions nor no justification I just hope you can forgive me honestly I know you not going to do it over night but maybe in the near future" I nodded looking around the room for Erza

"I appreciate you apologizing I don't fully trust you but it's a working progress... um where's my husband?" I asked I was worried about him

"He's behind the curtain I don't know if you ready to see him like that he's pretty banged up yo" he said lowly my mom came back in the room with a nurse behind her finally lady

"Sorry they needed me to sign off on something" she said smiling looking at jigz awkwardly the nurse came  over to me checking my blood pressure and changed the band aids on my scars.

"Does this hurt" she said poking my side I shook my head I honestly couldn't feel it

"Okay were going to turn back on the heart monitor for the baby so we can monitor her she said walking to a machine flipping the switch I heard that same thumping noise I heard all night making me groan

"What's wrong" my mom asked I shook my head

"I heard this all night and morning now I know it was my baby annoying me" I laughed lowly

"Yeah kids do that to ya" the nurse said laughing she lifted up the covers going under my gown fixing the heart things

"Alright I'll be back in 30 mins to check you" she said leaving out I nodded looking over at the curtain dividing me and Erza.

"You wanna see him dontcha" Jigz asked I nodded as tears rushed down my face my mom came over to me rubbing my arm comforting me jigz pulled back the curtain revealing my baby looking like a mummy hooked up to all types of things i cried looking at him he looked so helpless.

"He's in a medically induced coma the doctor said he'll wake up when he's ready he suffered from a broken hand, ribs and something with his spine since he was protecting y'all he got most of the impact from the truck" jigz said looking at him sadly

"It's all my fault" I cried

"Baby no it's not" "it's no ones fault" my mom and jigz said at the same time I shook my head

"It's is we got into an argument I told him ... I I I didn't love him I regret him everything and was getting ready to go over y'all house but he told me I couldn't drive with his baby so he drove.... just imagine if we would've just talked it out" I cried stuttering

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