Chapter 78

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Seam POV

"Come on Lucas I don't have all day" I've been trynna get him dressed for the past 30 mins and every little thing I do he say that's not how Angel do it and it's really starting to get annoying I'm new to this whole taking care of a kid thing by myself.

"I don't wanna go" he whined walking out my room I got up off the bed following him to his room

"You ain't gotta choice I gotta go to work so Getcho shit on now" He shook his head crossing his arms over his chest leaning on the wall

"I don't wanna go NO! I want my mommy" he yelled kicking the wall repeatedly

"Lucas not today I don't have time for this shit get your fucking shoes on now"

"No" he yelled kicking a hole in the wall I raised a brow looking at him I'm really trynna not hit him since he's still grieving Angel but he ain't about to fuck up my house in the process " I want my mommy go get her now" he yelled making the hole bigger in the wall he began knocking over all his things on his dressers and pouring out all his toys on to the floor I let him have his moment but that shit flew out the window when he started to throwing shit at his tv knocking it on the floor I snatched his little ass up throwing him on the floor making him hit his head he screamed throwing one of his toys at me running out the room I walked in my room looking for a belt I wasn't bouta deal with this shit from him I walked out my room looking for Lucas he wasn't upstairs I went down the back stairs calling his name he wasn't answering me back and it was worrying me I walked to the front of the house seeing the front door wide open I said a small prayer before I went to look for him I swear when I find him I'm beating the fuck outta his ungrateful ass.

Every since angel funeral he been lashing out I try to give him the benefit of the doubt because he was mourning just like me but at some point enough is enough. Just last week we was in the store getting some things and me not paying attention we walked down the candy aisle he asked for every piece of candy I told him no and of course he had a fit he ripped open majority of the candy bags throwing them all down the aisle knocking over candy any displays then when I tried to go get him he was yelling I was hurting him but I didn't even care I snatched his ass up popping him and next thing I know I'm walking out the store in handcuffs for so called child abuse.

I spent almost a week in jail and my face was all over the internet my moms had to come and bail me out and she had told me Lucas went with angel brother who hates me cause he think I kilt his sister.

"Lucas" I yelled walking up and down the block I looked at the time on my phone I had 10 mins to get to practice if I didn't want to be late I headed back to the house getting my stuff ready for pratice he knows where his house at he will comeback when he's ready to comeback. I grabbed all my belongings walking out the house leaving it unlocked just Incase he did come back he wouldn't be stranded outside I started my car heading to practice on the way I called Mori so she can look out for him she ain't have nothing better to do

"Hello" she answered sounding sleep

"I need a favor favorite sister!"

"What! Can you speed it up I'm trynna sleep"

"So Lucas ran of this morning


"He some where out there I'm on my way to practice I can't be late so..

"You just left a four year old out there? Practice is more important then him?"

"We live in a good neighborhood ain't nothing gon happen to him" I laughed atleast I hope it don't

"You so fucking stupid it's ridiculous" she yelled hanging up in my my face I shrugged pulling into the players parking lot ain't really worried about Lucas he's real smart just try to down play it.

Not Easily Broken  (EDITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ