(Chapter Six-The United Nations Of Earth)

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'It is the early morning of the next day, the surprise party was a success despite Jasper having shown up to the scene'

'At the moment Chip and Aurora are playing a game of monopoly with Ruby and Sapphire'

'Much to the disdain of the other three players, Chip is currently in the lead having managed to nearly cause all three of them to become bankrupt'

Sapphire: "This is....so unfair!" 'Sapphire says in a mixture of astonishment and annoyance'

Ruby: "You cant use your future vision?" 'Ruby asks curiously'

Sapphire: "No! I cant use my future vision because our son, is a space time anomaly! While he can calculate our next move!" 'Sapphire says earning an amused chuckle from Chip'

Aurora: "You've been calculating our next moves this WHOLE TIME?" 'Aurora asks with wide eye'd, a tone of anger in her voice'

Chip: "Maybe I have. I'm just using my own abilities to my advantage!" 'Chip states earning an annoyed growl from Aurora, her hair and eyes turning orange'

Ruby: "I didnt raise a Cheater!" 'Ruby states in mock anger'

Chip: "Its not cheating. Its strategy!" 'Chip says earning a light smack to the back of his head from Aurora'

Aurora: "Why did I agree to play this game..."

Chip: "Because you were bored" 'Chip says with an innocent smile causing Aurora to sigh to herself in defeat'

'The group is cut off by a storm of wind blowing in through the open window, causing the board to fly across the room which in turn causes Chip's eyes to go black'

'As Chip sits in silence Sapphire and Ruby sit stifling their laughter, Aurora doing the same manages to place a hand on Chip's shoulder'

Aurora: "Are you alright?" 'Aurora asks Chuckling lightly'

Chip: "Somebody is gonna die tonight" 'Chip says darkly narrowing his eyes as the wind calms down'

Aurora: "Noooo" 'Aurora says clearly amused as she presses her forehead against his as Ruby and Sapphire re-fuse into Garnet'

Garnet: "I'll go see what's going on out there" 'Garnet says with a chuckle as she walks outside'

'Chip blinks a few times before his eyes turn back on, his diamond shaped eyes glowing neon green'

Aurora: "Well you've certainly been in a good mood as of late" 'Aurora says crossing her arms'

Chip: "Why wouldnt I be? Things are finally looking up" 'Chip says enthusiastically'

Aurora: "Uh-huh, but that's not the only reason right?" 'Aurora asks softly, a light smirk visible on her face'

'A brief look of confusion crosses Chip's face before his eyes go black once more, a blue blush crossing his face as he stands up'

Chip: "Y'know I think imma go outside and see whatsup!" 'Chip says quickly walking outside, leaving Aurora to chuckle to herself'

'Chip curiously walks outside, half expecting to see some sort of space ship having landed on the beach'

'It was in fact. NOT a space ship, it was a helicopter, that is currently powering down'

Chip: "What is going on?" 'Chip asks Garnet, a look of curiosity on his face'

Garnet: "I'm not quite sure, but somthing tells me its important" 'Garnet says curiously watching a group of people exit the helicopter all of them wearing black tuxedos'

'Out of the helicopter steps a woman wearing a formal dress, she almost immediately looks towards Chip and Garnet, a slightly nervous look crossing her face'

'Hesitantly the woman walks over, Garnet stepping infront of Chip cautiously'

Garnet: "can I help you?" 'Garnet asks calmly, maintaining her stoic attitude'

???: "Y-Yes ma'am I'm looking for the person who owns......that" 'The woman says nervously gesturing to the Eclipse as it sits out of the Beach's drop off'

Chip: "That would be me...." 'Chip says cautiously walking out from behind Garnet, walking stick in hand causing the woman to relax slightly'

Caroline: "My name is Caroline, my last name is not important. however what IS important is that I have come to speak to you personally on behalf of the united nations of Earth" 'The woman says crossing her arms behind her back'

Chip: "About what...exactly" 'Chip asks coldly, causing his eyes to turn a neon orange color'

Caroline: "W-Well, as I'm sure you are aware. Earth has been at peace for quite some time. however that was until all the recent....extraterrestrial activity that has been taking place over the past year" 'Caroline says looking between Garnet and Chip'

Chip: "Yeah I'm aware, considering I myself am not human. neither is my family. well Steven is half human I guess" 'Chip says starting off annoyed only to go quiet in thought'

Caroline: "Y-Yes I am aware. anyway the reason I was sent here is to offer you a very important opportunity" 'Caroline says catching both garnet and Chip's attention'

Chip: "Alright, what would that be?" 'Chip asks curiously his eyes turning a turquoise color'

'For a moment Caroline scrolls through her phone looking through her notes, fixing the pair of glasses she has on her face to read the text'

Caroline: "Ah! here it is. the official message that was to be delivered to you is as such. "The United Nations Of Earth have decided that due to the recent level of dangerous activity revolving around our solar system. that if we are to maintain the security of Those who dwell on Earth we must put our resources towards joining the Galactic political climate" 

Caroline: "We ask that you aid us in the development and deployment of our first intergalactic fleet of space worthy vehicles and stations!" 'Caroline says finishing the message causing a look of surprise to grow on both Chip's and Garnet's face'

*To Be Continued* 

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