Chapter 59

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Omniscient POV

"Where is she..where's my sister" Leland yelled storming in the hospital with seam following close behind he really didn't want to be here but the way Leland was crying and talking in the car he didn't know what he was capable of he figured he'd just stay until Leland found his parents or something.

"Sir please take a seat before I call security" the receptionist said getting on the phone I pulled Leland away from the desk before he got kicked outta this place

"Aye bro chill your sister is going to be alright she's a fighter she got this" Seam said trying to comfort him the old him would've been going crazy right now along with him but He was serious when He told angel lei was dead to him he really wanted to start a family with angel.

"I can't deal with this shit" leland yelled knocking over a chair that was insight.

Mr and Mrs G pulled up to the hospital once they've received the call of lei getting in a car accident Lonyea wasted no time jumping out the car before G could fully put the car in park she rushed in the hospital going straight to the reception desk

"Hey I'm looking to see an update on Leilani Graham" she said to the receptionist tapping her nails on the desk the lady looked up Her information shaking her head Lonyea looked around the waiting room seeing G talking with Leland and Arseamian

"Excuse me Dr.G but we have a Leilani but that's not her last name"

"Oh right her last name is Esteves now can you please give me some type of update that's my daughter" she said wishing she'd hurry up

"We currently don't have an update on her or the driver but as the inf-

"I already know the routine you ain't even gotta finish" she said walking away from the desk going over by Her husband and son.

G been trying to calm down Leland since he's been here arseamian left saying he had to get his baby but whole time he didn't want to be there G was trying to stay strong for his family but he couldn't focus he was trying to calm his nerves.

"Baby they don't have nothing .. I don't know ... wha what if the baby gone or worst if they died" she cried pacing the floor she wasn't trying to think of the worst but when the officer called and told her he said the car was messed up badly so she had no choice but to think of the worst Leland seen his mother having a break down and went to comfort her followed by g they wrapped their arms around each other comforting each other but it felt like something was missing.

"Oh shit babe we forgot laiah at the house" Lonyea yelled palming her face

"No you forgot I wasn't even home" he said grabbing his keys to get laiah he didn't really want to bring her up her because it was to much going on but they had no other choice he speed walked to his car which was still sitting in the emergency entrance getting in speeding towards their house.

Back in the hospital Leland pulled his mom into a seat assuring her everything will be okay he was trying to convince her and himself. It was really eating him alive because him and lei is just now getting back on good terms and lord forbids but if she dies the only thing he remember is him putting his hands on her.

Lonyea put her head in her hands she couldn't deal with this Leilani was her baby all her kids are her babies but lei was special she had her around the time her sister past and lei helped her so much with the grief and things Lei was her gift from God and she knows this because she was about 8 months pregnant ready to pop and she was about to end her life and her baby life cause she couldn't handle being a mom , a student and a wife she just got the news about her sister 2 days ago and she had a strong urge to give up and be with her sister but lei had other plans just when she was in the tub about to pop a lot of muscle relaxers and pain pills her water broke but she didn't t know cause she was In Water  but she felt the urge to push and when she looked down lei was in her bloody water just looking around with her big ole eyes still til this day if she wouldn't have went through it she wouldn't believe it she smiled thinking about it. She had faith in her child atleast she's trying to
"Laiah hurry the fuck up and get my fucking house clean mayne I should beat yo ass" G yelled when he got home to get laiah she had the music blasting through the house food everywhere all over the couches make up all over her face this little girl just was in everything that she wasn't supposed to be in.

"You hit me I'm telling my momma" laiah mumbled she knew her dad didn't have to heart to hit her so she wasn't tripping as for her mess he better call the cleaning company cause she was tired she sat in her room playing on her tablet she heard footsteps and got up acting like she was straightening up her dresser

"You really trying me right now .. your mess not in here now go clean up before I really beat your ass laiah I'm not playing im already going through enough" he vented laiah stood there with her arms crossed looking at him she was daddy's baby so he couldn't do to much G watched as she looked at him he sighed taking off his belt he didn't have the heart to whoop laiah especially in the mindset he's in now but she really asking for one. Laiah seen the belt come off and took off running down the steps to clean her mess she already pushed him enough she didn't want to chance it g went down stairs walking up to laiah popping her on her forehead making her cry

"Whatchu Do That for" she cried rubbing her forehead she felt so betrayed by him

"You don't fucking listen clean my house and hurry up" he yelled laiah stood there still crying

"NOW!" He yelled scaring Laiah she hurried picking up her mess while g watched her he tapped his leg growing impatient he needed to be there for his wife at the hospital

"Come on laiah" he yelled walking out the door getting in his car followed by laiah he started the car going back to the hospital
Lonyea watched the door waiting for her husband to come back through the door she played different scenarios in her head waiting for them

"The family of Leilani and Erza Esteves?" The doctor yelled in the waiting room Leland and Lonyea got up rushing to the doctor waiting for him to talk. Leland tried to read the doctor face but it just was blank

"Were sorry to inform you that we couldn't do anything to save both victims" Lonyea cried shaking her head while Leland walked away with tears in his eyes" when they came in they was banged up badly we're sorry"

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