Chapter 49

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It's an hour or two later, and I'm getting into my armor again. It feels heavy, and somewhere nearby Jestro fiddles with his staff at the door. I put on my helmet and grab my scythe.

"Hello?" I test the com.

"Getting back into the swing of things?" Comes  Lance from the speaker.

"Yup!" I say, heading to the door to stand with Jestro. 

My heart is pounding; I'm a little excited, actually. My first real battle since I was first taken hostage. As I near Jestro, I see him scanning the map we drew of the fortress. He looks at the center of the map in emotional agony. He must be looking at the drawing of the room. I put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Hey," I say gently. "It'll be fine, don't worry." In response, he whimpers. 

"I dunno, I don't think it will go well. We are fighting my old boss,"

"Is that what you call him?"

"Saying Monstrux feels weird." He sighs. "I wish I'd known sooner."

"I didn't know for a long time either," I lie. In reality, I've known for a week. That's a dangerously long time for our case.



"Did he tell you?"

"No," I lie again. "I sort of figured it out."

Half an hour ago, Jestro and I had walked into the room, where everyone was still arguing and presented our hand-drawn map of the Fortress. They were a bit skeptical at first. They thought maybe Jestro had switched himself out for Clay. I know that isn't true; I remember when Merlock scanned him for evil. But apparently, no one else seemed to remember that, because we all ended up fighting again. Even I threw a couple of shots. Eventually, I got them to agree with the plan. 

"Sianna, you and Jestro can go ahead, we'll meet up at the back entrance," Macy says through the com.

"On it," I say, opening the door outside. We're greeted with a wave of heat, and I take off my helmet so I don't pass out. I walk outside and feel the solid, hard ground under my shoes. 

It was so lifeless compared to the rest of Knighton.

"How can you withstand the heat in your armor?" Jestro asks as we start walking. "I can't bear it!" I laugh.

"I'm not sure, I guess you get used to it," I reply when a thought crosses through my head.

Every lava monster that Monstrux has ever created will be in the room. With a podium suspended above a bit of lava. It's going to be the most fire-filled mission yet.

And it's not like my pyrophobia is gone.

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