Final Epilogue

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Omniscient POV

"Wait tray go back I can't just leave them like that" Leland said second guessing his thought. He didn't want to just up and leave his babies and they think the worst.

"Bro we already at the landing you not about to waste my gas like that get out" tray yelled at him for tray to have money he always find the cheap route in things except when I came to clothes then he'll go all out.

"I can't just leave them bro" Leland said leaning back in his seat

"Dude then you getting comfortable he'll no get out..Yeah"he said answering his ringing phone "Nah he not tryna get out talk to bro he wasting my gas" he laughed passing Leland the phone. Leland put it up to his ear hearing his father voice

"Leland! Get on the plane now! Dylan is enroute their with Tyler!" G yelled "Right now is not the time to be thinking about yo family getcho ass on the plane before I don't have a son no more NOW!" He yelled. G alWays tried to keep his kids shielded to certain things because of the effect they might have on them. G just wanted his kids to live the life he had planned out for them but as always god through in twist and turns

"Aight pops I hear you" Leland said hanging up the phone tossing it in tray lap before getting out the car heading to the plane. He took his seat by the window looking out the window thinking about his family. His daughter now had no biological parents in her life he was praying that Mori took care of her and not out her in the system. On the plane ride he reminisced on all the memories they shared as a family.

Arseamian was in Aj room putting him in bed. He don't know what was going through his mind at this point. In a way he feels like shit. The only girl that he ever loved is genuinely happily married. He just honestly want to be happy with someone but it seems like all the people that is made for him is either not attracted to him or he burnt them bridges . He's tried shooting his shot with Miah but after the last time they messed around she strictly told him they was co-parenting.

"Aye pops?" Aj said he wanted to know how he knew Ms.E fine ass. Aj had a crush on her he'll all the kids in the school had a crush on her.

"Wassup" seam answered

"How you know Ms.E?"

"Whew" he said laying back on his bed "we go way back that was my first love something you dont know about but she was the best girlfriend I ever had but I messed up" he said shaking his head

"How you mess up with Ms.E she so fine"

"Long story short I cheated on her with your mother but ms.e and I was more so on the down low like we knew we was each others but I still did my own thing if that makes sense" he vented

Miah stood at the door listening to Arseamian gawk over how lei was his first love and that she basically ruined their relationship. Here she thought playing it tough like she didn't want him would fix their situation and bring them together but I guess not. She thought shaking her head she tucked the pregnancy test that read positive in her pajama pants pocket walking back to her room. She grabbed her phone off the night stand going into the bathroom with tears following down her eyes.

"Thank you for calling planned parenthood on water street what can I do for you"

"Um hi I'll like to plan a in clinic abortion for tomorrow?" She asked rubbing some water on her eyes
Ari, Mori, Tae, Erza, juju and Stunna was all sitting in the front room of lei house playing Truth or Dare drinking game. Everyone was off their ass already from the pre-shots they took before playing the game. All the kids was sleep, Èire, Èriana and Layia was sleep in Laiah room while yoshon slept in Ej room. They tried to sleep in erion room but lei wanted to leave his room exactly how he left it and she was afraid they mess it up.

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