Chapter 60

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Mori POV

I've been in the hot box for about 36 hours now since I was raped and nearly beaten to death. I still had on my same now dried up bloody jumpsuit it really started to smell and the heat didn't make it no better. I would rather be in here then out there with the unknown though wether I burn to death or just die already. I'm supposed to serve a month in this place and so far I'm on my third week in this hell hole let's just say I wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy.

While being in here it really wasn't shit to do all I do is just reflect back how I messed everything up with everyone. If I could take it back I would bring in here makes me appreciate the love I had at home yeah no one by my side now but honestly I think that's for the better damn near all my life I always had someone to pick me up when I fell so I didn't get to see the consequences of my actions but now I don't have anyone to catch me so I'm very well alert at what I'm doing and thinking about what happens after.

I've thought about lei while I was in here and just looking back on our situation I was dead wrong, I didn't have to pick a fight with her nor her husband just to let the stress I was dealing with out. I didn't have to fight or try to kill her baby because I couldn't have my own and placed the blame on her I look back at it now and regret it.

When cupcake and the guard raped me I felt so hopeless and done for I felt useless like I did when I could t have my own child and instead of thinking positive I thought negative and reacted with negative actions leading me to get hurt badly in both situations and lose myself. When I lost lei I lost my best friend , my sister and my number one supporter when I was raped I lost myself I lost all respect for myself I thought about trynna make something out of it but the only thing I could come up with was that was my karma for everything I did wrong these last few months.

"You ready to go?" The guard who raped said through the food serving door I didn't say anything and just stared at the wall like I've been doing I heard the door open and shut making me sigh and cry I just knew nothing good was coming out of this.

"Take it off" he said kicking me in the side with his heavy ass boots I groaned clutching my side

"Bitch hurry up" he yelled grabbing my hair I don't understand him he wants me to do something but is hurting me in the process not to mention I'm still sore from yesterday beatings.

He pulled me up by my hair pulling me against the wall taking off my jumpsuit I felt so nasty I still had blood on and in me and here he is trying to have sex with me tears slid down my face as he took of my clothes and pulled himself out stroking himself I closed my eyes crying harder I felt him shove himself inside of me making me cry harder

"Bitch shut up and take it" he yelled punching me in the eye I let him do what he did zoning out

"A'Morie How the fuck you pee on yourself" My stepdad yelled taking his belt off

"Cause I couldn't hold it no more" I said smartly

"Bitch so you pee in the bed" he said hitting me across the back with his belt I screamed crying from the belt going across my back

"Go getcho smart mouth ass in the shower bitch" he yelled still hitting me I heard the front door open and close seconds later my mom appeared in my room looking high as hell

"Baby what's going on" she asked scratching her head

"He hit me and he ain't even my daddy" I cried

"Ariana you high? Without me?"  He asked walking to her she nodded holding up some needles and a medicine bottle he rubbed his hands together licking his lips leading her out my room

"You got some more powder" I heard him ask I grabbed some clothes hurrying to get in the shower before they was done being crack heads. I got out the shower drying off my body putting on my clothes I walked back in my room to see a dark skinned man sitting on my bed

"Who you?"  I asked watching him get off my bed coming towards me I screamed yelling for my mom shit even my step dad could help they cane busting through the door with white stuff around their nose

"What's wrong" my mom asked looking at the man instead of me the one who was crying for her

"Tell her ass to shut up before I take my shit back" he said angrily my mom came up to me rubbing my back telling me it's going to be okay putting me in my bed taking my clothes off I was uncomfortable getting naked infront of two grown men so I stopped her screaming for my brother but I forgot he spent a night at a friend house. My step dad walked up to me ripping my underwear off  while my mom held my hands so I couldn't move I screamed and kicked for life trying to get free of my mother's grasps

"Shut her ass up" the man yelled taking himself out stroking himself I looked at my mom for help but she was staring at them
"Huh" ny step dad said handing her a pillow she put the pillow over my face grabbing my hands again I felt my legs open and someone come in between them

"No" I yelled into the pillow as I felt him push himself in me it hurted so bad but I didn't stop fighting and kicking

"I got something that'll shut her up" I heard my step dad say seconds later the pillow was removed from my face I screamed to the top of my lungs from the pain I was feeling as he raped me and from what he was about to do. He climbed on my bed  straddling across my he shoved his dick in my mouth bouncing up and down my mom still held my hands but her grip on them loosened as I watched her and my step dad kiss above me.
"That shit was fire we gotta do that again she so fucking tight.. here something extra" he said handing them a bigger bag of powder

"Preciate man" my step dad said taking it from him walking out my room followed by my mother and the other man I laid in  my bed not being able to move from my body being so sore but I knew I had to get up and clean my bed since I threw up on it I just couldn't find the energy in me
"Next time I ask you something you talk with your mouth" the guard  yelled punching me in my eye again I grabbed my eye crying I couldn't take this shit no more I thought I watched him leave out the room hearing the locks click I slid down the wall crying in my hands I don't know how much longer I can take this. I heard the locks again making me hurry up and wipe my face I watched as a female guard came in handing me a bucket of water a towel and some bar soap.

"Whatever you do with that water is on you" she said leaving out I sat in the corner playing out the different outcomes if I do drown myself who would all miss me nobody they can't even answer the phones or me but then again they don't know that number and I can't blame no one since I brought it on my self I thought.
I walked over to the bucket dipping my head in letting the water go in my nose mouth throat anywhere I could so I wouldn't have to take this pain anymore.

"Lee you got a visitor" someone banged on the door I  ignored them sticking my head further down until I couldn't no more

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