29. Storms

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"Listen to me kabir. Loud and clear. He's just my best friend."

"Sure. aisha. Whatever you say."

"Why are you behaving like this? You have always trusted me before"

"And I still fucking do but it's just that...it's just that I don't trust your "best friend" at all!"

Hearing that, aisha took a rough breath of air and shut her eyes and said, "Baby, just think about this! It's a great way for you to get to know him. You can get comfortable around him and then you will never doubt him too. Please. Come for me na?"

"I need time to think aisha. I can't just process everything at once"

"Four months weren't enough for you to process?"

"I am so sorry aisha but when you left for four months, I didn't think I would need to process anything at all, so don't taunt me about this! If I haven't ever acted out like this, there probably is a reason now. Thought about that? Or were you too busy thinking all i can ever be is wrong?"

"kabir, I don't want to fight. I just met you yesterday and since vihaan's call, all we have been doing is arguing. Please. Just stop."

kabir raised his hands in surrender and left the room almost immediately after. Of course he felt insecure. Wasn't it natural anyway? Vihaan was her ex boyfriend and he, her present.

Aisha thought of leaving him alone for a while to clear his head out. She remembered that vihaan had called her to inform her about a small party.


"Hey vihaan!"

"Hey Aisha! I know you must be with kabir but this was important too."

"Haan Bol. Kya hua?"

"There is a party which Ziya is organising just for the completion of the movie. It's just going to be a few people. It's at the hotel we are staying at, kal at 8."

Aisha remembered flicking her eyes at kabir, licking her lips and swallowing when she continued, " umm...is it okay if I get kabir if he's free?"

"Uh, yeah I guess. Um....sure!"


After two hours, kabir walked back into their room and sat in the bed and looked at aisha and said, "I'll come. Just for a bit though.  My team-mates will kill me otherwise."

aisha jumped on him and kissed his cheek. He lightly smiled, but the storm was yet to come.


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