Please... PLEASE work

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Third Person's POV~

"We-we got it!" A winded Toby stumbled in, soon followed by Arrrgh, who held a leather sack filled with the quartz and sapphire needed for the tracing spell.

"Excellent!" Blinky exclaimed, snatching the bag from Arrrgh and scurrying back to the stone table.

The table had been cleared of all books and knick-knacks to make room for the spell, Blinky took the leather sack and dumped the contents on the table. White jagged quartz fragments spilled out, the sapphires were more clear cut and they shimmered as they settled on the stone table. Draal watched the stones shine in the low light of the lanterns, they reminded him of Sonya's eyes, two shinning orbs that seemed to be endless. Draal looked down and closed his eyes, an image of Sonya's face flashed across his mind. Her strong muzzle, green--no emerald eyes, her white fangs shining as her lips pulled into a grin, her ears perking forward. Draal's eyes snapped open, and he gasped softly. Sonya . . . please be strong, we're coming for you. He begged in his mind.

Blinky began arranging the sapphires in a ring, and then the quartz in a second ring around the sapphire's, Blinky then put the bloody shirt in the center of the two rings, he opened the book again to the tracking spell and began speaking in a clear voice in ancient language that wasn't Loboan, nor Troll.

"Wabio! Tracka! Tertra! Sonyalanda!" he shouted in a strong voice.

There was a deathly strong silence that followed, and the shirt made no movement, or change. Draal leaned over it before he snorted, "Why isn't it working?" he demanded, growling.

Blinky began panicking a little bit, "I do not know, perhaps I said the spell incorrectly?" he looked at the book again his six eyes wide.

Draal sighed and turned back to the formation on the desk, "Please . . . Please work." He bowed his head, "She means so much to me . . . take us to her, please. . ." he begged, his hands curling into fists.

Suddenly, the rocks began glowing, Draal blinked the looked at it, "Deya's Grace . . ." he backed up a little bit as the shirt began glowing a soft green color.

"Oh, my Gorkus, it's working!" Blinky exclaimed, "Haha!"

Suddenly, the bloodied garment lifted into the air, making a soft humming noise before it began zipping around the room, like some humming bird, before it zoomed out of the library.

"Oh, hurry, hurry!" Toby mounted up on Arrrgh's back, grabbing his Warhammer, "C'mon!"

Draal gasped before he grabbed his ask, "Toby is correct, with speed friends!" and with a surge of bravery, determination and strength, he ran out of the library with the others in toe.

Hold on, Sonya! Draal thought, We're coming for you! I'm coming for you!

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