Chapter 16

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" I think we should go shopping... I don't have nothing to wear" I said

"Looks who in a better mood" my mom said I nodded smiling

" that's because she talked to BIIIGGGGG SEEEAAAMMM ... got that ass right" Mori yelled in my ear

"Damn bitch could you not...... can we go to the strip real quick" I said rubbing my ear they nodded they heads as I went upstairs to get my purse and phone.


" I think this one would be cute on you" Mori said holding up a bright red dress that was revealing a lil too much for me. I shook my head continuing looking through the racks at forever 21 we've been here for almost 30 mins and nothing is catching my eye.

"Mama can I get these" Laiah asked holding up a matching lingerie set my mom looked at me as I busted out laughing showing Mori.

"Look at what laiah want" I said in tears Mori busted out laughing while my mom told her to go put it back.

"But I want it.... can I ask my daddy?" I looked at her this little girl bold trynna ask him, I stood there waiting for him to answer the FaceTime call on my mom phone.

"Wassup baby I miss you" he said

"We miss you too dad" me and laiah said

"Wasn't talking to ya- wait why my baby holding up some fucking lingerie? Lonyea I would beat yo-"
"Hush I told her no already and she called to ask you"

"Can laiah get a mother fucking hell no" my dad said sounding like the state farm commercial when he asked for a hot tub.

"Told you now go put it back you throw a fit I'm going to kick your ass" my mom said

" alright baby let me help your daughter find something I'll call you before we leave okay"

" I love you chocolate"

" I love you Carmel" they said before my mom hung up, they are so cute 😭.

"I found the right one bitchhhhh" mori yelled holding up a black dress with a slit down the middle.

"Watch your mouth lil girl" Ms. T said mori rolled her eyes before speaking again

"All the niggas gon be on you tonight" mori said smiling hard I just gave her a tight lip smile looking at my phone.

I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked up and around I did not see anyone, but a funny feeling was at the pit of my stomach I tried to shrug it off, but I couldn't shake the feeling.

" Lei you need these shoes" my mom said snapping me out my thoughts I nodded ready to get out of this store and back home.

"Can we leave my phone died" I said not wanting to be here any longer.

They grabbed they last items while I checked out my items. They were taking too long so I walked to Auntie Annie's getting me some sugar pretzels and a blue lemonade.

"Thank you" I said to the cashier as he handed me my bag, I went to sit at a nearby table taking in my surroundings before getting on my phone.

"Excuse me beautiful is this seat taken?" The man said sitting down anyway 🙄 why would you ask but still do it before I respond. I gave him a tight lip smile not really wanting to be bothered.

Ezzy would like to FaceTime......

" excuse me my friend is calling" I looked around still not seeing my mom nem

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