(Chapter Four- A New Style For Blue )

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'Chip can be seen sitting on the floor of Blue, Diamond's throne room absently scanning the walls, a bored expression on his face'

Chip: "When I was told I was going to homeworld, I never thought it would be so...boring" 'Chip says with a growl as he stands up'

'Chip starts walking the length of the large room, clearly agitated in some way, his eyes flickering slightly'

'The sound of the large door opening catches his attention, Chip turns around only to go wide eye'd'

'In the doorway is a massive black smoke like shadow, the shadow begins to float over to Chip, the area around it turning a black and white color while the sound of static rings through the air'

'Chip attempts to move only for the sound of his joints locking in place to sound out'

'As the shadow gets closer more features appear on it, first it was a torso, then the arms and legs, it had to be as tall as Blue or Yellow at the least'

'Then came its face, a dark tormented grin plastered across it, a white glow in its mouth and eyes'

'The moment the shadow reaches Chip his eyes flicker before he falls to the ground limp'

'However, that is not what happened in reality'

B.P: "Is he allright?" 'B.P asks standing on Blue Diamond's shoudler'

'Indeed Blue diamond has Chip resting in her hands, a worried look on her face as she watches Chip's eyes flash from blue to red rapidly'

'Chip's eyes suddenly burst into a red Diamond shape as his right arm turns into a massive energy cannon before it fires off blasting part of Blue's hair apart before exploding on the wall cracking it'

Blue: "Child Its allright..." 'Blue says softly pinning Chips arms down with her thumbs as Chip shakes his head, his red Diamond eyes slowly turning back to blue'

'Chip's eyes widen noticing the damage he had caused, he looks at his arm instantly turning it back to normal'

'Blue let's go of Chip's arms letting him sit up,he quickly looks up to Blue, his eyes a neon purple color as he notices the cut on Blue's cheek'

Chip: "I-Im sorry...." 'Chip says looking down shakily'

Blue: "What is it that frightened you so much? I thought when you rest it was supposed to be peaceful?" 'Blue asks much more concerned for Chip than she is about the damage she had taken'

'Chip stops, his eyes widening as he places a hand on his head, he looks around quickly hearing static before it vanishes leaving him rather on edge'

Chip: "I think.....it was just a nightmare, dont worry about it" 'Chip says sighing in relief'

Blue: "What is a...."nightmare" 'Blue asks curiously tilting her head'

Chip: "They're.....like a dream....only worse.....much worse, they tend to mess with me pretty bad sometimes" 'Chip says shivering slightly'

'A more serious look crosses Blue's face as she notices the scared behavior Chip is exhibiting'

Blue: "Then I guess we shall just have to do somthing to take your mind off of it" 'Blue says in a surprisingly serious voice causing Chip to back up slightly'

Chip: "Wait a moment, are you allright?" 'Chip asks cautiously causing Blue to tilt her head'

Blue: "Oh...yes, I believe so, your outburst took my by surprise Is all, I suppose Metamorin Weaponry has advanced enough to permanently damage a gem....even a Diamond" 'Blue says causing Chip to look down in shame'

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