Chapter 64

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Seam POV hour early

I rushed out of the locker room getting into my car speeding off to the hospital, while i was in pratice coach called me over telling me my sister was in the hospital cause she was violently raped and drugged in her cell I did 90 rushing to the hospital jumping on the freeway. Mori was doing so good holding her own in jail she literally had a few hours left, she was getting released today at 6 i was suppose to go pick her up.

"I'm looking for A'Morie Lee?" I asked running to the front desk today

"Family only at the moment" she said popping her gum

"I'm her brother now can you please"

"She's on the 6th floor I don't know the exact room someone will appoint you to it" I nodded walking to the elevators I got into the elevator pressing the 6th floor I called my auntie while I waited she answered on the first ring

"What" she groaned

"T what is you doing why you sound like that"

"Grown folks business Whatchu want boy" she moaned

"Mori in the hospital she was raped in here now" I said walking out the elevator looking for the desk

"Alright" she moaned hanging up in my face

"Well damn" I said putting my phone in my pocket approaching the desk.

"Excuse me can you tell me what room A'Morie Lee in"

"I can't release that information sir"

"I'm her brother"

" I understand that but she is still under jail supervision so you would have to ask the officer who brought her in"

"Why would I fucking do that? That's my fucking sister y'all can't fucking do that"

"Sir please i can't really do anything you'll...

"Naw fuck that that's my fucking sister her room she's in Huh? Fuck it I'll find it myself" I said walking away from the desk I'm gon find my sister room the fuck. I walked up and down the hallway knocking on all the doors damn near

"....y'all wasn't watching fuck I'm paying y'all for? Tyler said kill her not keep her alive can't do shit right" I heard yelling I looked for the voice seeing a fat white officer talking to a man in a suit we held eye contact as I walked towards them I was curious as to who they had to kill but I played it dumb.

"Excuse me" I said walking to the door the man in the suit put his hand up to stop me I looked down at his hand moving it stepping in the room

"Sir you can't go in there" he yelled I saw my sister laying there with all types of shit hooked up to her, her face was swollen almost unrecognizable her head was wrapped with blood spots on it she just looked all types of fucked up.

"What happened to my fucking sister" I yelled turning to them I was really pissed why the fuck wasn't no one watching her or something

"Sir I need you to leave"

"No this my family fuck you thought this was" I yelled getting on my phone calling my auntie pacing the floor.

"What floor she's on" she hurriedly said

"6th auntie please hurry I'm bouta lose it" I said looking at them

"On the elevator now I got everyone with me angel said she'll meet us here"

"Bet" I said hanging up I sat on the couch in her room I wasn't leaving her side until someone else got here.

"Sir I understand that's your sister but she's still in our custody"

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