Epilogue Pt3

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We've been at the reception hall for almost 3 hours just having fun enjoying everyone's company. Everyone was here from Erza and I Co-workers to close friends and family. We didn't want the reception to be all sad we wanted to celebrate his life and have peace. All the kids was here running around playing while most of the adults was either dancing on the dance floor, playing cards, domino's or talking gossiping like I was.

"So tell me why me and my fling was going at it or whatever like that nasty I miss you sex type of thing all of sudden the door bust open his girl and kids looking at us..I didn't care though it felt to good to stop" Erza tapped my leg for me to get up I did sitting in my chair "she started swinging on us right I ain't no how so I started swinging back bitch tell me why the nigga she was cheating with cane up there like baby I thought I told you to get y'all shit" tae said making us laugh

"So the girl stop swinging right and then they got into it I just removed myself from the situation cause that wasn't my business" he said sipping from a imaginary cup " Told y'all bitches aint shit" he said shaking his head

"No niggas  ain't shit" Ari said

"Period" we yelled agreeing

"My turn Aight so boom I'm pregnant with yoshon right my baby daddy had a whole nother life on the side mind you I'm almost 9 months pregnant"

"How you find out?" Mori asked

"The bitch left a note on my bed so I asked him about the note trynna see what he gon say he was like nah I wrote that to see Whatchu was gon do I'm like nah nah long story short I got some dick that night and in the morning I was outta there"

"See I'm glad I don't have that type of drama" I laughed i don't know what I'll do if Erza cheat on me honestly I think I'll kill him first then ask questions I don't know yet it gotta happen.

"Mama" i heard Èriana coming over to me holding her mouth I got up seeing her lip bleeding

"What happened?" I asked walking her to the bathroom to clean it

"She ran into my foot" Èire said running over to me following me in the bathroom

"Hughh how the he'll do you run into someone foot" I asked wetting a paper towel putting it over her lips for a few seconds "Èire go get daddy"

"Where he at?"

"I don't know go look for him" I said getting irritated Èriana lip was busted up and her front tooth was hanging my baby gon be snag a tooth.

"Ma where I supposed to look I ca..

"Ja'aria" I yelled "just go find him that's all I asked I bet if it was something I didn't wantchu in you would go look for it" she mumbled something under her breath walking out the bathroom. I gave my attention back to a crying Èriana who was being over dramatic blowing her hot ass breath in my face.

"Here he come mama he was talking so I had to wait" she said busting back in the bathroom

"Go in my purse and get the band aids and Vaseline or carmax"

"I thought you said don't go in your purse no more" she asked titling her head to the side I sighed popping her on her forehead sometimes she just to smart for her own good

"Now go do what I said now!" I yelled "Huh hold this on your lip" I said handing her the wet paper towel we was gon have to pull her teeth out. I tugged on the string it was hanging on making her cry more "sorry"

"Whatchu doing to my babies girl" Erza said coming in the bathroom

"Your daughter hit your other daughter in her mouth with her foot I don't know how but you can handle it now I need a drink" I said walking out the bathroom bumping into someone chest making me fall

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