Chaper 65

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Lani POV

" Ms.Esteves May I have a word with you really quick" Erza Doctor asked as I was approaching Erza door I nodded following him into his office I took a seat in the chair across from his desk

" I have Good news and Bad news which would you like to hear first?"

"The bad news let's just get it over with" he nodded pulling out a folder he pulled out an X-ray

"The bad news is that while Erza was sleeping almost everything in his body healed except his left lower rib as you can see it's looks like his spine is pushed into that rib"

"What does that mean?"

"It means he would have to do surgery to correct the problem

"I don't know he don't really like that surgery stuff he believes in natural remedies is there another way?

"Unfortunately it's not this is mandatory for him"

"Okay how soon can we do it? What's the good news?"

"We can do it as soon as the next hour or two since he doesn't eat or drink anything and the good news it his hand and majority of his ribs did heal fast he must have a miracle body or something and he is awake but very drowsy maybe you can go talk to him and fully wake him up?" I nodded getting ready to leave out the office

"Oh yeah and Ms.Esteves you might want to cover that big ole hickey on your neck" he said putting extra emphasis on my last name I pulled out my phone turning it to the camera I look a video of my neck and sure enough it was a big hickey on my neck I groaned walking out the office. As I approached his door I started to get super nervous my palms started to sweat and I was getting light headed I knew this was guilt eating me alive.

"Hey baby" I said opening his door seeing him sitting up a little his eyes was low almost like he was going back to sleep he turned his head away from the tv smiling at me I pulled my shirt up some feeling like he was staring at my neck

"Wassup I was looking for ya" he said smiling I walked all the way in the room smiling at him I've missed him so much man I walked towards him studying his face when I walked closer sitting on the bed his smile dropped and eyes opened wider I just knew I was busted this man knows me so well

"What happened to yo neck" he asked reaching up moving the shirt exposing my hickey

"Um I ..I  ran into My ...Ex" I said nervously playing with my fingers looking down at them " we ..kissed and and he ...

"He did what?"

"...this" I said pointing to my neck " but I pushed him off me before things could go further" I hurriedly said he just nodded his head turning his attention back to the tv

"Baby I'm sorry it was just in the mist of the moment ... I hadn't been touch in weeks and...

"Say less Lei'Lani no need to explain"

"So now I'm Lei'Lani?" I cried all while we've been friends he has never called me by my full first name so him calling me Lei'Lani really hurts my feelings

"Ain't that's your name?" I nodded looking at him as my tears went down my face

"Okay then is there anything else you want to tell me?" I shook my head

"You sure?"

"Um yeah .. you're going to hate me for this but you have to get surgery" he started shaking his head " baby you have to your spine is in your rib that's very dangerous I don't care what you say you're getting it matter fact they about to come take you right now" I said getting off the bed once I heard the knock on the door I opened the door for the doctor and the nurse

"You know I don't like this shit" he complained

"Baby it's for you I promise I'm here every step of the way I'll be right here when you're done okay? Now come on so we can pray" I said walking to his bed touching his hands

"Lord, You have soothed us, saying "do not worry about tomorrow". Thank you that you pour out your spirit upon us a new each day.
Thank you that your grace is sufficient for us within each moment that we live.

So I pray for my husband  that he would know your peace in his hearts.
A peace that surpasses all understanding.
A peace that guards his hearts and minds.
A peace that he receive from Christ himself."

"How you gon pray after you just committed adultery?" I heard him mumble with his slick mouth ass I just kept going like I didn't hear him

"Lord, as he undergo this surgery, come and be present, watching, waiting, moving to help and guard every moment during this procedure. May they be held in your loving arms and protected from all harm including me In Jesus name, Amen."

"Well okay then let's get this show on the road shall we?" He said looking at us " are plan is to put metal brackets in his spine to hold it up and straighten it this could be a 3-4 hour process depending on how his body does

"My body gon do great"

"I know it is nurse you can get the anesthesia going while we prep the room quickly I'll be back in five" I nodded watching the nurse put a mask over Erza face her breast was all up in his face and he was just a smiling liking the view with his crippled ass.

"Baby I love you so much I just wanna tell you if I don't make it tell my daughter about me matter fact Lemme feel my baby" he said sleepily I swear if I've known this stuff works that fast I would've used it for myself I walked over to him putting his hand on my stomach as usual Èire'asiajah started kicking like there was no tomorrow

"Daddy love you baby okay if I make it out I'm taking you to Disney world and a shopping spree on god" he laughed I kissed his forehead but he wiped it off making me smack my lips

"Did you not just kiss yo ex" he asked

"I thought we got over that" I said with an attitude

"I ain't tripping off it as long as you didn't fuck him but you ain't clean yo mouth so don't kiss me" I laughed uneasily if only he knew I watched as the doctor came back in

"Alrighty let's get this show on the road" he said rolling Erza out the room with the help of other people I sighed sitting on the couch I can't believe I just lied to my best friend yet along my husband I thought I know I have to tell him soon I'd rather tell him then he find out somewhere else but it was only us in there he would tell would he?

"Ughhh" I yelled this is all to much I hate that I lied to him but this isn't the right time to tell him but then again no time is the right time but then again what if he leaves and I honestly love him like love love but then again his family did try to kill me but he didn't do it besides he do makes me happy and we thrive off each other we learn from each other. He's teaching me how to not use my hands and say hurtful words just to feel up one like I had to do with seam while I'm teaching him to actually talk about it and not turn to weed for all his problems and to actually lean on me when he need help I'm actually in love with him when I see him I see our future and our future kids

But when I see Arseamian I see nothing but hurt and disrespect when I seen him in that elevator I seen nothing but anger I just couldn't stop thinking about how he didn't want our child that we made together even went as far to say he'll kill me and make angel the mother that's where He had me fucked up at don't get me wrong I have nothing against angel trust I don't but if it comes to it Erza or ari would get Èire'asiajah before them. Looking back on my relationship with seam I've realized he showed me fake love... he would do the sweetest things say the sweetest things every blue moon or when he did something never just because not to mention he puts his hands on me what type of woman would I be if I tolerate him doing that I used to make excuses for him saying he's bipolar or just have anger issues from his past but that's still not an excuse to put your hands on someone I've also noticed that he's very confusing he'll say something hurtful but try to throw his dick to fix everything and I don't wanna be with someone who thinks sex solve problems cause it don't. 

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