Chapter 26

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I could not sleep last night that shit seam pulled had me all types of fucked up. How do you go from loving and fucking the shit outta me to tonguing a whole female done at my brother party at that?

I ain't gon lie I cried my lil heart out last night, I thought this nigga could actually be faithful to me after everything we have been through cheating, lying, miscarriage, kidnapping. All that sweet talk how he was going to be good to me all the promises all dat was a fucking lie and I am really upset with myself for allowing him to get me so vulnerable and blinded by his ways. He ain't gon never change and that is just that.

I got that nauseated feeling again and ran to my bathroom. I have been throwing up and crying all morning, so I just know I am going to have a major headache. I threw up the food I ate spitting the rest out I went to the sink to brush my teeth . I just looked in the mirror staring at the mark R left on my neck recapping everything that happened last night.


I watched Angel reach up touching seam face bringing her lips to his I watched from a far to see what he would do. He grabbed her butt pulling her close to him. I looked around seeing who was watching this bullshit and Mori and my dad stood there looking at me with wide eyes.

"Wanna beat they ass" Mori mouthed

"I'll shoot him just say the word" My dad said raising his shirt I shook my head no watching my dad tap my uncle making me palm my face.

I slowly walked over to them praying to god I do not let them see me cry.

"Y'all cute" I said loud enough for them to hear Arseamian pulled away looking in shock while the girl snuggled up to him smiling hard

"Thank you" she said kissing his cheek I raised my eyebrow feeling the tears coming I turned to walk away I am not letting this ruin my night.

I walked over to Leland nem sitting next to laiah this girl was fighting her sleep. She was slouched over in the chair I laid her head on my lap rocking her back and forth making her pop her head up

"No Lani I'm not sleepy I want some cake" she whined

"Ma can we do the cake so Yo child can stop fighting her sleep" I yelled over the music she nodded walking over to the DJ booth

"Hey guys we're about to cut the cake so we can get outta here" my mom said taking the mic

"Damn she fine" somebody yelled in the crowd I laughed and watched for my dad reaction.

"Whoever said that met me outside cuh" he yelled taking the mic from my mom she muffed his head taking the mic back

"Alright come on so we can sing happy birthday. Birthday boy come up here " she said as Leland walked up to the DJ booth smiling hard asf

"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to yaaaaaa" we all sung and clapped as they brought the cake over to a nearby table

" we can finally get some cake ... Move....Move" laiah said pushing everyone out the way to get to the cake table. I laughed because it is never that serious over that weak ass cake. I am not a big fan of cake I just tolerate it I went to sit down at the table watching everyone eat their cake.

" want some?" Laiah asked with frosting everywhere I shook my head telling her no

" look Lani" she yelled pointing behind me my dad smashed cake in my mom face making her do it back to him I laughed at their encounter they are so cute.

" ain't forget" I heard my uncle say behind me smashing a piece of cake in my face and hair 😭

" unci my hair" I yelled at him

" fuck that remember when you threw away all my weed talking about some it's bad for you" he said laughing as I smacked my lips and just stared at him

" that was when I was 10 dude 7 years ago" I said wiping the frosting off my face he just shrugged laughing at me. Out the corner of my eye I seen Arseamian walking up to me I walked away trying to find my mom.

"Lei it's not what you think" I heard him say as I walked away, I do not have time for nobody excuse, reasons why any of that. He yanked my arm dragging me to the bathroom once we got in the bathroom, he locked the door to give us privacy.

"What the fuck You want" I yelled in his face ready to get out this bathroom with him this was giving me flashbacks on the night I got took

"Why the fuck You been avoiding me all night" he yelled walking closer to me trapping me in the corner of the bathroom.

" I don't wanna be bothered with you go tend to the girl who tongue was all down your fucking throat" I said muffing his head away from me walking to the door. He grabbed my arm throwing me back into the corner as he grabbed my face squeezing it

"You are my girlfriend you just being dumb" he yelled in my face. I looked in his eyes seeing the same person I saw that night we fought someone who did not care at all.

"You can't hear now" he said grabbing me by my neck banging my head against the tile in the bathroom

"Let me go Arseamian ...I'm trying not to put my hands on you" I said letting the tears fall he shook his head squeezing my neck tighter making me claw at his hand gasping for air

" do it I dare ya" he said squeezing my neck tighter I kneed him in his balls making him let my neck go and clutch his balls. Without thinking I punched him in his face aiming for his eye.

"Stop putting your hands on me" I yelled at him hitting him wherever I could

I heard banging on the door making me snap out of my hitting spree. I looked back at Arseamian seeing him still on the floor clutching himself I shrugged walking out the bathroom I seen it was a group of girls banging on the door I mugged them before walking back to where my mom was.

I walked up to them putting on the best fake smile I could muster up, but my mom saw right through me.

" What's wrong" my mom said getting of my dad lap I shook my head

" What happen ta ya neck" my dad said holding my head up I put my head down shaking my head

" Dra look at ha neck" my dad yelled to my uncle I palmed my face speed walking out the dance hall.

" Leilani Brielle Graham come here NOW!" He yelled making some people turn around to look at us. I walked towards him crying with my head down I walked Infront of him and he raised my head up making me quickly snatch it back down.

"Snatch again and you gon get a whooping" he said laughing making me laugh he raised my head up looking at my neck

"What happened lei?" He asked touching my neck

" nothing look unci I'm real tired and just wanna go home" I said easing my way into my car he nodded hitting the top of my car. I wasted no time starting my car pulling out the parking lot.

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